Author Topic: Doctors, I need some advice.  (Read 1791 times)

Offline MikeF

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let me start by saying i dont have a means to upload any pics atm, but my breasts look a bit like this guys (but about an inch larger for the breast):

Some questions
I feel really lazy and lethargic all the time, I hate the way my breasts jiggle in my shirts and the protrusions of the puffy nipples. I also feel like crying at problems a lot.
Is lethargy cased by excess estrogen? Can Anti-E's and blockers such as Nolva/tamoxifen help reduce this?

I don't have any money (all of it is wrapped up with college and other payments) and my insurance won't cover it because it's cosmetics.
What are my alternatives to surgery? Do natural remedies like tumeric root work?

Why is surgery so expensive anyway.
Do doctors really need to charge that much for an hour long session?

I'm definitely not happy. Rather, I'm depressed. I got made fun of in middle school. It started as just my left side but my right side felt left out and decided to try and catch up. Unfortunately he came in second place for a years now, causing my breasts to look uneven (yes, my left is bigger than my right).

Offline Paa_Paw

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I'm not a Doctor, but I think I can answer most of your questions. Hopefully a real Doctor will weigh in soon and correct any mistakes I might make.

Hormonal imbalances can cause a variety of symptoms including mood swings. So can several other conditions.

Estrogen blockers may work in a preventive way but will not likely have any significant effect on Gynecomastia that has stabilized.

There are no viable alternatives to surgery. The various remedies available over the counter will diminish only the contents of your wallet.

Surgery is expensive because you are not merely hiring the surgeon but his entire staff and a very costly facility as well.
Grandpa Dan

Offline jojo82

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Let's take a step back for a moment. There is one thing that your insurance company will cover- an endocrinologist. One of the symptoms of low testosterone is a lack of energy. I think for piece of mind and to ease your depression over gyne (I know the pain- it's a daily struggle for me), you need to see your primary care physician and get referred to an endocrinologist for the proper blood work.

As for surgery, it's not necessary to pay $8000. There are many great medical colleges around america that will perform surgery at reduced cost if you agree to be operated on by a resident surgeon that is supervised by a professor/practitioner. That option has its own risks, but the surgeon's fee is usually waived and hospital fees reduced. Call around or email me- Over the past couple of years, I've compiled a list of medical colleges that have such programs.

Offline MikeF

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Hello, it seems as if I specifically requested a doctor's help on this topic and was ignored. I checked in to some places another member suggested for me, but I really don't have the funding and my insurance won't cover it for some reason. There's absolutely no way I can shell out 8 grand on top of college bills, which I'm already getting loans for. And, yes doctors, you charge too god damn much.

You may think I'm crazy, but I can stand this no longer. I've been reading various medical text, specifically dealing with plastic surgery procedures (and to a greater extent the gyno procedure) and I'm fairly confident in what I'm about to do.

I will be attempting corrective surgery on myself. I've procured many of the items I need, even a scalpel lent to me by a nurse friend of mine. All I need now is the proper anesthetic, but I'm looking online for something cheap. Illegal undoubtedly, but cheap. Most likely going to use a numbing agent on my nipple, a storebought one such as I have an autoclave in my basement, so sterilization won't be an issue. I'm also debating on livestreaming this, or at least taping it for people to see in the future. The result will obviously depend on how confident I am. I've been psyching myself up for a couple weeks, and also have some vacation days to eat up. Wish me luck? I'll stop back in with more details as they arise.

Offline jojo82

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Hey Mike. A big part of the bill for any invasive cosmetic procedure is the facility fee (for use of the hospital/surgical center) and the anesthesiologist fee. That's separate from the money the surgeon gets.

If cost is a concern, I suggest you check out the plastic surgery clinic of your local medical college. Fees are generally reduced. But even then, you may have to save up $3500 or so. If you want some specific recommendations on medical colleges, just PM me. I've spent a lot of my time compiling a list of clinics that have experience with gyne surgery. There are options out there- they just aren't advertised.

I know what it feels like to feel like a prisoner in your own body. I suggest that you purchase a compression vest (underworks or another company) for the time being to help out with your contour while you save up some money. Do whatever it takes to get through the day and remain sane. Talking on here with us can be therapeutic.


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