Author Topic: Coooome on them!!!!  (Read 7156 times)

Offline hypo

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Given that I am concentrating on helping people via PM messages from now on in I just thought I would welcome all those steroid abuse advisors to one last debate ;)

People like NJGUY PUMP, NINJA etc

Come on lets discuss the endocrinology before I am out of the ball park.

Lets see just how little you know!!!!!

(can all other people leave this post even if they know answer to questions- thank you)

Come on assholes

I'll start the ball rolling Tamoxifen what are the issues?

The hypothalamus how does it work and influence the pituitary following steroid use?

What is the difference between testosterone and estradiol at the pituitary level?

Tell me what high LH is a sign of?

What is low LH a sign of?

What does high estradiol do to LH?

How does testosterone affect the heart at supraphisilogocal levels?

What is the problem with testing for estradiol?

What is the importance of dihydrotestosterone?

If you had a problem with vision and had headaches, what would you do?

How does testosterone level affect finger length.

How do you test for dihydrotestosterone?

What typically happens to the male body that is low in testosterone from a physical point of view A) prior to puberty and B) post puberty?

What do you think is a normal testosterone level in all molecular measurement scales?

What is the importance of SHBG when viewing total testosterone assays?

What is SHBG?

Why is it important to view LH in pathology?

Why is it important for hormone pathology tests to be conducted prior to 11am?

What is the difference between Nolvadex, Arimidex and Andractim?

What is the best way to test for Human Growth Hormone.

What effect does estradiol have on the male endocrine system?

What is the FAI?

What effect does Tamoxifen have on estradiol levels?

What effect does dihydrotestosterone level have on testosterone and estradiol levels and how does it mediate the latter?

What are the methological reasons for problems with estradiol assays and FAI calculations?

What oral testosterone therapies are banned in two third of the world due to liver problems?

What is the most accurate test for free testosterone?

What are the causes (please list in order of importance) of gynecomastia.

What is the success rate of gynecomastia surgery in the long term.

Can gynecomastia develop with normal estradiol levels?

Can gynecomastia develop with high testosterone and high estradiol levels?

How important is pathology whilst on steroids- legal as in medication or otherwise?

What would you list as important tests whilst on testosterone medication?

If liquid is coming out of the breast what would be your thinking and actions?

What are your thoughts blood tests who should conduct them and why?

What does high Albumin and high Bilirubin indicate?

A man has gynecomastia and has very bad joint problems what does this mean?

Another man has bad joint problems, low testosterone, gynecomastia and high iron satuation- what would your thoughts be?

What does a PSA of 10 ug/l indicate?

If you suspected someone had low testosterone from birth what tests would be relevant?

How does low testosterone affect the bones?

Name all the symptoms associated with low testosterone/

Name all the long term affects/conditions that have a statistically higher incidence if a man has long term low testosterone.

How does estradiol affect the AR receptor (basic info)?

What is HCG?  Where does it derives from? And what are its indications for medical use?

What are defined as low levels of testosterone in the UK, Australia and the US

What is the difference between Tamoxifen and Nolvadex?

What is the medical term for anti estrogens?

I know all the answers- good luck googling jocks;)

Please- Please can everyone as much as they want and no individual answer to stay out of this.

I am making a point and it is an important one

I have so many more, these are just the ones that roll off the tongue.


I wait with baited breath for half assed goggles searched answers and comments like- I’ll kick your ass and yea shut up a da y mouth and who are you any way and you need to recpec us.

Ooooh and a lot of blue language


Offline hypo

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Answer all the questions.

There was an answer from vaio but it was removed- by vaio I am sure:)

He couldn't answer all the questions, but I suppose that wasn't a surprise;)

None of you other hard guys:) can answer a god darned thing can you?

« Last Edit: April 05, 2005, 07:08:31 PM by hypo »

Offline Paa_Paw

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Please do not go out of sight, Who else would we refer someone to who has a legitimate question about hormones?

No one else here has your wealth of information.
Grandpa Dan

Offline NJguy

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Given that I am concentrating on helping people via PM messages from now on in I just thought I would welcome all those steroid abuse advisors to one last debate ;)

People like NJGUY PUMP, NINJA etc

Come on lets discuss the endocrinology before I am out of the ball park.

