Author Topic: It came back!!  (Read 4323 times)

Offline gynosucks81

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 Hi everyone, just registered. I had gynecomastia in my left side since i was about 13 years old, I thought i was a freak and didnt tell anyone until i was about 18. My girlfriend at the time said it wasnt obvious but it was to me. I waited a few years then I had a consultation and the specialist decided he would remove it. The specialist done a mastectomy on it and removed the lump but this left an indent that i wasnt happy about, anyway i decided it was better than having the lump! Skip forward around 2 years and it has come back again, it is about the size of a walnut and my nipple is also puffy, i have to do the nipple twister trick for swimming etc. I just spoke with my doctor and she is going to send me to the specialist again, i want it out and the puffyness to go away but maybe this will happen again and again?? I am 26 now, im 6'2 and thin with little muscle so i find it obvious through my clothes or when i swim, id like to hear peoples opinions etc, should i ask for the whole gland to be taken out?HELP ???

Offline flex1appeal

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Just out of curiousity, is your indent gone too? It may come back if you have not had your hormone levels looked at and they are off balance. You should go see an endocrinologist. If you have a hormonal imbalance and can get it under control, you should have no more issues in the future with gyne

Offline gynosucks81

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no my indent is still visible if i reach up or tense, who do i contact o see a endocrinologist? Should i ask my GP? From what i have read on here i think it must be my hormones, thanks for the info flex1appeal.

Offline hungry.tides

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I feel u must see your PS who did ur surgery
The specialist done a mastectomy on it and removed the lump but this left an indent that i wasnt happy about, anyway i decided it was better than having the lump!
Lump!!! are you talking about gland tissue by any chance?
Please confirm, did you go to a Plastic Surgeon?
Did u do any Blood tests?

Surgery Date: 25th June 2007
Age: 24 years
Lipo + Excision (<100% removal around nipple)
Plastic Surgeon: Dr. Ananteshwar, Manipal, Bangalore
pre & post pics link:
Know more @ :

Offline flex1appeal

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no my indent is still visible if i reach up or tense, who do i contact o see a endocrinologist? Should i ask my GP? From what i have read on here i think it must be my hormones, thanks for the info flex1appeal.

Get a referral from your GP for an endocrinologist to visit. Have a complete workup done. Get your LSH, FSH, SHBG, Free Testosterone, overall serum testosterone, prolactin, estradiol, and Hcg levels checked. I am sure I am missing a few things but I can't think at the moment. Just tell the endo about your gyne and that you think your Test/Estrogen levels and/or ratios are off. He will do blood work to test it all to see if you come back normal levels. If you aren't normal levels (which I suspect) then he will determine a method of treatment from there.


Offline gynosucks81

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Thanks for all the feedback, yeah the lump i refer to was gland and fatty tissue, the new one is growing back quicker than the 1st, ill get straight back to my GP, my girlfriend at the moment says its un noticable but the puffyness is obvious and i can feel it in there >:( it just sucks so bad, i thought i had seen the back of it after the 1st time, just had 3 knee operations and will have to get one for this again :'( im glad i found this forum, good to know im not alone. also it was a specialist who mostly deals with female mastectomies.

Offline hungry.tides

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im glad i found this forum,
we all here to help eachother, Speak to that surgeon, get clarification as to what exactly he did...
Also do hormone tests and go to a good PS-plastic surgeon, he shud have experience in Gynecomastia surgery, Dont go to any other surgeon ...Believe me u dont want to take that risk

keep posted...

Offline mattmando

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see i thought if you have a masectomy there is no chance for reoccurance because there is no more breast tissue there.  yeah i'd def. look in to it right now there might be SERMS (like tamoxifen) that might help it.

Offline gynosucks81

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thanks everyone, yeah im going to get a GP appointment tomorrow, so it could maybe go away if i got my hormones sorted out? My GP just said she would contact the surgeon again, i didnt like the way he spoke to me about it, made me feel like a freak, ive been really open about it since i told my parents, girlfriend etc, i found out one of my friends had the same thing, his luckily hasnt come back but the surgeon made quite a mess of him, he has a deep cavity and his nipple was sown up wrong.


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