Author Topic: Any Solutions (With Pics)  (Read 2605 times)

Offline romeo83

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Hey everyone. I'm a 22 year old that dealt with Gyne since i was about 13 years old...I guess my Gyne hit its peak when i gained sudden weight when i was between 19 and 20 years of age. I constantly have a shame with my body...Well for the past two years i have worked out at the gym- like a mad man and even though i lost 45 pounds and pumped my chest like a maniac it honestly seems to have had very little influence on it. I would someone to point out my case as mild, moderate or a heavy case of Gyne.

I hate my nippes so much- they look deformed and out of proportion....i have mates who still make the odd comment about my chest.  Also under my chest is like a line- making them look more feminine...when hot my nipples are so fluffy and cloudy...For the last 2 years i've taped my nipples (with non harsh and non irritant clear tape). One day at the gym my mate bumped his arm on my chest and felt the tape and hes like "Ummm what the hell? Is that tape?"...It was the most embaressing ever- i made up that it was a bandaid from when i burnt myself at work....Yet the tape- It makes my chest look a hundred times better but i dont want to create an illusion- i want to go to the beach and not feel ashamed, i dont always want to spit on my fingers and rub my nipples before taking my shirt off...I remember one time when i was about 15 swimming at a pool a girl actually asked her friend "Is that a girl or a boy?" referring to me- i will never forget that day.

Despite my efforts- i will say that losing weight is in general just a great thing to do- but it appears most Gyne cases dont disappear...I may seriously consider surgery - ive heard theres a product that pregnant ladies use to keep their nipples hard? honestly id buy that hehe! Its mainly my nipples...I notice when i hit the beach and the cold water- not only do my nipples shrink but my chest contracts to a nicer shape its strange...I want them to always be like that.

Oh well below are some pictures- can anyone outline my case for me? And any recommendations?

Thanks everyone!


Front view: puffffy nipples!

Side View: Chest Droops Down- Looks deformed!

Top View: Probably the best view anyone will get.

:-[      :-[  :-[

Offline orrible

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  • Previously stonecold... 9.11.05 Surgery Levick
You do have gyne. You are in great shape and the fact that your chest protrudes in such a manner means that it isnt a weight issue. The only way to cure your problem realistically would be surgery. By this i mean excising the gland and then any liposuction required. As you asked about other solutions, then anti estorgens are a non surgical option. These likely wouldnt work however as you have had the problem for a number of years, and usually only work well for recent gyne.

Another possible solution could be compression vests. These are like vests but made of material to push things down.

Sorry about your problem, i can relate to what your going through, but didnt want to sugar coat my post, just give you the realistic picture.
« Last Edit: January 25, 2006, 05:00:16 AM by stonecold »

Offline romeo83

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Thanks for the reply...You say excising the Gland is a good start. Now is Excising cheaper than lipo? I wouldnt mind trying to excise the gland first and see how i go- i want to aim for minimal scarring and what not. I may ask my parents for assistance financially- i may look it up and see how much it will be.

I read about them compression vests and they do look pretty interesting, but then i again am doubtful they can "push" my fairly big moobs back into the place- besides i tried that with exercise for 2 years..

Thanks for the honesty in the post- i read through so many of these posts and relate to most people so much-
its a really annoying thing to have but the best way to deal with it- is to fight it.  ;)

Offline Hypo-is-here

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Top advice- absolutely nailed it Stonecold.

Romeo you can find articles on the site that detail which compression vest is best and that might be able to help you in the short term hence the reason for stoncold raising it.

I think the investment in  a good vest would be worth it and really help out.

If you are considering surgery then the type is definitely excision and I would suggest sticking around and asking lots of questions if you want to go that route.

The more you learn about the condition and surgical implications the greater the chance you have of choosing the right surgeon and getting a good result.

But that is just standard info based on what Stonecold has raised.

What I would say separately is;

You should also have your hormones checked by an endocrinologist.

They try to find out why you developed the gynecomastia in the first place.  This is routine and usually results in a label of idiopathic gynecomastia which for most people means that puberty was probably the cause.  But it is very much worth doing, because there are is a significant minority of people who have underlying causative conditions that need diagnosing.  If you have such a condition and have surgery it is more likely for the gynecomastia to come back post surgery.

So getting checked out is just a sensible precaution.


There are a lot of charlatans out there trying to take your money on the web for products that claim to resolve gynecomastia.  If you are even thinking in that direction post your questions on the site first......I wouldn't want someone taking you for a ride.

Best to ya

« Last Edit: January 25, 2006, 08:40:35 AM by Hypo-is-here »


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