Author Topic: Clonazepam or Diazepam cause Gyne?  (Read 3289 times)

Offline Keep_It_Moving

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I've been researching some medications that "can" cause gyne and Diazepam caught my attention simply because I take Clonazepam .5mg 1-2x a day and it is technically in the same category of benzos as Diazepam. Can anyone shed some light on this topic or reference any articles? Thanks!

Offline Keep_It_Moving

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If a doctor could answer this question, it would be much appreciated.

Offline tpuk

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sorry i'm not a doctor but i take diazepam sometimes. prob 5mg 2 or 3 times / week.

I have also seen reports of the link. All remains uncertain - it seems anything can cause gyne - of course some ring true esp drugs that directly have an impact on hormone levels - but the valium thing seems to lack evidence? maybe im wrong.

The problem with these types of 'link' is the limited data & that we dont see the whole picture; did the subject take valium = yes, did the researchers ask about other drugs like steroids or dope or drink taken during the same periods? was the test as a whole a reliable methodolgy for gathering un-biased/double blind tested data? its just not been researched in a proper way as far as I could see from a brief surf.

I am no more concerned about it than alcohol or junk-food for example. I asked my surgeon about it - he made no connection (I wanted one pre-op & had my own) - I could take one as long as I told the anaesthetist.

If I heard of a connection that seemed well researched I would stop taking it in a heartbeat, the problem is that there is no big-pharma cash in valium these days (they are concerned with big $/£ SSRI markets) - so who would bother to pay for a big, high quality study for a drug that is of little use/ and makes little money for the companies concerned. Any problems would yield less sales anyway -  etc? cynical or what ? :)

Offline Paa_Paw

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For decades I avoided some heart/bloodbressure drugs and Prostate drugs because they were on the listsof things that "Might" caust Gynecomastia. About 10 years ago I was running out of option and had to take some of those medications. For a couple of years I kept a journal and noted chest measurements, awareness of the breasts, feelings of fullness etc. I recently came across that old journal and got uot the tailors tape. No change at all.

I am now nearing my 76th birthday and I can say with some certainty that the things I worried about most never happened. There have been bad things that happened, but most came a total surprises. The largest source of grief in mylife has been things that I did myself that did not work out as planned.

Worry, I have found, is a total waste of time. Besides, it give you a headache.
Grandpa Dan

Offline Keep_It_Moving

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You always have a gold nugget to throw out there for us. I've been worrying plenty and after reading your post, it gave me a little more of a down-to-earth perspective. I'm still in the developing stages of gyno and all I'm thinking about is 'it's going to get worse' rather than there is a chance it will go away or diminish slightly as the excess estrogen clears my system. Thank you for replying to my post. Best!


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