Author Topic: any1 worried about this?  (Read 5271 times)

Offline tommy

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i know this is kinda weird but its depressing me when i think about it. im 17 yrs old about 250 pplanning on getting down to maybe 180 over the next couple months but i get worried and discuraged b/c im scared the my boobs will stck out a lot more when i loose the gut. and i know u need to loose weight  to get surgery but i wont have surgery if i have it at all it will be in about like 3maybe 4  years and thats a while. i wanted to just say this because this though just depresses me.u know i want to loose weight to look better and get a girlfriend but i just get worried thinking the my boobs will be sticking out like crazy.

here's a link to my pics if u need refrence
p.s i was about 220 when this was taken.

thanks for your relpys in advance

Offline Spleen

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Worrying about something that hasn't happened yet is like paying interest on a mortgage you don't own.

OK, maybe a mortgage analogy isn't ideal for a 17 year old, but maybe you get my point.  If you work out and lose weight you don't know if the boobs will show more or less, but you *do* know that you'll get in shape and lose weight.  That's certainly an improvement.  It's impossible to say (for me anyway) if the boobs will be a problem going forward because your main issue, to be frank, seems to be obesity.  The breasts are incidental to your weight and condition.  

My advice: start working out and improve your diet.  You'll be amazed how much better you'll feel, psychologically and physically, when you start getting in shape.  Deal with the boob problem if and when it proves to be a problem.  For now take charge of your body and your health and reach that goal of 180.  You can do it.

Offline jc71

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For me, that whole idea of loosing weight making your chest stick out more was a bunch of shit. I don't doubt others have this problem, but I always thought of it as a cop-out, as a convenient excuse to not loose weight. Will it make your chest look worse? Loose the weight and find out. Worst case scenairo, you loose weight, become physically healthier, and much more emotionally stable.

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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For me, that whole idea of loosing weight making your chest stick out more was a bunch of shit. I don't doubt others have this problem, but I always thought of it as a cop-out, as a convenient excuse to not loose weight. Will it make your chest look worse?

jc....  Here's my experiences with weight fluctuation and Gyne. In my mid to late teens I weighed in at 240 lbs. In my early 20's I dropped down to a reasonable 160 lbs. By my mid 20's my weight was climbing once again. In 1990 ( 27 years old ) I got my weight down to 148 lbs. So you see, I've been fat, skin 'n bones and everywhere inbetween. Trust me, it was much more difficult to hide the Gyne when I was thin. My chest structure is big to begin with, add Gyne on top of that on a skin and bone body :o. Just doesn't look right Dude! By putting on weight and bit of a beer gut, everything was evened out.
« Last Edit: February 24, 2005, 08:06:44 PM by Bambu »
Surgery: February 16, 2005. - Toronto, Ontario Canada.
Surgeon: Dr. John Craig Fielding   M.D.   F.R.C.S. (C) (416.766.8890)
Pre-Op/Post-Op Pics

Offline doddy

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.. How were you 27 in 1990?

Offline hypo

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You mostly have pseudo gynecomastia but obviously you have some glandular mass as well.

I'll explain the real issue for you.

Testosterone converts to estradiol via the aromatase enzyme.

The aromatase enzyme is most prevalent in visceral fat found in the stomach, thighs and buttocks, so excess weight allows for more conversion of testosterone to estrogen.

Forgetting about the fact that lowering your weight would be beneficial for the loss of the pseudo gynecomastia, it would also reduce the conversion of testosterone to estrogen and also limit further limit increases in glandular mass.

Forget all the bull about changing your lifestyle completely- going out running or lifting huge weights or eating nothing- they are not you!!!-  and that is not sustainable for you!!

Being realistic is important.

You need a form of exercise that you like!!- that is the only way to steadily reduce your weight.  By exercising in a way you enjoy and eating a bit better.

That is key.

Find a form of exercise that is not a chore- but something you love.  Even if you can’t see what you would like now, believe me if you get involved in the right sport for you’ll love it.

