Author Topic: Dr Lebowitz(Long Island NY), his latest video says surgery price is 12K USD  (Read 25308 times)

Offline Cristalis

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I was following the YoutTube channel of Dr Lebowitz. In my opinion he started an aggressive advertising campaign. He is posting almost daily videos with his surgeries. Today he uploaded a video with his prices 9K for excision only and 12K Excision with liposuction and all this without general anesthesia, you are awake all the time.

He states that he is the best in the world at this and that he makes more surgerys than any body in the world. From what i know he is not even a board certified surgeon and i kinda feel amused that he states that he is the best in the world with the greatest number of this kind of surgerys. Maybe his accountant keeps track of number of people operated by other surgeons and he has employees who spys the surgery results of other surgeons so thats why probably he can speak highly about himself.

In those many videos uploaded i havent seen any vid with post op results. He has some post op footage with patients that comes in the next day for the bandage change but they mostly lie down on the table so you cant make an idea and i havent seen no video with patients that are post op at least 1-2-3 months, thats when you can judge how well they are progressing, fishy.

On another video he says that people can save a lot of money because they dont need to pay for a general anesthesia. I wonder how much would be his prices in the opposite case, 15k??

With my post i dont want to denigrate him or i dont have anything personal with him.
I dont know what results he has, maybe indeed they are good but the prices?? I earn 300USD in our currency a month, god damn this life.

Does any users from here had gyno surgery with him? I searched the forum but cant find too many threads about him and no patient has a thread about surgery with him, results and so on.

I ask the doctors on this forum, do you still have your old prices or this is something new and everyone rose the prices?

Here is the link for his video:
« Last Edit: October 05, 2017, 04:06:09 PM by Cristalis »

Offline ev426

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Well I mean if he wants to call himself the best at this no one's going to stop him. Before my surgery (not with him) I followed him for a while. He does make it seem like he's the best and you have to remember that picking a surgeon is like shopping and he's doing hella of a job advertising himself lol. It doesn't take a genius - doctor that is - to get gyno surgery done. This is NOT an open heart surgery where some doctors refuse to operate if the case is too risky and has a low success rate. Pretty much every surgeon is capable of doing it. You just need to make sure you pick a respectable, honest surgeon who has done a fair amount of this type of OP and willing to be realistic and open enough with you. Even before and after pics don't mean anything because surgery always entails a risk and your body is diffrent. The only thing that matters is how many surgeries he's done before and the rest could be addressed with direct questions such as : How he opens the nipples, the scarring he leaves behind etc etc. If he's a board certified plastic surgeon, he should be all about aesthetics and obviously his objective would be to leave behind minimal scarring. If you're concerned with how much gland he leaves behind talk to him about it. I showed my surgeon one of those lebowitz clips twice, once being right before surgery. That guy is very aggressive in his method and he litterarly leaves almost nothing gland wise if you watch his youtube clips. He also does what my surgeon referred to as "quilting" if I remember correctly which consists of suturing the remaining gland on the chest. My surgeon didnt want to have my OP done this way and he explained the reasons that I agreed upon. I could've asked him to leave as much gland as in those videos and to do the "quilting" but I didn't, because his answers made sense to me and I'm not qualified to make those calls. I told him my concerns and he understood them. Bottom line, yes you could put every chance in the world on your side and spend a staggering extra 6k to get your gyno removed with a self proclaimed gyno surgeon or you could just look for a surgeon with positive reviews and discuss your concerns with him/her. I personnally cannot think in any shape or form that this surgery is worth 12k. 

Offline Paa_Paw

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Thank you for your thoughtful and detailed analysis.
I am old enough to remember when Doctors, Lawyers, and other professionals were not allowed to advertise.  Sometimes I think we would be wise to go back to that.
In that time, a person would ask a trusted friend: "Do you know a good Doctor?"
Or they would ask their trusted Doctor: "Do you know a good Surgeon?"
Grandpa Dan

Offline Dr. Elliot Jacobs

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Dr Lebowitz is not a board certified plastic surgeon and is not a member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, etc.

He can charge whatever he thinks the market will bear -- but I have never charged any where near those prices.

He can call himself the best doctor in the world for gynecomastia surgery -- there is no law against that.  But my society, ASPS, would term that unethical and a violation of our Code of Ethics.

I have had any number of his patients come to me for revision surgery.  Their stories and descriptions are something else.

Enough said.

Dr Jacobs

« Last Edit: May 29, 2021, 11:42:29 AM by Dr. Elliot Jacobs »
Dr. Jacobs 
Certified: American Board of Plastic Surgery
Fellow: American College of Surgeons
Practice sub-specialty in Gynecomastia Surgery
4800 North Federal Highway
Boca Raton, Florida 33431
561  367 9101
Website:  http://www.gynecomastianewyork.c

Offline Cristalis

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Offline Msp6767

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I also was shocked by the $12k price tag. Espically since the price quote from less than a year ago was between $8k and $9k for Lipo and gland removal. His reviews are pretty good, but I just can’t justify forking over that much when there are just as good surgeons charging significantly less.

