Author Topic: dilemna - what to do  (Read 1339 times)

Offline brownman

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Damn the dilemna, Now i have  consultation on MArch 13, with Dr Warren Law
which kind of ruins the hole idea of forgoreing Fielding and switching to
this doctor since Fielding had a March 24 consult and April surjury/May
Surjury timeframe.

Do i try to book earlier with this doctor, or should i just keep working and have surjury
when he can, hopefully late march. I go back to school May 8th and can only take 2 days off
for the surjury (day of and after) i work office work, data entry for accounting
not very physically demanding just typing..

Would it be better to have it done earlier or is April (1 month) enough recovery time for
looking good after surjury results (school may). Or am i better off trying early march surjury
and having two or close to months to recover?

I also quit drinking tell summer and have paid off school so financially i can do surjury
in either timeframes (public excision/i pay lipo).

if i wait tell march i will have all my co-op hours so i wont have to worry
about politics of asking for a day or two off more if needed.
Whereas earlier the time the less likely i can do that, and two days is my max.

Advice Needed

Offline brownman

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