Lets see just how little you know!!!!!

(can all other people leave this post even if they know answer to questions- thank you)

Come on assholes

I'll start the ball rolling Tamoxifen what are the issues?

The hypothalamus how does it work and influence the pituitary following steroid use?

What is the difference between testosterone and estradiol at the pituitary level?

Tell me what high LH is a sign of?

What is low LH a sign of?

What does high estradiol do to LH?

How does testosterone affect the heart at supraphisilogocal levels?

What is the problem with testing for estradiol?

What is the importance of dihydrotestosterone?

If you had a problem with vision and had headaches, what would you do?

How does testosterone level affect finger length.

How do you test for dihydrotestosterone?

What typically happens to the male body that is low in testosterone from a physical point of view A) prior to puberty and B) post puberty?

What do you think is a normal testosterone level in all molecular measurement scales?

What is the importance of SHBG when viewing total testosterone assays?

What is SHBG?

Why is it important to view LH in pathology?

Why is it important for hormone pathology tests to be conducted prior to 11am?

What is the difference between Nolvadex, Arimidex and Andractim?

What is the best way to test for Human Growth Hormone.

What effect does estradiol have on the male endocrine system?

What is the FAI?

What effect does Tamoxifen have on estradiol levels?

What effect does dihydrotestosterone level have on testosterone and estradiol levels and how does it mediate the latter?

What are the methological reasons for problems with estradiol assays and FAI calculations?

What oral testosterone therapies are banned in two third of the world due to liver problems?

What is the most accurate test for free testosterone?

What are the causes (please list in order of importance) of gynecomastia.

What is the success rate of gynecomastia surgery in the long term.

Can gynecomastia develop with normal estradiol levels?

Can gynecomastia develop with high testosterone and high estradiol levels?

How important is pathology whilst on steroids- legal as in medication or otherwise?

What would you list as important tests whilst on testosterone medication?

If liquid is coming out of the breast what would be your thinking and actions?

What are your thoughts blood tests who should conduct them and why?

What does high Albumin and high Bilirubin indicate?

A man has gynecomastia and has very bad joint problems what does this mean?

Another man has bad joint problems, low testosterone, gynecomastia and high iron satuation- what would your thoughts be?

What does a PSA of 10 ug/l indicate?

If you suspected someone had low testosterone from birth what tests would be relevant?

How does low testosterone affect the bones?

Name all the symptoms associated with low testosterone/

Name all the long term affects/conditions that have a statistically higher incidence if a man has long term low testosterone.

How does estradiol affect the AR receptor (basic info)?

What is HCG?  Where does it derives from? And what are its indications for medical use?

What are defined as low levels of testosterone in the UK, Australia and the US

What is the difference between Tamoxifen and Nolvadex?

What is the medical term for anti estrogens?

I know all the answers- good luck googling jocks;)

Please- Please can everyone as much as they want and no individual answer to stay out of this.

I am making a point and it is an important one

I have so many more, these are just the ones that roll off the tongue.


I wait with baited breath for half assed goggles searched answers and comments like- I’ll kick your ass and yea shut up a da y mouth and who are you any way and you need to recpec us.

Ooooh and a lot of blue language


ill answer all this crap as soon as i get some time....(don't worry its gona be soon)

Offline vaio

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$2,800 = Freedom! p;store=&prodid=&.done=http%3a//


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you really are a sad lonely little man aren't you?

i could probably answer 60% of those questions but then i'm not trying to sell myself as an expert on gyno - not at all. i'm just a guy who's had gyno and had surgery for it and also found thru reading and talking to people (endocrinists, doctors, surgeons and fellow gyno sufferers) that there are other ways to deal with it than surgery - in many cases anyway.

i now use steroids - but my gyno was not related to steroid "abuse".

i've used my knowledge sucessfully on many occassions to reduce gyno in body builders and non body builders alike with good success and i'm only here to help.

if like yourself hypo the other good members of the board want to fight and get all bitter and nasty all the time then fine! it appears to me that you like having man boobs and frankly mate you can keep them!

hope you have fun playing with them

but for the other guy's who don't like having them and are willing to try something that doesn't involve surgery i'm here to advise. given the correct patient info i will advise on drugs - type and doses, diet, excercise and my advice will not be based on a google search but rather on my experience and the experience of a doctor and endocrinist (who i doubt i'll be askign to join this forum now tbh)

i can only imagine that your bitterness and nastyness are due to your gyno and for that frankly i pity you. you're an extremely sad individual

ninja ;D

Offline hypo

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ill answer all this crap as soon as i get some time....(don't worry its gona be soon)

Equates to, I am incapable of answering the questions so I'll do my best using a search engine and try and put some answer together.

