Author Topic: Depression Is Setting In...  (Read 3046 times)

Offline VeryUncomfortable

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...Right, So I found this site.. I learned I had it... and I told my mom.. she is to stubborn to listen... I just dunno...

I'm chubby now ... and 15 and I'm supposed to be enjoying my youth.. instead I hide inside and sit lonely.. to afraid to aproach girls... etc :( and I hate knowing no matter how much weight I lose I'll never lose my stupid nipples.. I'll always be looked at weird at beaches and forced to wear tight undershirts to hide them...

I'm so uncomfortable around girls... :( I hate dealing with it... I don't see why I even have to, my mom won't even take me to a doctor because she says "I don't have the money"... this means alot to me because its ruining my life! I'm so comfortable with my whole body.. except my chest...

Is there no end to this nightmare..? Does it just get worst.. If I have this for 18+ months.. theres no treatment besides surgery... and 18 months for me will be around December... so... gosh :( I just want to die...

I'm just looking for someone to show me the brightside to having this wrong with me... :( Can people please tell me how they get by knowing they can't change their embarrasment?

....Will excersising / dieting really actually help me? What path is it to go for me..? Someone point me to a good diet... I guess I gotta try to fix myself :(
« Last Edit: July 18, 2005, 06:50:40 AM by VeryUncomfortable »

Offline mannyman742

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You're 15, don't focus on the problem, focus on the solution. Nutrition, exercise, nutrition. If that doesn't help look into surgery, you are so young, some have been dealing with this for decades.
And remember when dieting/exercising that the pain of regret is far worse than the pain of eating nutritious foods/working out.

Offline doddy

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Chin up. I totally know the feelings you're going through, and I know it's hard. Hopefully Spleen will see this thread soon enough and give you a pep-talk.

What I'd say though, try and lose weight. I'd imagine that if you got your body in great shape, people would be less inclined to even consider your nipples. But trust me, I know it's hard.

Good luck.

Offline a-man

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You're young man... you have plenty of time to do something about it. I didnt have surgery until I was 22.

I was also a fat 15 year old with gyne. When I turned 19 or so, I decided to lose some weight, and several months later, I had reached my target weight.

Although I still had gyne, I otherwise looked great, was in excellent shape, and felt on top of the world.

So yeah like everyone said, start working out... it will almost immediately make you feel better about yourself. You have years to save up for the surgery.

Offline zarathustra

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I think most of us were in the same boat (or are still).
Be in great shape.  Don't try to hide it with fat.
If you do try to get into shape, do it the right way.
As said, nutrition is PARAMOUNT.
Don't starve yourself, don't obsess over food or exercise.
Go slowly and steadily and you'll be glad you did.

As for girls, it seems there is a split approach on these boards.  Some shy away from women in shame, others don't.

I personally have always pursued women despite shame/embarrassment over my chest.  The problem IS surmountable.  You can have very fulfilling relationships (sex included) with gyne.  All it comes down to is whether or not you're willing to try.  
If you do try, I think you'll be very happy you did.
If you don't and continue to shy away, you're probably going to regret it at some point in your life.
The choice is yours, but if you need inspiration, look to these boards.  I'm very happy with my women situation, and I have a pretty worrisome case of gyne.  There are many who will agree with me.  Hopefully you'll take on our mentality..  

Offline Ax87

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working out and eating right will deffinitely make u feel better about your self right away.... once u lose weight and get in better shape i think they will look better anyways... then if it doesnt go away maybe u can get a job in and save up for a couple of years and then get surgery, it'll be worth it... dont get down so fast, your only 15 you still have a chance of it going away  ;D

Offline Spleen

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The great thing about good diet and nutrition is that it helps your body to run better as a machine, and when you're body is healthy & properly fed then the depression will melt away.  Aside from just knowing you're stronger & more fit, people who exercise tend to produce serotonin.  Check this out:

As far as far as feeling self-conscious around girls, forget the nips...welcome to being 15.  It's a weird time and there could be a laundry list of perceived physical and personality flaws that teenagers pin on them selves as being the root of their social problems.  All things being equal, girls like confident guys.  Getting fit will help the self-confidence, and so will just working up some courage.  It's hard in the beginning but as soon as you have some success you'll be on your way.

Also, pubertal gyne will go away on it's own in 90% of cases.  You may just have to wait it out.  While it has the potential to bring you some embarassment here & there, it's not worth getting worked up about.  Don't fall victim to using it as an excuse or reason to *not* do a bunch of fun stuff that's worth doing (beach, girls, parties, etc.).  Good luck bro'.

Offline brownman

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Hey buddy i got some tips for you:

1) start working out
2) eat right
3) toss in some cardio

As for the ladies, go for the funny guy angle if you can or just be nice to everybody and trust me girls will turn their heads.. If you stand out from the crowd and are a good person that goes a long way with girls (especially those who got dumped :D) .

Anyways i wouldnt reccomend surjury tell 18 or 19 because it could  get worse/better as you enter into the older teenage years.. Besides just set a goal to ge tthem removed at 18 because 19 is when the real "youth" fun will begin so start benching and get a head start!

Offline VeryUncomfortable

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thanks alot.. I'm really gonna start exercising, so thanks guys... I hope it all goes well, I'm glad theres people like you around..

Offline dallasguy12

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Committing to a regimented fitness plan and diet can be a difficult thing to do. Something that helped me significantly was talking with other people who are doing the same thing I was doing which was bettering myself phyiscally.

Check out and be sure to view the picture area of his website. I found the photos to be very inspirational, as many have, and they motivated me to get serious. I would also suggest checking out the forums as there is a wealth of information on getting in shape there.

Good luck man - you can do it if you apply yourself.


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