Given that I am concentrating on helping people via PM messages from now on in I just thought I would welcome all those steroid abuse advisors to one last debate
People like NJGUY PUMP, NINJA etc
Come on lets discuss the endocrinology before I am out of the ball park.
Lets see just how little you know!!!!!
(can all other people leave this post even if they know answer to questions- thank you)
Come on assholes
I'll start the ball rolling Tamoxifen what are the issues?
The hypothalamus how does it work and influence the pituitary following steroid use?
What is the difference between testosterone and estradiol at the pituitary level?
Tell me what high LH is a sign of?
What is low LH a sign of?
What does high estradiol do to LH?
How does testosterone affect the heart at supraphisilogocal levels?
What is the problem with testing for estradiol?
What is the importance of dihydrotestosterone?
If you had a problem with vision and had headaches, what would you do?
How does testosterone level affect finger length.
How do you test for dihydrotestosterone?
What typically happens to the male body that is low in testosterone from a physical point of view A) prior to puberty and B) post puberty?
What do you think is a normal testosterone level in all molecular measurement scales?
What is the importance of SHBG when viewing total testosterone assays?
What is SHBG?
Why is it important to view LH in pathology?
Why is it important for hormone pathology tests to be conducted prior to 11am?
What is the difference between Nolvadex, Arimidex and Andractim?
What is the best way to test for Human Growth Hormone.
What effect does estradiol have on the male endocrine system?
What is the FAI?
What effect does Tamoxifen have on estradiol levels?
What effect does dihydrotestosterone level have on testosterone and estradiol levels and how does it mediate the latter?
What are the methological reasons for problems with estradiol assays and FAI calculations?
What oral testosterone therapies are banned in two third of the world due to liver problems?
What is the most accurate test for free testosterone?
What are the causes (please list in order of importance) of gynecomastia.
What is the success rate of gynecomastia surgery in the long term.
Can gynecomastia develop with normal estradiol levels?
Can gynecomastia develop with high testosterone and high estradiol levels?
How important is pathology whilst on steroids- legal as in medication or otherwise?
What would you list as important tests whilst on testosterone medication?
If liquid is coming out of the breast what would be your thinking and actions?
What are your thoughts blood tests who should conduct them and why?
What does high Albumin and high Bilirubin indicate?
A man has gynecomastia and has very bad joint problems what does this mean?
Another man has bad joint problems, low testosterone, gynecomastia and high iron satuation- what would your thoughts be?
What does a PSA of 10 ug/l indicate?
If you suspected someone had low testosterone from birth what tests would be relevant?
How does low testosterone affect the bones?
Name all the symptoms associated with low testosterone/
Name all the long term affects/conditions that have a statistically higher incidence if a man has long term low testosterone.
How does estradiol affect the AR receptor (basic info)?
What is HCG? Where does it derives from? And what are its indications for medical use?
What are defined as low levels of testosterone in the UK, Australia and the US
What is the difference between Tamoxifen and Nolvadex?
What is the medical term for anti estrogens?
I know all the answers- good luck googling jocks;)
Please- Please can everyone as much as they want and no individual answer to stay out of this.
I am making a point and it is an important one
I have so many more, these are just the ones that roll off the tongue.
I wait with baited breath for half assed goggles searched answers and comments like- I’ll kick your ass and yea shut up a da y mouth and who are you any way and you need to recpec us.
Ooooh and a lot of blue language