Author Topic: Anybody here have Steroid induced gyno  (Read 6599 times)

Offline Hypo-is-here

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I recommend everyone reading this thread, especially those considering AAS read the debate between myself and moobius- link provided earlier.  Not because it makes Moobius look foolish and completely out of his depth (which it clear does) but rather because it shows just how problematic abusing AAS is.

Moobius had no answers to the problems inherent in abusing AAS.

He categorically could not and would not answer any of the issues/questions that I raised and squirmed around like a worm on a hook.

I asked detailed and pertinent questions time and again with absolute assured confidence and authority and he simply had no answers at all.

This was because no legitimate answers exist with which he could defend any of the points I raised.

AAS abuse is inherently problematic (see link)

If any legitimate answers to the points I raised existed, moobius would have used them to rebuff my position and secure that of his own- he couldn't do that.

With that out of the way;

I am not going to continue to take any further time out to comment on anything Moobius has to say.
I do not take him, his level of knowledge or position seriously, along with the entire medical world I should add. 

The debate for what it was worth (quite revealing as it shows how little abusers of AAS understand) has been and gone and nothing further productive can come from it.  I am not going to give him any credence by arguing with him further, I am pretty sure he is trying to gain some level of respect by associating himself with me (albeit in a negative way).

Moobius please don't start trying to pick points with this post and start a new debate, it isn't going to happen.  We have already had the discussion which people are welcome to view and pass opinion on and I have better things to do with my time than run over the same old ground.

We both know that I am vastly more knowledgeable and experienced on this subject matter given my background and history, we both know that; I know it and you certainly know it.   Given I am not replying further I'll leave the last word to you should you want it.

Over and most definitely out.


« Last Edit: February 19, 2007, 02:56:40 PM by Hypo-is-here »

Offline lifter88

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Im a rare case. I got gyno from prohormones (OTC juice). Got surgery, then started cycles. My surgery wasn't a full success, im still left with puffy nipples. I have hit many cycles, and i use anti-estrogens. Am i crazy moron who deserves to get gyno? Maybe. How ever my condition hasn't worsened at the same time i want to get my unperfect surgery fixed by a new surgeon.

If my chest gets bigger my puffy nips are less prominent. That is not why i take steroids, but it's a plus in my mind.

Also, estrogen is not the only cause of gynecomastia. And not all steroids prodcue elevated levels of estraogen which in turn may cause gyno. Some steroids can cause elevated levels of prolactin which can also cause gynecomastia. If you are prone to gyno, do some reading and be as safe as you can

(P.S. my doctor is aware of my life style and tests my blood levels)


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