Author Topic: 6-OXO to Battle Estrogen & Gyn  (Read 16331 times)

Offline chopemoff

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Hey everyone. Been lurking and reading these boards to gain info about this dam condition we all have!

First I'll tell you about my hormonal experiment. Then if you like, I've included a bio of my own experiences with Gyn from early age. Catharsis if you will.

I've been battling this condition since early childhood. Grade 7 or so to be exact. I'm 24 now and am bloody sick of it, and just found out about surgery, so that is my next step.

In the meantime, I am going to try a cycle of 6-OXO, a product that converts estrogen into testosterone naturally.

What twigged me onto this was somebody's mention of Chrysin, a naturally occuring substance that does the same thing.

However, after doing some research, Chrysin has gone the way of the dodo and 6-OXO has been clinically proven to provide the best conversion.

User accounts (after reading about 75 of them across the web) show that gyn/puffy nips can be reduced by using 6-OXO. These accounts are mostly of bodybuilder's coming off a cycle of prohormones (steroids). However, can't hurt to give it a shot!

Will keep a before/after picture session to see if the 6-OXO works. It can be found on Ebay for as little as 25usd a bottle. (20 day cycle).


And now a little bio if anyone cares to share in what gyn has done to me over the years!

I've always been athletic, but these breasts have lingered with me since early teen-hood. I was about 20 pounds overweight thru highschool, but still played every sport and excelled at everything.

My self-confidence was high even despite the Gyn, as long as I kept my shirt on. And like everyone else, I've found all the tricks to keeping people from finding out. But there's nothing like getting a friendly titty-twister from a buddy and having him look at you in surprise/disgust when he realizes he just grabbed a big hunk of titty.

I, like many, thought that weight loss would solve this problem, and while I've reached all my fitness goals (6'3, 200lbs, very fit, hell, I've even got a fourpack!) I still look silly because I have this fit body, with puffy nips and big flappers in the front. It's like a Ferrari with a bad paintjob and rims from a '70 Cutlass Supreme.

After working out for 2 years and living a very healthy lifestyle, I also started taking something called M1T for about 5 cycles (over 1.5 years). It's a prohormone that for the first while really tightened me up and leaned my body. However, it does not convert estrogen to Test., so I think it's actually puffed me a bit more in the last cycle. So while I am now ripped, the Gyn still remains.

I am going to start choosing a surgeon this week and hopefully have surgery before summer, because I dont' want to spend another hot July day floating in the water hoping my stupid nips don't balloon after my body temp goes back up! (Like most mine are heat sensitive ;)

I can take my shirt off in certain public situations, but only after I've done some pushups or have a good pump from the gym so my muscles draw more attention than my ridiculous looking chest. lol. It's kinda funny this battle we're all fighting in a way I guess.

I've never had a problem with women, but the first time I'm making out with a girl and the shirts come off, there's always that sinking feeling of "what is she going to think of my chest". Luckily I've got enough muscle there and in the rest of my body for her to think "well, he's fit, must just be a weird thing". But I yearn for the days when my girlfriend or lover can lie in bed with me after some rockin' sex and run her hands over my chest without me feeling like she's touching a forbidden zone.

It's the simple things I think that we all crave to do.

As said in another post, it's a blessing in disguise, I'm in the best shape of my life, but still held back by this silly condition. But hopefully soon will be freed of it.

Thanks for listening, will update on the 6-OXO as it goes.

Chop 'Em!

Offline moobius

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i doubt the 6-oxo will do anything of significance... if letrozole/arimidex/exemestane don't have a good track record of clearing up gyno, then a low powered OTC supp is goign to have little effect

Offline chopemoff

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The 6-OXO didn't really do anything except act as a placebo for me to work out more, hence, leading to improved fitness.

I was already fit before the OXO, everything on my body is tight except for my chest.

Just started taking Rebound XT, noticing it is making me more vascular and tighter. Have been doing 100-200 pushups a day to add definition in chest.

Only shows when puffy nips stick out now. Will start a Rxt thread with before and afters.

Offline brm

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Hey chopemoff.
You're a bodybuilder since you used M1T. What about tamoxifen. It is the n°1 anti gyno drug on bodybuilders' sites. Did you try it? What do you think of it?

Offline Paa_Paw

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If you get all of your medical advice from body builders who are in the habit of self medicating with illegal steroids, I should live long enough to read your Obit.

