Author Topic: Does doobs cause moobs?  (Read 3512 times)

Offline neutralizemoobs420

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I've searched on google for info on marijuana and gynecomastia  ::)

I've had gynecomastia since I was 9-10 years old  :(

I'm now 21 years old and will be getting surgery on the 18th of this month.

My awesome doctor will perform the excision and lipo.

I want to smoke marijuana after surgery.

Will the gynecmastia grow back?

Has anyone here or know anyone that has had the gynecomastia surgery and then smoked marijuana and having the gynecomastia grow back?

I really like/love marijuana and don't want to stop smoking it  :'(

all replies are appreciated
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Offline xelnaga13

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Marijuana raises your estrogen levels; which can lead to another case of gyno. Especially if you are predisposed to the condition.

You can find studies that support what I just stated; and you can find studies that refute it. Whether you agree or disagree that there is a direct link; theres little debate that there is an indirect link. Just a few examples:

1. smoking pot introduces toxins to the body that your liver has to filter; these toxins take priority over filtering out excess estrogen
2. pot makes you lazy and less likely to engage in exercise that supports good hormone balance
3. pot affects a person ability to get natural sleep; leads to bad testosterone levels

On a related note... I would take your gyno surgery as an opportunity to make some changes. All judgement aside; I believe pot dims the human spirit.

Offline neutralizemoobs420

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how about smoking marijuana every 2 weeks?

or maybe smoking once a month?

Offline xelnaga13

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I think more important than just the pot every once in awhile is your over all health. Are you over weight? Are you eating a lot of processed foods? Are you sleeping well? etc etc...

I would make sure your basic health is on track. Being overweight is a great way to increase your odds of getting gyno post surgery. Fat = estrogen = gyno

Offline gynespain

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I'm not a doctor, even alcohol can cause gynecomastia, I guess if u drink when u are in puberty time more than adult age, like all the drugs affect us more powerfully when we are younger

I would not even risk to get this nightmare back, if u wanna have 0 doubts about it, just dont smoke

marijuana is not so addictive like cigarettes or so usual like alcohol, or so easy and ready to go like other legal drugs, so it can be easier for you to finnish with it

I quitted a lot of bad stuff long time ago, my motivation was geting rid of this, which mostly made me take some drugs, like pot actually, but i had gynecomastia more than developed by that time, it didnt grow more or something, but every body is different, you know that

if I make the balance of taking drugs or keep my new image, I have no doubts about it (actually I wont have reasons to take anything, so double combo!!)
I had the motivation, and in the other hand the lack of problems that caused me starting consumption of some soft drugs, so I wont do it

I hope u choose whatever makes you feel better and you are happy with that

Offline Paa_Paw

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Good discussion, I really can add nothing significant except to say that I too believe that marijuana can contribute to Gynecomastia. Just how strong this link is, That is the subject of much debate.
Grandpa Dan

Offline neutralizemoobs420

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Thank you for your replies  :)

I believe that doobs will cause boobs when the doobs cause you to stop exercising and being irresponsible eating junk food crap
But as long as I keep up a cardio routine, workout at the gym 4 times a week, and watch my diet, then in my opinion, doobs won't cause boobs.

I really would like to find more studies that gynecomastia links to marijuana


the study would be flawed automatically if they're not controlling diet & exercising in the experiment
like if a patient eats mcdonalds, tacos, KFC chicken, wendy's, burger king, & any other bad junk food everyday.
also, if the patient doesn't exercise.
Then the patient would develop fat.

It would be great if they can get a group for an official experiment
The group would eat right watching their diet
Exercising daily
Working out at the gym 4 times a week
Smoke doobies maybe 3-4 each week

Then I can actually get official answers
So I think I'll be smoking maybe every 2 weeks on the weekends and still be exercising, working out at the gym & eating right
after recovering from surgery

I don't think the gynecomastia will grow back smoking doobs as long I'm responsible with my overall health and diet
Pre Op (Surgery on 10/18/2011):

All replies appreciated  :P

Offline xelnaga13

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People with drug problems that begin to experience negative consequences for their behavior often attempt to "make deals" with their problem. This type of negotiating is a sign of an unhealthy relationship with a substance.

Kind of like a person with drinking issues limiting their drinking to only after 5pm or only on the weekends. Its just a sign that the drug has a hold on the persons brain.

Just some food for thought. Not judging. Your picture indicate that there was/is some serious estrogen in your system. If I were you I would do everything in my power to address that issue; way before engaging in recreational drug use.

Offline gynespain

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what if instead of fat, your breast tissue grows again, because that is what marijuana makes mostly, sometimes also fat with the breast tissue

whatever man, i tell u, when i used to smoke up i didnt feel any change in my G, i already had it as a teen, i never tasted a drug and i developed gynecomastia
other people took shit since they were 15 and never developed gynecomastia

every body is different

do whatever makes you feel good, but if it makes your breast tissue grow again, dont cry afterwards
think twice if it makes sense to be stoned on weekends and risk to have another surgery or just make ur incoming surgery useless, it wouldnt be the first case


Offline xelnaga13

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Congrats. Welcome to earth.. when you get back... that is.


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