Author Topic: Do i have Gynecomastia...:(  (Read 2424 times)

Offline Kanwar

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I suspected i might have it, but i did feel a hard lump under the nipples around a year and a half ago, its not there anymore , so is it fat?

Im currently 18  years of age and i do lift weights.


Offline Paa_Paw

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According to one definition, 2/3 of all males have Gynecomastia.  

Your photos indicate yes, but not really enough to get worked up about.

The condition is not a disease, but in some cases it is an important symptom of a disease.  When it occurs during puberty, it is normal. Just as it would be at birth and in old age.  At any other time in life, it should be suspected to be a symptom of possibly serious medical problems.

It is a good Idea to get a Doctors opinion even at a time in life when its appearance is essentially normal.

Gynecomastia in newborns almost always shrinks down within a few months.  Pubertal Gynecomastia may take a few years to resolve.  There are some of us who have the condition as a family trait.  (It runs in my family) For the elderly who develop the condition in response to their lowering levels of testosterone, It is usually permanent.

In a person who is significantly overweight, weight loss can sometimes have a great effect on breast size;  but not always.

Exercise is great for the persons overall wellness, but will not be likely to have any significant effect upon Gynecomastia.

Again, the best plan is to check with your doctor to be sure everything is OK Then not stew about it.

What goes on between your ears is much more important than a bit of surplus tissue on your chest.

Maintaining a positive attitude and good self image are the most important things you can do.

The condition seldom has any physical effects, but can have great psychological impact.

Good Luck and welcome to the club.
Grandpa Dan

Offline Spleen

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mild case.  It could be fat, gland or a combination of both and to be honest it's unimportant what's on the inside when it's the outside appearance you're concerned about.  

Offline gynosucks1

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and cmmon, like u didn't know u have it.  everyone who posts here

1.  has some case of gyno

2.  already knows it

3.  is just seeing reassurance

bro, given that u actually found this site and went and actually registered and took a pic of ur boobs..

chances are u are vain, and it makes u uncomfortable.

stacked with u lift for aesthetics i'm sure..

u only live 1 time.  after this, it's over.  if this makes u uncomfortable, get rid of it.  don't listen to people who tell u it looks ok, and don't try to trick ursel into being ok with it.

bottom line,

if u don't like it

do something about it.

but in retrospect.

u r fine, and no one would even know it who doesn't know about the condition of gyno.

Offline bathroom

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You have it.  Pretty similar to mine.  Just enough to be annoying.

I'm probably going to try non-surgical Raloxifene, if i can figure out where to get it.

Offline ItsOK

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and cmmon, like u didn't know u have it.  everyone who posts here [has it]


u r fine, and no one would even know it who doesn't know about the condition of gyno.

Aren't you glad you came here to get such good advice?
« Last Edit: August 17, 2005, 11:09:26 AM by ItsOK »


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