Author Topic: 6-OXO to Battle Estrogen & Gyn  (Read 16329 times)

Offline chopemoff

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As most gyne sufferers know hypo, one will reach to any length and try anything to "fix" or even temporarily fix this problem we all share.

That being said, I would never jump into anything with two feet without having thoroughly researched it first. I spent over a month reading literature and talking to guys who had used M1T before. It's something I approached with caution, and after learning about it, thought it might've helped this weight we all carry.

I also interpreted paw's "advice" not as such, but more of a sarcastic chastizing of some of the methods people might employ to perhaps lead to a better existence with this condition.

It's fair to think whatever you want of supplements, and I'm definitely not a roid head.

There is no debate, only possible forward progress which we're all trying to make.

Thankfully for me, I consult with Fielding in 9 days and have the procedure in fall. That for me, will be closure.


Offline Paa_Paw

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I will confess to sarcasm, Though only in the interest of brevity.

The issue of various drugs and their use in men with Gynecomastia is very complex. While I applaud your weeks of study on those drugs, Would you stand your newly gained wisdom about them against an Endocrinologist? A Doctor who has the advantage of years of specialized study, research, experience and etc. Add to that the needed laboratory tests and I suspect none of us could compete.

Truly, The man who medicates himself has a fool for a Doctor.
Grandpa Dan

Offline chopemoff

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I understand your point paapaw, and with harder drugs or something like Tamoxifen, I think doctor's advice is beneficial.

To be honest, I didn't even know there was a name for my condition, it'd been there since early teen-hood.

Until I found this particular community I was in the dark about gyne and was trying to treat my "circumstance" of the condition with fitness. Thankfully that led me to learn great amounts about my body and what I chose to put in it.

So while we both reach the same goal, our means to that end are slightly disparate.

As Ron Burgundy once said... 'Agree to disagree'. :)


Offline moobius

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I will confess to sarcasm, Though only in the interest of brevity.

The issue of various drugs and their use in men with Gynecomastia is very complex. While I applaud your weeks of study on those drugs, Would you stand your newly gained wisdom about them against an Endocrinologist? A Doctor who has the advantage of years of specialized study, research, experience and etc. Add to that the needed laboratory tests and I suspect none of us could compete.

Truly, The man who medicates himself has a fool for a Doctor.

most doctors know very little about the use of these drugs outside of the applications they were taught in medical school. i would put money down that there are many in the BB community who are far more educated than their doctors in this regard.

Offline Hypo-is-here

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So moobius,

Please explain what you have self medicated and how exactly you have known what you have been doing and I will explain how you almost certainly are far more ignorant than you think you are (in a playful way of course).

« Last Edit: May 06, 2006, 07:02:57 AM by Hypo-is-here »

Offline moobius

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So moobius,

Please explain what you have self medicated and how exactly you have known what you have been doing and I will explain how you almost certainly are far more ignorant than you think you are (in a playful way of course).

your post hardly merits a response, and i'm not going to jump through hoops to prove you wrong... but how about you do this and report back:

go into your doctors office and tell him you've been using 6-oxo/arimidex/nolva/whatever as a treatment for your gynecomastia and see what he says...  i'll bet that the response is "why are you taking that?" to which you wont' be able to respond other than "well... uh, i saw it recommended on the internet" LMAO  ::)
« Last Edit: May 06, 2006, 07:28:37 AM by moobius »

Offline Hypo-is-here

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You don't actually want to debate the matter after all- fine.


Please don't try and pass negative comments on the merit of my posts and try and claim the moral high ground whilst running in the opposite direction from a debate of the issues at hand :-/

Offline moobius

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You don't actually want to debate the matter after all- fine.


Please don't try and pass negative comments on the merit of my posts and try and claim the moral high ground whilst running in the opposite direction from a debate of the issues at hand :-/

maybe you should consult Webster on the definition of "Debate"

i am more than willing to debate legitmate arguments and provide counter to your points; however, you have yet to present any points and attacking my character rather than the information i present is not legitmately debating.

Offline Hypo-is-here

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I haven't attacked your character I have merely stated what you have done.

My position is that almost all those that self-medicate do not know what they are doing; furthermore, I doubt you know what you are doing (I would be pleasantly surprised if you did).

I want a debate on that, but if you refuse to provide any information regarding your actions then it isn't something that we can discuss is it?

« Last Edit: May 06, 2006, 11:42:04 AM by Hypo-is-here »

Offline nms

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most doctors know very little about the use of these drugs outside of the applications they were taught in medical school. i would put money down that there are many in the BB community who are far more educated than their doctors in this regard.

I would agree without a doubt. Now there are specific doctors who are specialized in bodybuilding and the use of bodybuilding supplements in countries where steroids/pro hormones are legal

Offline moobius

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I would agree without a doubt. Now there are specific doctors who are specialized in bodybuilding and the use of bodybuilding supplements in countries where steroids/pro hormones are legal

hypo is too busy playing "who's the big male thingy at the orgy" to even consider that this could be true... ::)

Offline chopemoff

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I agree. Hypo, the majority of your posts that I've read on this site succeed only in trying to make someone feel stupid about what they are doing/trying/etc.

You seem to have a complex where you always need to be right, or have your opinion confirmed.

It is possible to have a "debate" or a positive discussion about something you disagree upon without having to sound superior to the other person's views.


Offline Hypo-is-here

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My point is a very basic one.

That most people self medicating do not know what they are doing.

I was willing to debate that with anyone in what in effect is a thread that relates to such.

The reason was to highlight the issues involved in self medicating.

If no one is confident enough in their DIY to discuss their actions then so be it.


If my tone has offended anyone then I apologise but my point/focus is/has been legitimate.  

« Last Edit: May 06, 2006, 02:55:48 PM by Hypo-is-here »

Offline nms

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My point is a very basic one.

That most people self medicating do not know what they are doing.

I was willing to debate that with anyone in what in effect is a thread that relates to such.

The reason was to highlight the issues involved in self medicating.

If no one is confident enough in their DIY to discuss their actions then so be it.


If my tone has offended anyone then I apologise but my point/focus is/has been legitimate.  

I agree with that too.. Most people do not know what they are doing.. They hear about an item which might cure their gyno, and without hindsight they take it, not realizing it for the most part will not work and will cause side effects.. That being said.. You have to realize that there are people in the bodybuilding community that are very knowlegable. I am a bodybuilder, my brother is one, I have about 7 freinds that are too... And out of us 9, there is two doctors, one physisist, one chemist, a dietician, a physiotherapist, a chiropractor, a massage therapist, I myself am an engineer and too be honest, we all together can only GUESTIMATE based on theoretical conclusions what the stacking of certain drugs might have. I myself have a lot to learn. I think one thing I have noticed, is that for puberty incurred gyno, doctors tend to shrug it off, and this leads people to try things on their own, and I know for a fact that asking doctors about nolvadex, letro etc, a good percentage do not have a clue, except for their orginal purpose such as being applied to a breast cancer patient.

Offline moobius

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