Author Topic: Do I have to be flat to get surgery?  (Read 2450 times)

Offline jorgitodaparadarse

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Hi everyone! My name is Jorge, I am from Argentina (sorry for my English) and I'm 20 years old
I've been fat, like 50 lbs overweight and I've lost 35 lbs.
I have gyno, glandular tissue, and fat but I'm not obese and I am going to have the surgery the next week, only glandular remove, not lipo.
Do I have to be totally flat to get better results? Or being 15 lbs overweight will "blow" my post op?
My surgeon said he would left a little bit of glandular tissue to avoid nipple cave and I know I won't get a flat chest and I don't mind. I just want to not have this breasts but also I'm afraid of not getting the results I expect.

Again, sorry for my english, I didn't use a translator.



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If he doesn't leave a little tissue you could end up having a hole where the breast are now and in my opinion that would look worse then the breast!

I'm sure that you know that even though your a male you were born with breast tissue! The thing to do is not gain any weight back as that could also increase the size of your breast again!

Good luck, and BTW your English is great!

Offline Dr. Elliot Jacobs

  • Elliot W. Jacobs, MD, FACS
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Congratulations on your weight loss.

Just one thought -- you are not 15 lbs overweight -- you are just 15 lbs short of your goal.  Many people set a goal for weight loss and sometimes that goal is simply unrealistic.  If you are comfortable at your new weight and have surgery at that weight, it should be successful -- assuming your surgeon is comfortable in doing gyne surgery.  Losing additional weight should not impact the results of your surgery, either before or after the procedure.

Good luck!

Dr Jacobs
Dr. Jacobs 
Certified: American Board of Plastic Surgery
Fellow: American College of Surgeons
Practice sub-specialty in Gynecomastia Surgery
4800 North Federal Highway
Boca Raton, Florida 33431
561  367 9101
Website:  http://www.gynecomastianewyork.c

Offline jorgitodaparadarse

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Congratulations on your weight loss.

Just one thought -- you are not 15 lbs overweight -- you are just 15 lbs short of your goal.  Many people set a goal for weight loss and sometimes that goal is simply unrealistic.  If you are comfortable at your new weight and have surgery at that weight, it should be successful -- assuming your surgeon is comfortable in doing gyne surgery.  Losing additional weight should not impact the results of your surgery, either before or after the procedure.

Good luck!

Dr Jacobs

First of all, thanks for answer!
My surgeon will only make an excision, no liposuction, and I read comments like I will not have the results I expect and also liposuction is a tool for achieve a "good looking" chest.
I know that getting a surgery it's different for each person, I'm not looking for a perfect result (it's a possibility that the surgery go wrong, I know it) but can I get good results only with glandular excision?

Thanks again!

Offline Dr. Elliot Jacobs

  • Elliot W. Jacobs, MD, FACS
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For the vast majority of patients, excision and liposuction are needed.  Surgeons who do not have a lot of experience in gynecomastia may cavalierly think that they can just do excision alone and get a passable result -- that is very rare.

In your best interest, it might be wise to get another surgical opinion.

Dr Jacobs

Offline MammaryMan

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Am I reading that fat HAS to be removed by liposuction? That the scalpel cannot remove both gland tissue and fat?

Offline Dr. Elliot Jacobs

  • Elliot W. Jacobs, MD, FACS
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Using liposuction cannulas is the best way to remove fat in a gentle and even manner.  Sure, one can use a scalpel to remove fat as well -- we did that in the '60's.  It ended up being a lengthy, bloody operation where irregular surface contours were the norm.  The techniques of liposuction absolutely revolutionized gyne surgery -- why go backwards??????

Dr Jacobs


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