Author Topic: Can gyne cause baldness?  I'm also balding :(  (Read 9210 times)

Offline mooby

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Basically I've dealt with gynecomastia for the past oh, 12-13 years since I was 11 years old.

This past July/August, I finally found out it wasn't just me and that it was a condition.  I was rather happy because I realized that I can get rid of it with some surgery.

Fair enough, right?

However, I noticed a little more than a year ago my hairline was thinning, and more than that, I had some abnormal loss to one side of the head.  It wasn't due to stress, though, because that type of alopecia generally grows back and falls out during times of stress or whatever.  And the added fact my whole top of my head was thinning rapidly had me believe it was normal hair loss.

About 5 months ago I started Propecia.  It seemed to work 2 months into it.  I got to a point where I thought hair loss slowed down... then it sped up again.  I later realized (after reading the package) that some of the medication they sold me had -expired-!  It had an odd skunky smell but I attributed it to the drug and thought that I just hadn't noticed it before.  Wrong!

Anyways, I got a new source for the pill (new pharmacy on college campus) and the stuff they use is fresh--it expires 2009.  I've been on it for a little over a month now with no sign of slow down.  Some people suggest you wait a good 3 months before making a decision, but damn... I'm fearing the worst here.

Given that my hairloss while on propecia before was questionable as the potency of the pills was unknown (and it had a skunk smell as soon as i popped the pill from the silver punch pack thingie that meds come in), I'll still stay on it for another 3-4 months before making a judgement call.

I've been using Neutrogena T-Gel (coal tar) for 3 or 4 months but that doesn't help.  At first it made my hair feel thick but I attribute that to an illusion--it was just coating the hair I had, but not really making a difference in overall hair count.

I just picked up some Nizoral 2% as I heard that is a good shampoo to use (some people experience minor growth on it--perhaps it can slow down hair loss?).

I've thought about doing a 3-step hair loss prevention plan where I use rogaine too, as some people suggest that put together, propecia, rogaine and nizoral are a good combo.

I'm hesistant and skeptical, though.  My hair is thinning so fast all over the top of my head, if nothing works soon, I don't think I have a chance.

God, just when I realize that the gynecomastia can be fixed, I realize I'm going to end up bald *sigh*.  Trade one insecurity for another.  Oh well, tis life I suppose.

I might go see the doctor for a physical.  I've felt moody, tired, and often confused in the afternoon for the past year.  There is no history of diabetes in the family, but I wonder about hypothyroidism.  I know that its rare for either to effect hair and trigger hair loss, but I've heard adrenal gland problems can goof around hormones enough to cause hair loss.

Any other ideas you guys have?  COULD gynecomastia have any involvement to create this problem?  Have you ever heard of gyne causing hair loss?  I figure it would boost estrogen levels, but not testosterone (which is what causes hair loss...conversion to DHT which does some yucky stuff to your hair)...

In the event gyne, diabetes or hypothyroidism have absolutely nothing to do with it, my current plan should still help me out:
Lose 40-50 lbs.
Bulk up hard.
Get the gynecomastia surgery done.
Take care of my body (healthy eating, lots of water, exercise, 8 hours sleep every night)
Vain things (teeth whitened, tan, back waxed)

... all of those combined plus confidence from working out (and getting rid of my moobs) should offset the baldness somewhat I hope.

Offline headheldhigh01

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it's not the gyne that influences baldness, it's the propecia.  usually it's an inverse relationship.  there's a website out there called i don't think i'd do an extensive experimental soup without the advice of an endocrinologist myself.  not a fun tradeoff though.  
« Last Edit: September 25, 2006, 08:55:29 PM by headheldhigh01 »
* a man is more than a body will ever tell
* if it screws up your life the same, is there really any such thing as "mild" gyne?

Offline mooby

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Oh I know Propecia often causes gynecomastia, but I had gynecomastia far far before I began balding and taking propecia.

I just figured it was worth seeing if any instances of gynecomastia later resulted in hair loss.  Probably not I guess.

Oh well, my hope is that hair multiplication (sometimes confused with "cloning") is a reality someday.  Even if it costs a ton of money, I'm vain enough to go for it ;)

Offline Bradley07

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well, there are cosmetic procedures for hair, too. hair transplants or whatever they are called. some of them look really great. but just as a fyi, a lot of men look great bald. it attracts a lot of people who just can't resist wanting to touch and rub your head!  ;D

Offline CROWNZ

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now the body has testosterone and it has estrogen, the mlae body has more testosterone in it, every time u ejaculate u burn testosterone that transforms into dht so it does not turn into estrogen, dht attacks the hair root and sucks the life out of it thats why it thins and thins till it falls out, those pills u take to make ur hair not fall out is made to transform dht into estrogen so the hair can get blood slow so it can grow agian, yes dht is a bad hormone but it is also good because it keeps testorone from turning into estrogen,  every time u ejaculate is like 3 days of meals in one ejaculation, its better to hold back, yeah get ur freak on but dont ejaculate and u wont lose hair and u wont lose testosterone .................stop ejaculating no joke kid

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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It attracts a lot of people who just can't resist wanting to touch and rub your head!  ;D

Tell me about it dude....  ::)

I shave my head about once every 2 weeks and when my hair starts to grow back (stubbles) everyone wants to touch it... What up wid dat?

