Author Topic: am i damaging myself?  (Read 2404 times)


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Hi there i am new here

I was just wondering my gyne it feels like my chest is full of lumps one massive solid one under the nipple and then loads of others. ive developed a habit where i cant stop pulling at it and now walk around 24-7 when awake (and sometimes asleep) clawing at my chest and pulling these lumps.

The gyne itself actualy hurts anyway so why im doing this il never no. i cant get it off my mind as i can feel it all the time. I hate this curse and just got a letter asking if i still wanted to see a phychologist about an earlier mental isue which is now resolved

Could this phychologist help me stop doing this? or should i tell the doctor?

I am down for surgery but havent heard anything about a date im in the uk can any one tell me how long you can wait?

thank you

Offline Worrier

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Basically the more you pull at it the more it will hurt. And that means you will think about it more and start touching it again. It is a viscious circle and I went through a period like this myself.

It is obviously bothering  you as otherwize you wouldn't be doing this so talking to someone about how the gyne makes you feel may help some before surgery.

well iam from the uk and Iam in the same process with you. what stage are you at? have you seen the nhs ps yet and had your funding approved by the health authority.? It took me a year to get funding approved and that was for lipo only ;All health authorities are different and in mine they do the lipo and excision seperately , don't ask me why.
          Once you have your funding approved the average wait is six months. for the one op. and then if lipo doen't work you wait up  to six months for the next one. I haven't had a date yet and I had a letter approving me for surgery about two weeks ago. you have an outpatient appointment first anyway.
          As if you have been waiting as long as I have they reassess you.One tip if you have not been approved funding yet make sure your BMI is below twenty five otherwise you might get turned down as thats happened to me.Even if you have a mainly glandular case.
         Good luck


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i had the initial consultation at the hospital and was called back and it was explained they could operate and that it could lead me to a deformed chest ect
I said i didnt care and would take the risk
since  then ive been to the doctor and he said that i was down for surgery on both sides i didnt no about this funding procedure and hadnt neen told of it as far as i new i was down for it to be done.

So what stage would you say i was at??

Offline gynosucks1

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yo bro i had the same thing.  i had a tiny lump under the nip and dispessed gland all over.  i have no proof of this, but the little lumps i believe is a sign of the stuff going away.  All anecdotal reports i've heard is the hard lump breaks up when things are clearing up.

how old are you, it can be just going away.  

Offline gynosucks1

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and again i will put it out.. i am completely ignorant and the little lumps ur feeling could just be fat.  i have little lumps on my lower abs.  i'm 10% b/f and before when i was higher i coudln't feel them.  are you fairly lean??

i used to be just like u, i just wanted my chest completely flat. and well with age, and a few supplements/drugs i used i got just that and i honestly can't say i'm completely satisfied.  i have a really flat chest and it looks really shitty with shirts.  

but then again i did strict dieting, hard core spot reduction with some over the counter penetrators and completely removed all the fat off my chest... which now i kind of regret.  

point here is completely removing everything might not be the result ur looking for.

Offline Worrier

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from what you said , you have had the initial consultation with the NHS Ps. it sounds like the PS is happy to do the op. She will tell the health authority about the case and they will decide if funding for the op will be approved.
       If you go on the uk  board they can give you more info. they tend to turn you down if you are overweight Ie Bmi over twenty five or if your case is to them minor. Although you may not think so :-/. Although there are people who have had this done on the NHS so don't give up.
       Scarring is another matter. They are right to warn you of this and it is something to bear in mind. You need to be realistic about the results also. And as Gyno sucs says  those lumps you are feeling my well be fat. fat isn't always soft. Mine wasn't and my chest has gone down a bit.
        Fat tends to attach itself to gland as well. A sign of gyno is a puffy nipple but agin if you were very overweight like I was, fat can make the nipple puff out as well as that coming off a med can make the gyno regress by itself another thing to bear in mind.
       You can make quite an improvement with diet and exercise combined although again be realistic as not many men have totally flat chests. The best way to tell gyno from fat is by getting down to a really low bodyfat so you know for sure.
          Iam very surprised they have not told you about the different stages of getting the op and if I were you I would have a word  with your GP as they should explain everything to you.


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okay i dont think im over weight but im definately carying fat i weigh 12 stone and my height is 6ft im medium/small build.
I got my gyne through taking a course of diazepam and put on alot of weight now i seem to have lost alot of the weight but it doesnt go of my chest. I have the pufy nipples and all that id say the hard tisue is about 1 and 1/2 centimetres (if i squeeze it till it gets soild) in width to 2 inches in lenght then it gets lumpier and lumpier as it expands out. Its not just the nipples i definately have two small rounded breasts.

Maybe u are right gynosucks maybe its dispersed abit since i lost weight although its still very protrusive  (to me ive seen alot worse)

Im thankful that it looks like i may be down for this surgery i had abit of a cow there when u said that my friend as im really relying on this op. But ye as u said ive heard over and over to have realistic expectations,honestly id just be happy to wear a t shirt and not have it stick out

Offline confused133

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Im only like 100 punds and im 13 and i dont really have man boobs but i just have like a lump under my nipples that sticks out like half an inch


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