By the way, I'm 68 years old.
Grandpa Dan

Offline moobius

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Hey chopemoff.
You're a bodybuilder since you used M1T. What about tamoxifen. It is the n°1 anti gyno drug on bodybuilders' sites. Did you try it? What do you think of it?

lol, anyone can use M1T but that does not make them a body builder nor does it qualify them to answer any real questions on it other than providing their personal results/observations.

do some research on tamoxifen yourself, is a great place to start. there are many potential causes for gynecomastia. in the BB community, high estrogen levels are the primary culprit and in that case tamoxifen and aromatase inhibitors are very effective for preventing the progression of gynecomastia.

however, b/c these drugs are effective in that situation does not necessarily correlate to them being an effective treatment for yourself.  for example: if ones gynecomastia were the result of hyperthyroidism, tamoxifen would be a waste of time/money... unless you know your body very very well, your best bet is to have your doctor do some blood work and maybe bounce the use of tamoxifen off of him/her as a way of opening up the conversation of possible treatments.
« Last Edit: May 04, 2006, 08:21:35 PM by moobius »

Offline moobius

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If you get all of your medical advice from body builders who are in the habit of self medicating with illegal steroids, I should live long enough to read your Obit.

By the way, I'm 68 years old.

rebound xt is hardly going to put him in the ground...

and just b/c someone self medicates does not mean they dont' know what they are doing.  granted, many an idiot will self medicate not knowing their ass from their elbow in terms of the pharmacological reasons for taking whatever it is they're taking, BUT it is asinine to assume that every person who self medicates is an idiot.

being an idiot and self medication are not mutually inclusive

Offline Hypo-is-here

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Unless someone has regular pathology, understands how to interpret such in the context of said self medication then they do not know what they are doing.

The vast majority of people who self medicate fall into this category and so are very foolish.

;) ;) ;)


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Hey chopemoff.
You're a bodybuilder since you used M1T. What about tamoxifen. It is the n°1 anti gyno drug on bodybuilders' sites. Did you try it? What do you think of it?

I used it GOT IT FROM MY DOCTOR (b4 i get jumped on!lol)

It has worked abit defo but im still left with gyne im unhappy with.

I used 40mg a day for 5 months wich i think is a large dose.

Offline moobius

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Unless someone has regular pathology, understands how to interpret such in the context of said self medication then they do not know what they are doing.

The vast majority of people who self medicate fall into this category and so are very foolish.

;) ;) ;)

i fully agree. and this applies to OTC drugs as well...
« Last Edit: May 04, 2006, 09:22:35 PM by moobius »

Offline chopemoff

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Well Paapaw, up til now I've enjoyed reading your intelligent posts. But that's ok, you can think what you want.

I'm not a bodybuilder. I'm an athletic person who likes to keep in shape. My original reason for getting fit was trying to rid myself of this godawful pubertal gyne.

I worked out for 2 years with no reduction in breast size, but did wonders for the rest of my body.

When I used M1T it was with the dosage and regimental supervision of a friend who is a personal trainer and I fully researched and understood the benefits and detriments of the drug.

The M1T did not ADD anything to my gyn, but rather made me more muscular to hide it for awhile.

I don't like using it all the time, and go thru "natural" cycles.

Like many, I'm trying every angle I can to try and offset the visible effects of gyn until I have surgery with Fieldling sometime after summer.

So thanks for your concern about me dying from 'roids, but I think I'll be fine. I know a lot about health and fitness and I take my vitamins too, not just my anti-aromatase inhibitors...


Offline chopemoff

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brm, in answer to your question about tamoxifen, I'm interested in trying it, since it could reduce my condition a bit.

I'm not sure where to obtain it, but while using M1T I just worked out a lot. Did lots of cardio, mainly thru sports, hiking, biking, beach volleyball, cyclling, running etc.

This all helped in making my body look good so that most people just shrugged off the fact that my nips kinda stuck out, they couldnt' say anything because right under them is a six-pack :)

I don't recommend supplementing with drugs like M1T unless you are fully prepared to face the potential health risks of using said drug. Also if you haven't done your homework I think any drug, Rebound XT, 6-OXO, Andractim, whatever it is, is unwise.


Offline 4tuneit1

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i have a bunch of M1-t...1-test..4test powder i bought in bulk to make topical sprays...before they banned the stuff, was planning on selling it but now its just going in the garbage.  I never tried any of it, but always heard how effective it was.  Guess its all better to get rid of it since my gyne is gone now...

Offline Hypo-is-here

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Quite frankly I am willing to have a debate regarding endocrine issues with any supposedly knowledgeable self mediator here.

Paw Paw has given some good simple honest advice and I am almost certain that those here that think they know what they are doing VERY likely have ignorance that far exceeds their level of understanding.

If you think I am wrong just pop your head up and say so and we'll run with the debate.

« Last Edit: May 05, 2006, 02:25:35 PM by Hypo-is-here »

Offline moobius

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Quite frankly I am willing to have a debate regarding endocrine issues with any supposedly knowledgeable self mediator here.

Paw Paw has given some good simple honest advice and I am almost certain that those here that think they know what they are doing VERY likely have ignorance that far exceeds their level of understanding.

If you think I am wrong just pop your head up and say so and we'll run with the debate.

if you're refering to me, then lets debate... we'll do it Mad Max style: Two men enter, one man leave :D


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