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Offline Bradley07

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it's human nature. it's like when you see a wall with a sign that says "wet paint". you can tell people there are 5.789 gazillion stars in the universe and they just accept that as a fact. but if they see a sign that says "wet paint", they just *have* to touch it to be sure. lol.  

same thing with a bald just screams out to be touched, LOL. just human nature, lol.

Offline mooby

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Actually, after looking at my head from multiple angles (using more than one mirror) I realized my head isn't a bad shape for baldness...

I have a very strong jaw.  My nose isn't anything special, which seems to be one determining factor in a good "bald" head, though.

Oh well.  I might get it shaved next weekend just to get used to it.  I guess its useless to try and fight this.  I just hope its not as bad (psych wise) as gyno is...that destroyed me and my confidence since I was a kid.

And no, I dont want some therapy or reassurance, it will be something I have to work through.  I'm pretty close minded to therapy of any sort :P

Offline geg100

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now the body has testosterone and it has estrogen, the mlae body has more testosterone in it, every time u ejaculate u burn testosterone that transforms into dht so it does not turn into estrogen, dht attacks the hair root and sucks the life out of it thats why it thins and thins till it falls out, those pills u take to make ur hair not fall out is made to transform dht into estrogen so the hair can get blood slow so it can grow agian, yes dht is a bad hormone but it is also good because it keeps testorone from turning into estrogen,  every time u ejaculate is like 3 days of meals in one ejaculation, its better to hold back, yeah get ur freak on but dont ejaculate and u wont lose hair and u wont lose testosterone .................stop ejaculating no joke kid

dht doesnt turn into estrogen or testosterone doesnt turn into estrogen.and if you have sex with out ejaculating isnt going to stop alopecia/mpb.where did u get this information from.its incorrect/rubbish

Offline geg100

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if youre really bothered by it go on the propecia and need the nizoral 2% for the propecia to have the best results.and wait at leat 6 months.shave your head to a blade 1 in the mean time.remember you may be going through a period of shedding so just give it time fo rit to work.dont try the regaine just yet until after 6 months.if the baldness stabilises then you can start thinking of a hair transplant in a couple of years.

Offline geg100

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crownz both those sites have no where stating that
dht turns into estrogen, or that testosterone turns into estrogen.believe me i have studied medicine this is impossible to occur.
the second link to do with masturbation has no anecdotal evidence or randomised clinical trials to support its "theory" as thats all it is.its just a actual medical proof or clinical trials illustrating it.

the only that converts from hormone to another is testosterone to dihydrotestosterone(dht) when talking about mpb.

Offline Hypo-is-here

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crownz both those sites have no where stating that
dht turns into estrogen, or that testosterone turns into estrogen.believe me i have studied medicine this is impossible to occur.
the second link to do with masturbation has no anecdotal evidence or randomised clinical trials to support its "theory" as thats all it is.its just a actual medical proof or clinical trials illustrating it.

the only that converts from hormone to another is testosterone to dihydrotestosterone(dht) when talking about mpb.

Not to support this crazy silly man in any way geg.

But a few things things;.  

A) Gynecomastia cannot cause baldness (not that you said otherwise) and B) you are partially incorrect in what you say.  

It is true that DHT cannot be converted into estrogen as it is a non aromatisable androgen, however testosterone does convert to estrogen.  

The principle metabolites of testosterone are DHT and estradiol.

Moving on;

Funny the way this guy thinks that intercourse or masturbation cause male pattern balding.

Michael Douglas anyone  ;)

In fact there are many sex addicts who have a full head of hair.  That "might" be because these things have nothing to do with baldness….and the "might" in this context "might" be me taking the piss and represent "is" :)

Male Pattern baldness requires a recessive gene to be present as well as high levels of DHT.   Something that has been shown by the fact that many men with high testosterone and DHT do not have male pattern balding-given they do not have the required gene.

I could go on about the fact that masturbation and intercourse are biologically the same and that neither represents anything other than an endocrine blip that does not remotely affect the 24-7 nature of hormones or I could mention the fact that such blips would in fact lower DHT- which would have the opposite effect to the one he mentions.

But forget all that take a look at the general male population.  How many suffer from male pattern baldness in their teens and twenties the very time that people are most sexually active?  Taking that further why is it that male pattern baldness most often occurs at a time in life when sexual activity is at its lowest?

Endocrinology doesn't support this insanity and neither does logic.....logic though what is the use of that!
I leave him, his delusions and bizarre source material alone and let him enjoy himself.......I think I’ll do that ;)


Amazing what retarded conversations you are prepared to get involved in when you don't feel well and are sat in front of the pc.

« Last Edit: September 29, 2006, 04:00:41 AM by Hypo-is-here »

Offline geg100

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It is true that DHT cannot be converted into estrogen as it is a non aromatisable androgen, however testosterone does convert to estrogen.  


Amazing what retarded conversations you are prepared to get involved in when you don't feel well and are sat in front of the pc.

im also sick at home bored too!
didnt know oestrogen and testosterone link.ill have to look it up.cheers!
« Last Edit: October 02, 2006, 10:01:59 PM by geg100 »

Offline Hypo-is-here

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