Author Topic: confirmed gynecomastia today with dr  (Read 1876 times)

Offline bdassdrummr

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So today after dealing with puffy nipples and extra breast tissue for 12 years I finally went in for a checkup. (started around 11 or 12, I'm 24 now) I only found out about this condition about 2 months ago. I figured the puffy nipples and tissue would go away with weight loss and time. Googled some stuff and came upon this. Everything matched up with what I was experiencing. So anyways back to the visit...

The DR examined it and said yes it was gynecomastia. He said some of it was fat also and to lose about 10 lbs to see which was which. Everything I've been reading and researching says weight loss and gain have nothing to do with it and surgery is the only way to get rid of the problem. He also said he doesnt like recommending surgery for people until late 20's early 30's because some of it can go away...again, everything I've read says it won't go away with time. So now I'm stuck...figure I'll go get a second opinion. If I go to a plastic surgeon if my dr doesnt want to go through with it, can I still be covered through insurance. As far as I know, Anthem Blue Cross covers.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Offline Zenxer

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First let me say no doctor can tell between fat and glandular tissue. Both can be soft or hard.

Secondly, if you've noticed you have gynecomastia for a couple of years, chances are you'll have it forever. The only way is surgery, so you're correct. For example if you got it at the age 14, then at 16 still noticed you had it, it's probably never going to go away. It doesn't matter what age you got it, just depends how long you've had it for, and if your chest grew some tissue.

Definitely go with a plastic surgeon that is very experienced in doing gynecomastia surgery. Whether your insurance pays for it or not, the last thing you want is an inexperienced surgeon messing up on you.
My surgery was done on Oct 20th, 2014 by Dr. J. Craig Fielding in Toronto, Ontario.

Offline Paa_Paw

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When I was 12, My Mother took me to the family Doctor. He told Mom that I had Gynecomastia and the condition would usually go away in a couple of years. That was in 1949. I am now 77 years old and still waiting.  If the condition has not changed in two years or more then there is not much chance of further change.

Realistically, there was not the kind of surgical procedures that are common these days and removal was not a good option.  As you age, your priorities change so older men do not often have surgery to reduce breast size while younger men often do. Even among younger men, there are those who simply ignore the condition.

Anyone who tells you that they can identify the relative amounts of fatty tissue and glandular tissue base on an examination would probably lie about other things too. That can only be said with any certainty when examining the tissue that has been removed by the surgeon.

Do Not go to a General surgeon for a cosmetic procedure. It is true that some of them actually sometime do pull it off, but that is where most of the cases come from that need expensive revision surgery that the insurance will not pay for.   

Grandpa Dan

Offline macman213

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Agree. If you still have it at 24, its not going to go away, no matter how much diet or exercise you do. The only way of getting rid of gyne is through surgery.  If you go through this site, you'll see terrible results from people that either went to a general Dr. or Dermatologist. They simply do not have the same experience as a Plastic surgeon in getting the right contours. Further, not all plastic surgeons are created equal. They have sub-specialities. I would strongly suggest going to an experience board certified PS with extensive Gynecomastia surgery under his/her belt. I had to have a revision, even though the first surgery was with a PS. Double the money. Double the recovery.

Get it done and get it done right.

Offline bdassdrummr

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Thanks everyone for the responses.  Really appreciate it! Still waiting for the referral to go through. The surgeon I am meeting with has a background for gynecomastia surgeries. Still, I am going to see a plastic surgeon as well. Do some PS still take insurance? Or are they generally out of pocket?

Offline Tonyp1

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The plastic surgeon would take the insurance if they are willing to pay.  They almost never pay.


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