Author Topic: Does Gyne get worse over time?  (Read 11526 times)


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I think I may have psuedo-Gyne although I'm not sure and some days it looks more noticable than others. Does Gyne get worse over time? Or does it stay the same?

Any comments / information will be appreciated!


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I think I may have psuedo-Gyne although I'm not sure and some days it looks more noticable than others. Does Gyne get worse over time? Or does it stay the same?

Any comments / information will be appreciated!

For men who put on extra weight, breasts will get bigger.  Male Body Fat tends to collect in the band about the chest and abdomen.  When there is a Medical Problem Causing Gynecomastia or breasts are growing from a reaction Medications that can cause gynecomastia, until the problem is stabilized, breasts can also grow bigger.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Gynecomastia


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Thanks for your reply  :) I'm 5ft 9 and about 154 lbs so I don't think I'm overweight? And I'm not using any medication - however, I'm 24 and don't have alot of hair on my arms compared to other people the same as age as me - could this indicate a hormone imbalance? (I have normal amounts of hair everywhere else)

Another theory I came up with as a reason why my suspected Gyne / Psuedo gyne is more noticable on different days that others, is that it could be related to the amount of sleep I have had the previous night? I haven't slept very well for the last few weeks (staying somwhere different) could this cause a hormone imbalance?

Thanks for any information / comments! It would be good to get some info on the above. I will post some pics soon and ask for an opinion when I get the camara setup.

Offline Paa_Paw

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Hair or lack of it could be a hereditary thing. instead of comparing yourself with others your age, check out the male members of your own family. Both sides of the family including uncles and both grandfathers if possible.
Grandpa Dan

Offline sunny007

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less hair on body doesn't mean that u hav hormone imbalance.
it could be hereditary than its normal ,but if not ,than there may be lack of dht (most powerful male hormone) in your body.which protects from estrogen related problems in men specially gyno


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Most of the men in my family don't have alot of hair so I guess that doesn't indicate a hormone imbalance. Does anyone know if lack of sleep affects gyne? I'm not sleeping v well at the moment, and my gyne (puffy nips) seem to look worse if I haven't slept well the next day. has anyone else noticed this?

Thanks for everyone's comments :)

Offline Paa_Paw

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You have asked a good question, for which I have no answer.

Sleep deprivation is known to have many undesireable effects. That said, i've not seen anything to indicate a relationship between sleep deprivation and gynecomastia. It is an interesting question, but not one I've seen explored.

Offline captklenk

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Thanks for your reply  :) I'm 5ft 9 and about 154 lbs so I don't think I'm overweight? And I'm not using any medication - however, I'm 24 and don't have alot of hair on my arms compared to other people the same as age as me - could this indicate a hormone imbalance? (I have normal amounts of hair everywhere else)

Another theory I came up with as a reason why my suspected Gyne / Psuedo gyne is more noticable on different days that others, is that it could be related to the amount of sleep I have had the previous night? I haven't slept very well for the last few weeks (staying somwhere different) could this cause a hormone imbalance?

Thanks for any information / comments! It would be good to get some info on the above. I will post some pics soon and ask for an opinion when I get the camara setup.

A comprehensive blood test through your family Doctor can give you a good indication on hormone levels. Seeing and endocrinologist would be the next step if any abnormalities are found. My gyne did get worse over the years even though I was not doing anything obvious to cause its increase. (no pot smoking, anabolic steroids etc..)
« Last Edit: October 08, 2008, 01:02:46 PM by captklenk »


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A comprehensive blood test through your family Doctor can give you a good indication on hormone levels. Seeing and endocrinologist would be the next step if any abnormalities are found. My gyne did get worse over the years even though I was not doing anything obvious to cause its increase. (no pot smoking, anabolic steroids etc..)

Actually, I prefer a more thorough evaluation by an Endocrinologist when a patient has indications by my RED Flag System.

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Gynecomastia and Male Breast Reduction


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