Author Topic: Can gyne glands get bigger with age?  (Read 1951 times)

Offline jj1

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I am 29 years old and just found out I have very slight gyne gland in left breast, right underneath nipple.  During the past couple of days it seems to have gotten bigger, can drinking alcohol cause gland enlargement this late in life?   I am an excessive drinker, but I haven't been able to find out if drinking causes the gland to get bigger or just the fat around the breast.


Offline Raider Fan

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As I understand it, it's not the drinking, per se, that can cause gynecomastia.  It's what the drinking does to the liver that can cause gynecomastia.  If your drinking has caused some type of actual liver disease, then that could be the cause of gyne.  

I think it's far more likely that you're just experiencing what most guys here are going through.  For whatever reason, your hormone levels have become a bit out of whack and it is manifesting itself in slight glandular development in your left breast.  

Probably nothing to worry about, but certainly something that should be mentioned to your doctor.  

Offline Paa_Paw

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It is normal for men to have a small amount of Estrogen. The estrogen is dealt with by the liver so that it does not become excessive.

Anything that is toxic to the liver can indirectly cause the Estrogen level to become higher than normal.

Alcohol is toxic to the liver.

Surplus Estrogen causes Gynecomastia.

You do the math.
Grandpa Dan


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