Vaio Quote

Equates to I can't come up with anything either.

Quote Ninja
You really are a sad and lonely man

Equates to, I have to use a slurs because I am incapable of answering the god darned questions.

It is gyne or gynae depending on what side of the pond you live, it is not, I repeat not gyno- ok?

Ninja Quote
i can only imagine that your bitterness and nastyness are due to your gyno and for that frankly i pity you. you're an extremely sad individual  

What because I have asked question that you fear?

You and those like you can't answer these matters without desperately doing a half assed goggle search- yet you are keen to give advice.

You use slurs- going negative because these questions show up the real worth of you treasured words.

You irresponsibly advice whole sale use of Tamoxifen and try and justify this on the basis of personal experience, don't make me laugh.

All of you guys are a case of the emperor’s new cloths.

I could write down your collective knowledge on the back of a postcard.


The longer it takes you to answer the questions the more it emphasizes the lack of knowledge and the use of goggle :-/

Come on kick my a*s, you ignorant jocks.  We have heard how much of an ass I am and how much I know nothing and etc etc- show me the money!!!

« Last Edit: April 06, 2005, 04:24:07 AM by hypo »

Offline vaio

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"I can only imagine that your bitterness and nastyness are due to your gyno and for that frankly i pity you. you're an extremely sad individual"

Stole the words right out of my mouth ;D

Offline STILLgotIT

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I don't have any answers for these questions as steroids aren't a topic of interest to me, but I'll sure as hell take this opportunity to waive goodbye to "hypo, eternal village idiot of the century."

Hypo's real life is so pathetic that he has to try and make himself something of import in this virtual world. I bet his last lay was a cyber-date with someone he met on a gay website (no offense to any f@gs out there). That's pretty bad when I'm apologizing to f@gs for associating them with hypo in any way.  ;D

Offline vaio

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And stop saying I have no understanding yadda yadda yadda.

I am not saying what my actual profession is (confidential reasons) but I do have a 4 year AS degree and working on a masters in a health care profession.  

I've been through anatomy 1, 2, and 3. Microbiology 1 and 2. Gen chemistry, Environmental chemistry, General Psychology, abnormal psychology, medical terminology. etc etc. etc etc. Not to mention I graduated with a 3.7 GPA
Have you been through thoes classes or any of them?
NO, you are a computer major. Totally different.  
I have an outstanding idea of how the human body works. lol..Don't say I don't!  

You are a "master" of the Endocrine system. You have been through first hand issues in your life dealing with
your endocrine system. You have alot of knowledge about it because you went through it and read up on it.
Good for you! A single body system is nothing. All body systems work togather as a whole. You basically know a fraction of what you are actually talking about.
You are far deep into the Endocrinesystem. Thats your  
"specialty" I can sometimes catch things from your writings that make no sense in connection with the basics.  
If you are so sure of what you are saying, you wouldnt have to try to prove it to everyone.    

The medical documents you copy and paste, you understand. Good for you. 1, 2, or 3 reports say "this" or saying "that" means nothing. I am sure there are just as many reports that say the opposite.  

Just like the Andractim issue. There are no before and after photos on here showing what Andractim will do. Yet because there a few papers where it has worked, you preach about it like its a religion. You say "it will work". Than when patients go to their Doctors they do not prescribe it to them. So they buy it illegally, and waste a few hundred $$ and there are no results.  
If it works so well in many cases, there would... A. be many before and after photos available shows its possible results. B. Doctors would be prescribing it like water.  

If you say something and someone contracdicts you, ACCEPT IT. Don't cry about it. You voiced you opinion, they voiced yours. End of story. No need to carry on.

