Author Topic: Difficult choice  (Read 3555 times)

Offline Finrod

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I went to a very-well known endo yesterday and showed him every study i did, from mammograms to blood studies, and i'm very happy to say that my hormonal levels are perfectly normal.

But, this brings me to the next dilema, in his opinion (and in the opinion of a PS friend of his, very qualified) there is no glandular tissue, well, of course there is some, for all men have it but it's hardly noticeable, and this makes the issue a "stetic" problem, as he called it (and which kind of shocked my mom who was there with me).
The endo and this friend agreed that the way to solve this problem is with liposuction, which of course, i don't feel very comfortable about. I'm tired of reading posts from surgery experiences where people who only had lipo are dissatisfied about the results. The thing is that my mother is not comfortable with the exicion/lipo opp because she stands that my glandular tissue as the endo said is normal and there should not be any reason because god put it in all men, but i would hate it that after the opp my nipples remain all puffy and stuff.
On the other side, i have this other plastic surgeon, who performs a lot of gyno surgeries per year and who of course is more speciallized in severe/semi severe cases of gyno, which must be the reason for what she told me that she would do excision and lipo (mostly lipo).

So here is the dilema... doing excision/lipo (for which i'll have to convince my mother) or having lipo only and risk myself not to be satissfied with the results. What do you think??
Somewhere between this week i'll take some photos with a friend's digital and post them. The thing is that the docs are right, there is hardly no gland tisuee, and i can't even feel it, there isn't any hard tissue or anything like that, just fat and muscle beneath, but i'm still afraid that after the opp the almost inextintent tissue starts pointing out for lac of fat.
The money is there, i just don't know what to do :S.

Offline serg

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Mate if you believe that having surgery will make you feel better, and that is what you really want then go for it!

There are quite a few reputable surgeons out there - make sure you do your homework and find one who you feel comfortable and confident with, and keep your expectations realistic.  

All the best.


Offline Finrod

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Wow, don't think you really read the hole post. I am already willing to do the opp, have the money and have the plastic surgeon's, just don't know what type of opp to do.

Offline serg

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ah my apologies mate, sometimes my dyslexia gets the better of me. And I think I was still a bit hazy from my general anasthetic yday.

From what you've described it seems lipo may seem the way to go in cases of pseudo-gyne like yours (where gland isn't the problem). Again my advice would be if your surgeon makes you feel comfortable and is confident about the proceedure and can provide decent pre and post pics go with it.  Your surgeon should be able to ensure that you don't get the "sticking out look"

soz again for my incorrect previous post.


Offline hypo

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Hi Finrod,

I have heard from Dr Bermant that it is not possible to tell the difference between fat and gland 100% until it is removed and the surgeon has it in their hands.

If this is true then the decsion reached could not possibly be based on facts but only impression.

If you had glandular excision and liposuction and they opened you up and found little tissue worth removing what would you have lost?

Nothing the way I see it.

If you go ahead with an operation that only involves liposuction then it could be a great result, but alternatively it might not be and then you would think- if only.

See what other people think that is only my take on it.

Offline vaio

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If you have alot of muscle on your chest, you can flex you chest and under the nipple, if the tissue doesn't compress like the fat does,than  its gland.
$2,800 = Freedom! p;store=&prodid=&.done=http%3a//

Offline Finrod

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Well, thanks a lot for the advices, it's quite a difficult choice :S .
Hypo, to your question of "what i would lost"? The thing is that the excision opp is quite more complicated and there is more scaring involved, and it gives something to think about  :-/ .
This week i'll meet more formally with this plastic surgeon (who advices lipo only) and i will ask him to show me pictures where he only performed lipo, and from there, i'll take my decission.

Offline hypo

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Scarring from glandular excision via the areola should be faily minor if the surgeon is good.

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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Hypo is right there Dude.... Excision scars will eventually fade away ;). Have your surgeon do both. Sooooo many stories of guys not happy with 'Lipo only' proceedures.

There's probably more gland there than what they think there is.
« Last Edit: March 01, 2005, 04:50:30 PM by Bambu »
Surgery: February 16, 2005. - Toronto, Ontario Canada.
Surgeon: Dr. John Craig Fielding   M.D.   F.R.C.S. (C) (416.766.8890)
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