Author Topic: Doctors  (Read 2641 times)


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I am getting quite tired of medical doctors and their ivory tower attitudes.

Doctor:  Have you tried compression stockings?

Me; Briefly. They didn't seem to work and they were way too hot at work.

Doctor: You need to try higher compression ones.

Me: Will it improve my condition?

Doctor: No, but it will improve symptoms.

Me: Since I can only wear them 6 months of the year it seems pretty pointless.

Doctor: Have you considered quitting smoking?

Me: Will it improve my condition?

Doctor: No.

Me. Then what's the point?

Doctor: It *might* slow the worsening of the condition.

Me. But it won't stop it getting worse?

Doctor: No.

Me: *face palm*

Doctor: How about getting more exercise?

Me: I walk several miles per day already.

Doctor: I mean aerobic exercise.

Me: Will it improve my condition?

Doctor: No. It *may* improve symptoms though.

Me: So what you're saying is that nothing I do will improve my condition?

Doctor: Those things would relieve symptoms and possibly slow the progression of the disease.

Me: You didn't answer my question.

Doctor: The condition cannot be improved.

Me: *face palm*

All of this back and forth during a 20 minute appointment. The condition can be cured by surgery, but I have yet to get approval from the insurance company.

The saddest part about all this is I have to PAY for this kind of crap.



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It sucks!

Offline Paa_Paw

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You didn't mention diet, and he probably brought that up too.
If you don't follow instructions, like not wearing your compression hose.
If you continue to abuse your body, by things like smoking.
If you fail to get adequate exercise.   Not a 3 mile stroll, but a purposeful walk of the same or greater distance.
If you cannot do those simple things, then you are not going to follow post operative instructions either and You are a poor risk for surgery
Each of the items you mentioned will not, in itself, make a major change for the better in your condition, but collectively they could totally change your life.
I am not a Doctor, but I know this to be true because earlier this month I celebrated my 79th birthday while on a hike with a group of Boy Scouts.  I should point out that I had a Total Knee Replacement done in April. and got a stent in my Heart less than two weeks prior to the hike.  ...
Following doctors instructions pays off. The longest living male in my family going back almost 600 years was 73 at the time of death.  I am now 6 years older than that and still enjoy good health and activity.
Grandpa Dan

Offline yankee421576

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I'm sorry but the original post has to be one of the most immature and asinine posts I've read. It seems the doctor gave you reasonable advice. How about you quit smoking, lose some weight and try using the compression stockings like instructed? Will it improve your condition? No because your issue is a psychological one. You're clearly an arrogant, obese smoker who thinks he knows it all. My guess is you will never get better. But good luck doing what you want to do. Sounds like it's working.

Offline dairyfarmerinMD

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TMB/Bummed: Surgery is not a cure all for venous issues. I have had three perforator ligations, two EVLT's in a Dr's office, two EVLT's at University of Maryland Medical Center, and I cannot count how many scelerotherapies in another Dr's office. I still get severe ulcers on both sides of my right ankle. My vascular Dr. at UMMC tells me the undertaker will have to cut off my support hose. I am going to see him again next week, because my ulcers are active again, about a year after my last EVLT. There is always more new veins to get bad valves in them. Some veins simply open up again after they are closed too. Being angry just makes yourself more miserable, and those around you, too.

Offline 46bboobs

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If it may help, its worth trying.

My favorite is lets try this drug, well doc, we did that 3 times already. It didnt work and you told me to stop taking it. Well lets try it again......


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I'm sorry but the original post has to be one of the most immature and asinine posts I've read. It seems the doctor gave you reasonable advice.

The doctor offered no advice that would improve my MEDICAL condition. Or did you miss that part of the post?

How about you quit smoking, lose some weight

Weight is NOT an issue, neither is my overall health. BP @ 110/70, cholesterol under 200, and all other measures perfectly fine.

and try using the compression stockings like instructed?

Considering they will do NOTHING to improve the MEDICAL condition, why? Pretty effing stupid to risk heat stroke for something that won't improve a different MEDICAL issue.

Will it improve your condition?

OK, at this point I can only assume you cannot read - or you are a highly respected doctor saying the complete opposite of what this doctor said.

No because your issue is a psychological one. You're clearly an arrogant, obese smoker who thinks he knows it all.

Arrogance and judging - without being able to read, and without sufficient information - are definitely your qualities, not mine.


Offline yankee421576

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I am getting quite tired of medical doctors and their ivory tower attitudes.
- Right here you lose all credibility. You don't respect the people who have actual expertise because of your attitude.

Doctor:  Have you tried compression stockings?

Me; Briefly. They didn't seem to work and they were way too hot at work.
- Which means you don't know how to use them

Doctor: You need to try higher compression ones.

Me: Will it improve my condition?
Yes, by improving your symptoms - Don't lie by writing what you did below.

Doctor: No, but it will improve symptoms.

Me: Since I can only wear them 6 months of the year it seems pretty pointless.
- Because you know nothing and are not willing to actually do anything you should do. You want a quick fix. You are lazy.

Doctor: Have you considered quitting smoking?

Me: Will it improve my condition?

Doctor: No.

Me. Then what's the point?
- No, you're right, smoking is a very smart thing to do.

Doctor: It *might* slow the worsening of the condition.

Me. But it won't stop it getting worse?
No one believes that this was the back and forth of the conversation

Doctor: No.

Me: *face palm*

Doctor: How about getting more exercise?

Me: I walk several miles per day already.
Walking is not exercise buddy, exercise is exercise

Doctor: I mean aerobic exercise.

Me: Will it improve my condition?
Yes, it will, by improving your symptoms.

Doctor: No. It *may* improve symptoms though.

Me: So what you're saying is that nothing I do will improve my condition?
No, what you did was miss every critical point because you have a terrible attitude towards reasonable advice. The reason for this is your arrogance,

Doctor: Those things would relieve symptoms and possibly slow the progression of the disease.

Me: You didn't answer my question.
Yes he did, I'm sure the doctor did not say what you wrote below.

Doctor: The condition cannot be improved.

Me: *face palm*

All of this back and forth during a 20 minute appointment. The condition can be cured by surgery, but I have yet to get approval from the insurance company.

The saddest part about all this is I have to PAY for this kind of crap.
Then don't go the doctor, he doesn't want to waste his time with you either. You seem to have all the answers anyway. When you post non-sense like this you prove one thing- you are beyond help.
- I would suggest patience with your treatment plan, and a little respect for the medical professionals.  Based on your posting you would be a terrible candidate for any invasive procedure. Especially if it's venous ablation as it sounds like- that is not curative. Very few surgeries are.


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