Thats all I have ever seen you do. Even when I first came on this board. I remember how you use to b*tch around with Gruff. And man others. Now including me.  
You are the kind of person who always thinks hes right and always has to fight with people, in order to feel a sense of being. You need to GROW UP and stop acting like a know it all.  
Its very annoying when someone makes a post and you ruin it. You do it way to often. You said what you said. Leave it at that. Don't continue on trying to prove yourself.  
If you actually believed in yourself, you wouldnt have to make others around you believe in you. Thats all you are doing. Trying to proove yourself.  

PS. Please don't write back to me. I have better things to do than fight with a geek thousands of miles away from me.  

**I am just informing you why there are always constint problems dealing with YOU and other members on this site. Hopefully one day it/you will stop.  

That sums it all up. (Didn't feeling like typing it all over again)  ;D

Offline hypo

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Where are the answers?

Show me the money!!!

I don't want insults or slurs any fool can come up with them.

I want answers; I want you to show me the money!!!

All talk and no trousers


I have helped three people today have a better quality of life thanks to the knowledge I acquired that you deride.

What have any of you done apart from espouse ignorance and hatred?

Offline Daveo

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Anytime you start shit with people on these boards takes away from any help you might have given someone.  It's like if I beat someone up every time I helped an old woman cross the road, you've got nothing to brag about.

Offline aux513s

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Another funny flame war! Hooray! :D

I hope this one lasts for weeks.

Seriously though, I would like to know the answers to some of these questions.

Offline hypo

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When people are defending Steroid abuse, the use of Propecia and handing out dangerous advice to kids like hey try Tamoxifen- something has to give.

I see where you are coming from Daveo and this thread makes an ass of me as well because i'm dragging myself through the mire with them- but i'm prepared to get covered in sh!t just to show the fact that they don't actually know what they are talking about.

Sometimes you have to call a spade a spade, sometimes that isn't going to be be popular- As you might have guessed I'm not interested in what is popular.....I'm interested in peoples health.

I simply asked questions when all is said and done.

The flames start because they can't answer the questions and instead of openly admitting that they don't have a clue about this subject they turn to barn burning and go with the only thing they have left- base insults.


Before you start guys- do not reply to this mail, just answer the questions ok ;)

Offline vaio

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I can answer at least half of thoes questions but not all of them. More power to you, that you can answer all the questions. I am proud of you. Are you happy because I am proud of you?

But whats the point of this thread? No one said you are not motivated to learn about every aspect behind the Endocrine system. Thats good you know it.

The original debate was between you and another member on here about Propepsia. You pulled out of that debate to start one to prove you know about the Endocrine system. WE ALREADY KNOW YOU KNOW ABOUT THE ENDOCRINE SYSTEM.

On Propepsia again:
There is evidence showing Propepsia is very bad.
And than there is evidence saying it is very safe.

The arguement was over you being single minded and not looking at both sides of the arguement. Every aspect.

SOOO why are we having a test on Endocrinology on You want everyone to listen to everything you have to say and believe everything you have to say over anyone else! Theres no problem with that, as long as you look at both sides instead of being strongly opinionated.

I hate to break the news to you but you are very unprofessional how you outrage and bring about childlike arguements.

Learn to accept peoples opinions. You say Propepcia is unsafe. I respect your opinion. Someone else says Propepcia is very safe. I respect their opinion.
Conclusion: Its a Doctors decision to determind weather a prescription is right for the indiviidual. NOT YOURS.

Nearly every medication has certain side effects both good and bad. Its the Doctors job to weight in possible factors that may increase the risk of negative risks. Its their job to access that. NOT YOURS. Thats what you are doing on here. Pretenting you are a Doctor. You tell people" don't take propepcia, its unsafe you will develop this and that". YOU ARE NOT A DOCTOR. You cannot say if it is unsafe for a certain individual.

I don't know much about Propepsia but you need to not try to be a Doctor. Its one thing to tell someone the risks and possible side effects but to say straight foward "don't use it, it is bad for you blah blah blah" that wrong.

« Last Edit: April 06, 2005, 06:11:04 PM by vaio »


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