I love tennis, when I play I do not feel like I am exercising- I feel happy like people watching their favorite program - I love it.

You need something you love the same way.

Exercise that you don't like is hard to sustain and for many people pointless- even the guys who talk about no pain, no gain- love the idea of what they are doing.

No pain no gain bodybuilders love the idea they can beat the pain and gain and get- the extra rep.  They are like guys who compete not against others but like those who go up against a tough golf course- challenging themselves.

But that is not for everyone, I don’t like golf or bodybuilding;  I don’t like either, I have no interest in doing that.

I’ll stick to tennis and running if able, because I like that-yet I remember bodybuilders who used to say to me how can you run x miles a week and I used to say ditto how can you lift that all week…..

It is horses for courses and you need to find what you enjoy?  

Go to a Badminton club, or a tennis club (doubles is a great game for slowly gaining fitness and losing weight)

Or go to something like a weight loss group that plays basketball etc

I hope that helps and doesn’t seem patronizing, it is not meant to be I have been, quite heavy, very low in weigh, very fit and strong and very ill.

Best to you tommy


I agree with your comments, what you are saying is often true, but in tommys case, I don't think so.

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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.. How were you 27 in 1990?

Was born November 24, 1963. Du the arithmetic Dude....  ;)

Offline Paa_Paw

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First, get fit!  The method outlined by hypo seems most senseable.  

As you shed weight, There are binders, vests, etc. to help with concealment until you reach the point where you can make a decision re: surgery.

Grandpa Dan

Offline masterofu

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I also believe most of your problem is due to being overweight. Think about ti this way, if you lose the weight and the problem subsides then you will be healthy AND happy. If you lose the weight and the gyno remains, then you know for sure it must be mostly glandular and you can look towards surgery. By being at a healthy weight, you will dramatically improve your chances of having a successful surgery. If you do nothing, except make excuses for remaining overweight, then you know for certain your present condition will continue, you will be too overweight to have optimal results from surgery, will always wonder if your weight is the main problem, and thus will remain unhappy. Only you can take control of YOUR body and YOUR life. Your own happiness is in your hands. In other words- Lose the weight man, you can do it, I am!

Offline tommy

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damn guys thanks for the replays, yeah im not going on a diet or anything just a slow process of eating less not eating right before sleep less junk food and more movement.

« Last Edit: February 26, 2005, 08:12:23 PM by tommy »


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You'll have to lose weight to have surgery anyways, may as well get started now.  Once you start exercising and seeing the benefits your confidence will skyrocket.  

Good luck!  8)

Offline Paa_Paw

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While you are working on your weight, work on your self image as well.  Girls are more put off by a guy with a poor attitude than they are by his breasts.

Offline Spleen

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Gosh Paa that is so true.  People can sense your confidence level through your body language and other cues.  I have two buddies that are overweight and average looking, but they have had a lot of success in dating because they are outgoing, charming MFers.  

For myself getting in shape was a big confidence booster.  Not just for appearance (believe me I'm no threat for Mr. Universe) but because exercise has so many positive effects on your physicaql and mental well being.  It changes you on the inside as much as it does the outside.

Offline hypo

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Tommy an enjoyable past time will do wonders and it doesn't have to be marathon running :D

One thing for sure it will do a lot more than dieting.

Eat right if you can of course, but get into something you enjoy and the difference will be amazing.

Offline tommy

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yeah i know excercise is good but i have a job in a store 4 days a week where im on my feet walking for at least 5 hours so i figured thats pretty goodso i though that i got to be over eating pretty bad to still be getting bigger.

also any one know on how to get your confidance better? i'm a pretty shy and quit guy i'll talk around my friends and stuff but once im around or girl or something i'll get red and crap and just always be there not saying much. im like that because i dont want to say something stupid or get much attention drawn to me because i dont feel like getting made fun off (im a group of friends there's one usally getting made fun of and picked on and thats me) its not really bulling or anything but i dont want to get embarresed.
« Last Edit: February 28, 2005, 09:33:57 AM by tommy »


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