Author Topic: DIM RESULTS -- Anyone lower their estrogen levels?  (Read 14360 times)

Offline phxguy123

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I searched the keyword "DIM" on the forums, and found info but not necessarily what I want to know...

I was wondering if anyone has tried DIM to lower their estrogen, then confirmed the fact that their estrogen was lowered with bloodwork. 

I know it may not be successful at treating gyno, but I was wondering if DIM successfully lowered estrogen levels.

Any feedback from your experience is appreciated.

Offline Paa_Paw

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As is the case with most Herbals, it has some promise but falls far short of expectations in actual use.

The dosages of herbal extracts required to achieve therapeutic levels is outrageously high in most cases. While the true bioavailability would seem to be a bit unpredictable.

In some cases, the opposite is true and the plant extracts are so potent that they are toxic.

The concept of using a "natural" plant extract is appealing, until you realize that you are also getting everything else that naturally occurs in that same plant.

While the extracts are useful as models, The pharmaceutical companies have largely forsaken them in favor of their manufactured analogs because the manufactured products are more pure and more uniform hence more predictable and reliable.

Grandpa Dan

Offline GPTkid

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I've been on DIM and this other product for about a wk and a half. I never took any test for E or T btw, but DIM is helping. The reason being, I can feel a Diff in gland structure, some parts feel a tad mushy, and other parts seem like they're are goin to separate soon....Hope dat helps
« Last Edit: January 11, 2009, 06:50:21 AM by GPTkid »

Offline phxguy123

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Yes, that does help.  Thanks for your input.

I also want to know about taking DIM and having erections.  I NEVER wake up with an erection anymore, and I'm only 27.  This really concerns me, considering my e2 was 47 (out of 52), and I do have some recent gyno probs. 

I am almost more concerned about the erection/libido than the gyno.  It just seems that it would be obvious that if someone was horny a lot, they had high testosterone...and if they never had erections (especially upon waking), then there may be an e2 imbalance.

Anyway....anyone taking DIM had a noticible increase in sex drive or nocturnal/morning erections?  To me, this would seem like obvious, positive results.

Offline GPTkid

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I've had a lil increase in sex-drive, nothin major tho, and "morning wood" too....But yea if u are jus wanting to increase sex drive or if you have ED(erectile Disfunction/cant get up)when tryin to have sex, there is some other cheap stuff u can take. If u wan't me to list some stuff i can?

Offline phxguy123

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I just started taking 6-oxo last night.  I'm gonna see how that works, and if it doesn't, then I'll try DIM.

Offline RickWalia007

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is it okay if u dont get an morning erection becuase i dont think i do =\ and im 17.

I my erection i think is good when i watch naught movies it seems to work and i can masterbate couple of times a day.


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