Author Topic: Doctor just Prescribed Tamoxifen  (Read 9120 times)

Offline Gyno-more

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Just trying to make sure you are thinking things through.  Most surgeons do not know how to do this surgery very well.  The fact that there are so many people here with botched operations should remind you of that.  You may think you are saving money now, but in the end, that may not be the case and your condition may end up being even worse.  You should make sure you grill whomever they assign you to have the operation and ask for before and after photos.  You can't trust a random surgeon to get this right without being positive he has the expertise to do it, you are not likely to get a good result if you do.  Don't think that because someone is a doctor or even a certified ps that they know what they are doing, that's just not always the case and we've seen that over and over again on this forum.  Faith in someone's expertise should never be blind, their track record and experience will always be a good indicator as to what result you will get yourself.  If they don't have one, or can't show you one, then just be aware that you are playing craps.  It's just crazy reading all these stories about people who rushed into this operation or went cheap thinking it was no big deal only to have to re-live the ordeal of this operation multiple times and end up spending way more than if they had done it right the first time.  Trust me, you do not want to do this more than once, it's not fun at all.  Make sure you let us know how it goes! 

Great advice - Thank you!

Offline thetodd

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Nice one! great news on the surgery in a few months time your life will be completley changed

it feels so nice to be able to just wear what you want, go out in the sun and not worry that people are staring at your chest!

But yeah make sure you put the pressure on your surgeon for before and after pics, not just for your own comfort. But to also put the pressure on him to make sure he does a good job

Good luck!
Surgery With Alex Karidis - 16/05/09 - Completed!

Offline Gyno-more

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Yeah - will do.  Thanks!  Where are you from Todd?  I was born in Billinge to Scousers but live in So Cal now.  On another note - they think I got my Gyno (or it got much worse) from Blood Pressure Medication.  I will find out which one I was on.

Offline thetodd

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Im from the birmingham area, so ive got a shitty accent just not as bad as a scouser :D

It could be from a variety of things, i got it because basically every male in my family has it but hasnt really been a taboo thing till the last few years!

Offline Gyno-more

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Update on the Tamoxifen:  The Gyno has certainly not gotten anny worse, but I cannot say it has gotten better either.  All the testing and appointments with Surgeons and Ednocrinologists has given me new motivation to get rid of my gyno.  I've lost ten pounds since I started taking this med.  Since I have an umbilical hernia, my main exercise has been hiking.  I maintain a weight of around 250 - I'm 5'11 - I lift heavy weights.  My chest looks better with the ten pound weight loss (probably mostly water, but that's okay) - I'm going to lose another 20 and work with endo.  Once I get down to 220 I'll go for a consult with a doc that is recommended here on the forum. 


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