Author Topic: Anyone looked at it this way?  (Read 5668 times)

Offline mephistopholes

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I am aware discomfort, embarassment, and etc can cause men to seek gyne (breast reduction surgery).

I was wondering what level of such discomfort and embarassment cause women to seek breast enlargement surgery.  I think it is pretty common to find women with small and flat breast, just as common to find men w/gyne, and yet THIS DOESN'T MEAN THAT WE MEN DON'T LIKE WOMEN WITH SMALL AND FLAT BREAST.....

I think the reverse is probably true.  Having gyne probably won't eliminate your chance with women.

I also think there are plenty of women who don't care or who have accepted their lack of breast development and are living with it.  What do you all think about this?  I hope I've been clear enough.

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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That's a good point you make Baptong. Yes, there are many women that accept gynecomastia on their partners, just as many men would accept small breasts on women. I suppose that many women with small/no breasts feel inadequate just like the men with gynecomastia. However the 'level' of embarrassment, surely, must be far greater for the gyne sufferer...

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Offline flex1appeal

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We certainly cannot speak on behalf of women with small breasts. How do we know, as men with gynecomastia, that our condition is far greater emotionally than a woman with small breasts? They probably think the same thing about us men having boobs? They probably are embarrassed that some men have bigger breast then they do? I think it is as pyschologically damaging to a woman. It comes down to our own individual self confidence as a man or a woman and what we can and cannot live with or without. I certainly did not get my chest fixed cause I felt a woman would not accept me with gyne. I already have had woman that accept me with it. I got the condition fixed because I wanted it gone because of the way it made me feel. Because I wanted to go to the pool again. Because of simple pleasures I once knew were gone because I had gyne. I am sure it is the same things that draw all of us with gyne to the same place. Surgery. Just as it is the same thing drawing gyne victims to surgery it is the very same reasons that draw most woman to get breast enlargements. Regaining self confidence in themselves.


Offline Mr_Nip

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I have a hard time believing a woman with small boobs would suffer the same level of embarrassment as a man with large ones.   I see women with small to no boobs on the beach and at the pool every day and people don't point and giggle at them the way they did at me.  Don't get me wrong, I realize they may be self-conscious.  It just seems that others don't point and giggle at women the way they do with men.    This reality must add to the suffering of a gyneman.  There may be the same level of self-consciousnes between women and men, but men must endure the constant finger-pointing and hushed comments between smiling observers.  I'm here to tell you women don't come close to that kind of humiliation, even if they have NO breasts. 

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Offline Grandpa Bambu

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I have a hard time believing a woman with small boobs would suffer the same level of embarrassment as a man with large ones.
I'm here to tell you women don't come close to that kind of humiliation, even if they have NO breasts. 

I agree with you 100% Nip.


Offline flex1appeal

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I have a hard time believing a woman with small boobs would suffer the same level of embarrassment as a man with large ones.   I see women with small to no boobs on the beach and at the pool every day and people don't point and giggle at them the way they did at me.  Don't get me wrong, I realize they may be self-conscious.  It just seems that others don't point and giggle at women the way they do with men.    This reality must add to the suffering of a gyneman.  There may be the same level of self-consciousnes between women and men, but men must endure the constant finger-pointing and hushed comments between smiling observers.  I'm here to tell you women don't come close to that kind of humiliation, even if they have NO breasts. 

Mr Nip, no disrespect to you but the truth of the matter is you are blinded by a condition you do not have. The condition is small a woman. Your view point is subjective because you are a victim of gyne.  What I mean by that is had you not had gyne you may have a different opinion on woman with small breast and how embarrassing it can be for them that have that problem. It's not a question of who is embarrassed more as it is a question of self awareness and self confidence. The 2 conditions really are not comparable to be honest. We, as men, aren't meant to have boobs while woman are. 2 opposite problems. You can't see the finger pointing that goes on when it comes to a small breasted woman because maybe you just aren't paying attention to it or participating in it. But trust me, it goes on. I can't say more or less than someone with gyne cause I don't know. Neither does anyone else here. I simply am saying that women with small breast can be as pyschologically damaged as a man with gyne. It is possible. But your subjective views probably won't allow you to consider the possiblilty.

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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I simply am saying that women with small breast can be as pyschologically damaged as a man with gyne.

Yeah, on second thought, you're prolly right there flex.


Offline flex1appeal

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Well, I have subjective views on the subject too because I had gyne. But I always try to step back and get into the shoes of someone else's problem to try and better understand or empathize.

Offline kenyo

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I don't think your analogy is apt.

Breasts are a secondary sex charcteristic in females.
Facial hair is a secondary sex charcteristic in males.

The level of social ostrascization that women with small breasts face, is about the equivalent to what men   who are babyfaced or hairless have to deal with.
The level of social ostrascization faced by a man with breasts, is more like that a woman with a beard would have to deal with.

I think that the latter is far worse.
« Last Edit: January 01, 2007, 11:43:03 PM by kenyo »

Offline headheldhigh01

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exactly.  being kind of flat would be humiliating, but it would be a different league, i.m.h.o.  strangely i knew a woman who had breast reduction surgery, and for her it was simply a convenience because she was of smaller frame.  either way for them it's just fine-tuning, not removing a full assault on one's gender identity. 
* a man is more than a body will ever tell
* if it screws up your life the same, is there really any such thing as "mild" gyne?

Offline Mr_Nip

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Flex, I'll never take your opinion as disrespectful even if it's in stark dissagreement to mine.  It is just that in this case. 

I was at a new years eve party the other night where the discussion around the kitchen table took on the topic of man boobs.  Yes, really.  Nobody there but my wife knew that I once had them.  It was a fascinating glimpse into the other side's mentallity.   I've never heard or been involved in such a conversation about small women's breasts.  At least not with the "can you believe that?" comments and lauging involved. 

Anyway I see where you're coming from but I still believe it's worse for a man because of all the extra external factors.  I've known a lot of women with small to no boobs who didn't think twice about going to the beach or pool because they don't have to put up with the constant finger pointing.  That being said, the finger pointing factor may be limited to more severe cases.

You're right, though.  I base my opinion on my experiences which are that of a man with severe gyne.  And yes, I also believe that a man with severe gyne has to put up with more public humiliation than a man with mild gyne because more people notice it and respond with more surprise and giggling.  But I guess that's a topic for another thread.  Peace, brother.  ;)

Offline flex1appeal

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It's all good brutha. We can agree to disagree. I hear what everyone is saying but I just don't really agree. So be it then. That's the beauty of everyone having their own opinion.

Offline J0HN

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i would have to say that it is harder on the guy with gyno than a flat chested girl. basicaly you cant compare the two because they arent on the same level. if a girl is flat chested and takes her top off, most people wont look at her any different. but if the same girl had a developed male chest with no breasts at all and took her top off, people will look at her ALOT different.

.....just my two cents

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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That's the beauty of everyone having their own opinion.

 ;D ;D ;D


Offline jimyd77

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For me, gyne was the source for a very poor self-image.  Specifically...being uncomfortable with how I felt when the shirt came off...especially with a new lover.  I never had a woman run screaming from the room mind you, and every girlfriend I ever had told me it didn't bother them in the least.  But that's not the point.  It bothered me.  It chipped away at my self-esteem, my self-image, my confidence. 

I would imagine the same is true for most girls with small breasts who get enlargement surgery.  They're not doing it for you, but for themselves, their own sense of self-image.  And let's face it...with an increase in positive self-image comes an increase in self-confidence, and an increase there makes one more attractive to others...not because they are physically more attractive, but mentally and emotionally.  They're more "whole" for lack of a better word.

IMHO anyway.


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