Author Topic: 19 years old. looking to get insurance through a job or alone  (Read 2052 times)

Offline gyno_guy2008

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i am willing to apply to a job just for the insurance coverage

or get insurance

which insurance covers gynecomastia?

im 19 living on a part time job going to school

any help will help :) :)

Offline Twin Peaks

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Yea, good luck getting any to cover the surgery. I've only heard of a handful of people getting them to cover it and they had to basically beg and plead to get any kind of coverage.

Offline Dave_8

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Yeah, it's better just to get a job, and save money from that job, to get a job you want done. There are no shortcuts, ok maybe a few. But just like twin peaks said, you would have to basically beg, sorta speak or be really lucky.
If you have gyne, dont expect not be laughed at.

Just like if you walk into a locker room, you're gonna see some hairy asses and dicks.

Unfortunately for me, both have occured in my life way too many times.

Offline captklenk

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Anthem Blue Cross covered my surgery cost. Yes, it was a long ordeal getting approved, but worth the effort. It was an excision only procedure with no lipo required.

Offline CAVA

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Well I Also got Blue cross N shield..i Called them up and this is what they send me..this are their conditions..

When Mastectomy for Gynecomastia is covered
Mastectomy for the condition of gynecomastia is covered when ALL of the following conditions are met:

1. Male is over 18 years of age (Male gynecomastia is not uncommon in adolescent males, and generally
resolves without treatment.) or male is over 17 years of age with significant breast tissue present for
over two years AND
2. Excess breast tissue is glandular and not fatty tissue. (This is confirmed by clinical exam, mammogram
and/or tissue pathology.) AND
3. Other causes of gynecomastia have been ruled out, including reversible drug treatments (When drugs
can be discontinued). AND
4. Excessive breast development is not due to non-covered therapies or illicit drugs, e.g., anabolic steroids
or marijuana AND
5. If gynecomastia is caused by obesity (BMI>30), it is documented to have failed to respond to conservative
measures which must include participation in a clinically supervised, comprehensive weight loss
and exercise program for at least 6 months, AND
6. The patient has documented and significant medical symptoms not resolved by more conservative treatments.
When Mastectomy for Gynecomastia is Not covered
Mastectomy for gynecomastia is not covered when the criteria listed above are not met.

Well they told me i just have to prove that i really need the surgery..and they'll cover it 100% just $40 copay..ama start Begging..until i get the money..until then i got nuthing to lose..if not i hope to have the money by May/June..this is all im working for..too bad i have to pay rent/insurance/cellphone..and a bunch of bills..but as of now..all im saving is for my surgery..Im gonna tell them im thinking of commiting suicide...{it has crossed my mind in the past..but i got over that..but ama tell them ama do it..that i have no social life cuz of it..if i have to go to a psychology i will..and anything possible..if still they dont..ill be saving as a backup  ;D
« Last Edit: December 22, 2008, 02:44:26 PM by CAVA »

Offline captklenk

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Well they told me i just have to prove that i really need the surgery..and they'll cover it 100% just $40 copay..ama start Begging..until i get the money..until then i got nuthing to lose..if not i hope to have the money by May/June..this is all im working for..too bad i have to pay rent/insurance/cellphone..and a bunch of bills..but as of now..all im saving is for my surgery..Im gonna tell them im thinking of commiting suicide...{it has crossed my mind in the past..but i got over that..but ama tell them ama do it..that i have no social life cuz of it..if i have to go to a psychology i will..and anything possible..if still they dont..ill be saving as a backup  ;D

I was approved and I did not need to make up any stories. I simply stated the truth, which included the fact that physical pain was present.

Offline Paa_Paw

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Your problem may well be that even if you do get an insurance plan that will give you coverage, you have a pre-existing condition which may not be covered for a couple of years or even more. If you were to add up the cost of coverage for that length of time you might find that it would actually be cheaper in the long run to simply save up your coins and get the surgery on your own.

Few, if any, insurance companies will cover a pre-existing condition without a significant waiting period.
Grandpa Dan


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