Author Topic: doctor told me nothing could be done.  (Read 2982 times)

Offline joltera

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hello all today I went to see a local surgeon about my gyne. im 20, weigh 125lb and am 5'8''. Had gyne for about 10 years. It really isnt the size of my breast I dislike although they are bigger than normal, it's the puffyness of my nipples. The doctor told me that my chest is primarily muscle even tho I don't do any chest exercises and that any gland removal would leave me looking deformed. she said the gland was only dime sized but when i feel it there is much more hard tissue than that. Is there anything I can do? or did she just say that because she didnt feel comfortable dealing with somone with minor gyne? i'll post some pics if u think it would help. but basically when my nipples are hard my chest looks pretty normal just muscular but when they get soft and puffy it looks abnormal and boob like. But regardless there is always a mass of hard tissue that bothers me either way. any imput?
f*ck gyne

Offline joltera

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she told me before she walked out the best thing for me to do was to just put on some lbs and it would even out. but this just dosn't happen for me. regardless of my dieting or exercise my metabolism keeps me from gaining any weight im the lightest guy I know even tho I don't appear very small.


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hello all today I went to see a local surgeon about my gyne. im 20, weigh 125lb and am 5'8''. Had gyne for about 10 years. It really isnt the size of my breast I dislike although they are bigger than normal, it's the puffyness of my nipples. The doctor told me that my chest is primarily muscle even tho I don't do any chest exercises and that any gland removal would leave me looking deformed. she said the gland was only dime sized but when i feel it there is much more hard tissue than that. Is there anything I can do? or did she just say that because she didnt feel comfortable dealing with somone with minor gyne? i'll post some pics if u think it would help. but basically when my nipples are hard my chest looks pretty normal just muscular but when they get soft and puffy it looks abnormal and boob like. But regardless there is always a mass of hard tissue that bothers me either way. any imput?

Not all doctors are comfortable dealing with subtle Puffy Nipple Gynecomastia.  This problem can be managed with the right techniques and surgeon skills as demonstrated with the many examples posted on my website.  Buiding muscles does not help with gland.  I work with many Bodybuilders with gynecomastia and almost all tell me that as they built their muscles, what sits on top of the muscles just gets pushed further out.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Gynecomastia and Male Breast Reduction

Offline Dr. Elliot Jacobs

  • Elliot W. Jacobs, MD, FACS
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Why not post some pictures for us?

If you are very slender and your nipples protrude, there is only one thing that it can be:  breast tissue.  And a trained and experienced gyne surgeon should be able to remove the excess tissue while leaving sufficient tissue to prevent a crater deformity.

This is elective surgery -- look around your area for the best, most experienced gyne surgeon available.  And consult more than one surgeon in order to get various opinions.

Dr Jacobs
Dr. Jacobs 
Certified: American Board of Plastic Surgery
Fellow: American College of Surgeons
Practice sub-specialty in Gynecomastia Surgery
4800 North Federal Highway
Boca Raton, Florida 33431
561  367 9101
Website:  http://www.gynecomastianewyork.c

Offline Paa_Paw

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The surgeon said she could not help you. It does not mean you cannot be helped by someone with the right skills and experience. It only means she could not help you.

There is a fine layer of muscle just under the skin that causes the nipple to react in an erectile way. There are many potential stimuli, the most common being temperature and friction. It is possible that this is what you are noticing and it is possible that you do indeed have a slight case of gynecomastia.

Seek out a surgeon who is well qualified and experienced with this kind of surgery. Accept the possibility that your consultation could go either way.

Be thankful that the last surgeon was honest with you.
Grandpa Dan

Offline Alekot

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she told me before she walked out the best thing for me to do was to just put on some lbs and it would even out. but this just dosn't happen for me. regardless of my dieting or exercise my metabolism keeps me from gaining any weight im the lightest guy I know even tho I don't appear very small.

That's just an excuse.

Both skinny guys and fat guys tend to have the same excuses, only in reverse.

Like the skinny guy always skips meals, eats less, but seems to block that part. He goes "oh i been trying to put on weight, you should see how I stuffed myself", and you find out he overate one day, and then barely ate the next one.

A fat guy will starve himself for a week, but then go and binge one stressful night, and more than make up for the entire week

Tell you me what. Track your calorie intake for a MONTH... Then the next month, eat 30% more calories EVERY single day! Tell me if you don't put on weight.


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