Author Topic: confused..  (Read 2190 times)

Offline bobdole442003

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I undestand its impossible to give an answer over a message board.. but after weeks of research on my gynomastisa i realized most of them conform to the same result. Despite puberty; intersex or idiopathic causes it seems they are all consistent with a breast mass underneath the nipple.

However.. my breast mass is a hard assymetric mass that is not underneath the nipple. I thought it was klinefelters (my body type I think also suggested this) even though my testicle size is normal; however there is a no gland underneath the nipple. I know gynomastia is the male version of thelarche in a woman. Both consits of a gland directly underneath the nipple. There is a breast mass surronding the nipple though. So I am under the conclusion I might have hyperthriodism or another disease. I will eventually see a doctor. But just as a curiosity statement. Is my theory correct? If anyone has similar forms of gynomastisa or have extensive knowledge of gynomastisa who would have not an answer but a working knowledge of this form of gynomastisa i would really appreciate any response. Thank you very very much.

Offline Paa_Paw

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The breast area is one place where fatty tissue is commonly deposited. An abundance of fatty tissue coupled with an absence of glandular tissue could produce a rounded contour to the breast which is sometimes called pseudo-Gynecomastia.

In most cases, this term is not entirely correct because there is usually at least some glandular tissue present which cannot be readily detected by palpation.
Grandpa Dan

Offline bobdole442003

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i c.. but the mass i feel is not underneath the nipple. It surronds the nipple. I read somewhere that such a form of gynomastisa exists. But i dunno the cause.

I understand you say that there is some gland that can not be felt due to palpation. but there is a hard mass surronding the aerola is what im questioning..

Offline bobdole442003

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would this be idiopathic?

Offline Hypo-is-here

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Your conclusion at the moment are means nothing unfortunately.  You cannot diagnose the cause of gynecomastia from the formation of the gynecomastia itself.

If you wish to have the cause of the gynecomastia investigated/ascertained then you need to see a competant endocrinologist who has experience in dealing with male hormones and gynecomastia.

Offline Spleen

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Hypo is right.  Self-diagnosis is pointless.  Go see a pro.


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