Author Topic: 2 months post op  (Read 2791 times)


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Hi exactly 2 months ago I had lipo for excessive fat in my chest. It wasn't too bad to begin with except my chest was really really soft and jiggly lol. So I saw a plastic surgeon, board certified and all that. He said it was just fat and I had normal amount of glandular tissue. I could always feel the glands about 1-2 cm big. So I had the lipo done and the second day I took my vest off for a shower and everything looked great. I was amazed. Then the next day my boobs filled up like water balloons. Now all the fluid is gone but now I look like I was pre op again! The doc says my skin will tighten up but I haven't seen a change in weeks. I trust him but I need a second opinion. Things still look pointy and jiggly like before and I'm afraid that one little centimeter of gland may be a problem someday. Has anybody else had lipo only for JUST excessive fat? btw I'm 25, 5'9", 150 lbs and in healthy condition. Does this sound normal at two months?


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Hi exactly 2 months ago I had lipo for excessive fat in my chest. It wasn't too bad to begin with except my chest was really really soft and jiggly lol. So I saw a plastic surgeon, board certified and all that. He said it was just fat and I had normal amount of glandular tissue. I could always feel the glands about 1-2 cm big. So I had the lipo done and the second day I took my vest off for a shower and everything looked great. I was amazed. Then the next day my boobs filled up like water balloons. Now all the fluid is gone but now I look like I was pre op again! The doc says my skin will tighten up but I haven't seen a change in weeks. I trust him but I need a second opinion. Things still look pointy and jiggly like before and I'm afraid that one little centimeter of gland may be a problem someday. Has anybody else had lipo only for JUST excessive fat? btw I'm 25, 5'9", 150 lbs and in healthy condition. Does this sound normal at two months?

Two months can be very early after surgery with some techniques.

Posting Standard After Gynecomastia Pictures can help other better understand your concerns.

Early after surgery swelling can mask residual deformity.  How Tissues Evolve After Gynecomastia Surgery depend on many factors. Firm tissues after surgery can be residual gland, but also can just be healing tissues or scars.  Different surgical techniques injure tissues to different degrees.  The body typically needs to heal before considering revision surgery. Rushing into secondary surgery can be a mistake unless there are complications that need to be addressed or the next surgery is component of a staged procedure.  Time to tissues softening can vary depending on the original problem, what was done, after surgery care,
Scar Care, After Surgery Compression Garments, and many other factors. Options depend on the problem to be treated. Time can range from 6 months to a year but can vary depending on many issues best explored with your doctor.

I see many patients who complain of residual Puffy Nipple Gynecomastia after another doctor's surgery.  There are many possible problems causing such a deformity.  The most common is remaining gland behind the areola as seen in these Anatomy of Puffy Nipple Drawings.  Check out the images with the link for remaining gland after surgery to see what I mean. 

Liposuction is great for fat, but does not do well for gland at all.  As shown in the anatomy link, there are usually fingers of gland between fingers of fat.  Liposuction no matter what technique (sharp cutting cannula, specially designed cannula, ultrasonic, laser, or "smart") targets the fat first.  Remove the fat and the gland remains behind condensing the fingers making a firm mass.  Even if the doctor achieves a flatter chest, that firm mass does not look like fat, move like fat, or compress like fat.  It just does not move well or look good (especially on animation).  That is why few doctors will show results with chest muscles tightened or arms up over the head or movies showing the tissues in motion.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Revision Gynecomastia Chest Sculpture


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