Offline Dime4dice

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About 6 or 7 months ago, I went to my appointment with Dr. Lebowitz. Very professional guy but I just found it a bit too much to charge 10k for the gynecomastia surgery. I decided to go with Dr. Asare and I am happy I did. He charged me 5k and my results are very good. I had the surgery on August 25. Even tho I have scar tissues, I am seeing good results.

Offline Life's too short

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There's a lot to be said for his approach to advertising... pretty much every dude in the world who has looked up gyno surgery on youtube or google has probably seen one of his vids. 
If the demand is there, he can charge what he likes. 

Offline Paa_Paw

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A person must be very careful when it comes to reviews.  I was asked years ago for an opinion about a product that claimed to be an Herbal "Cure" for Gynecomastia.   The various reviews all seemed to be good initially, but then I looked more and found that all the reviewers said basically the same thing in the same words.   I checked the reviews again and found that all the reviewers made the same mistakes of grammar.  In short, all of the glowing reviews were written by the same person.  Photographs can be copies from many sources.  Besides, what can you really see of importance in a picture the size of a postage stamp. 
In the case of the Herbal "Cure" for Gynecomastia, It proved to be a hoax, but it is still out there and the FDA cannot touch them because it is a Herbal product with no actual guarantees. 

Offline Msp6767

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The above poster makes a very valid point. However, I don't believe Dr. Lebowitz is engaging in any kind of "fake reviews" scheme. My issues lie with his statements about being "best in the world" and his evasiveness when asked about being board certified. I would like to know why he believes he's the best. From what I can tell, it is because he performs so many gyno surgeries and it is the sole focus of his practice, which doesn't really highlight why he would be the best. I have seen others post on other sites about his board certifications and he has actually responded, but would only say something along the lines of, "because of the current state of medicine, I have decided to drop all professional affiliations and focus on my patients". I am not sure why he can't just come out and say he isn't board certified, or give any kind of history of his affiliations. To me, this is something that he needs to be crystal clear about, and is necessary for a patient to make a truly informed decision. Incidentally, I am also troubled that he used to claim that local anesthesia allowed him to keep costs down, but is now charging $12,000 for this procedure and one of his newest videos mentions that local anesthesia isn't cheaper. 
For the record, Dr. Lebowitz seems like an awesome doctor and the majority his patients seem to be very happy with their results. I think it would be great if he would participate on this site and address mine, and other's, concerns. 

Offline George Pope, M.D.

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You should be wary of any physician who claims to be the best in the world, or who claims to do more of one procedure than anyone else in the world.  How would he even know that.  As Dr. Jacobs pointed out, he is not a member of either of the 2 major plastic surgery societies. 
I always recommend to the patients on this forum that they seek a board certified plastic surgeon who does a lot of gynecomastia surgery.  
Dr. Pope, MD
George H Pope, MD, FACS
Certified - American Board of Plastic Surgery
Orlando Plastic Surgery Center
Phone: 407-857-6261

Offline Artsy123

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 I had a FaceTime consult with lebowitz, and he just didn’t come off as genuine or sincere. I don’t care how good you are at your skills, if I can’t connect on a personal level with a surgeon who will be coming at my nips with a scalpel, forget it. He seems proficient in his skills based on his YouTube videos; however, there are more qualified surgeons out there who are actually board certified for less than what you would pay for him. Oh yea and you’re awake for the procedure with him.

Offline Cristalis

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I am also troubled that he used to claim that local anesthesia allowed him to keep costs down, but is now charging $12,000 for this procedure and one of his newest videos mentions that local anesthesia isn't cheaper.

Yeah, you are right. As i mentioned im subscribed to his channel and i have seen the vids where he contradicts himself.

I had a FaceTime consult with lebowitz, and he just didn’t come off as genuine or sincere. I don’t care how good you are at your skills, if I can’t connect on a personal level with a surgeon who will be coming at my nips with a scalpel, forget it. He seems proficient in his skills based on his YouTube videos; however, there are more qualified surgeons out there who are actually board certified for less than what you would pay for him. Oh yea and you’re awake for the procedure with him.

I dont know how genuine is or sincere he is but in me he rose many questions when he blocked me or my comment on a video where he operated on guy that looked perfect, out of a fitness magazine shape and he didnt had gland but he disliked the shape and position of his nipples.
Dr. Lebowitz cut his areolas and rose them in an upper position. My comment was about how sorry im for the guy that he didnt loved and accepted the way he looks(perfect) and that he could end up with scars around the areola and scar tissue that could hate and be more bothersome than the way he looked before the surgery.
I didnt seen nothing wrong in that guy, he was just perfect and if i was a doctor i would have refused to operate on him explaining that he could exchange perfection with nasty scars but this obviously i didnt mentioned in my comment on the video.
Bellow the video:

Offline Msp6767

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I had a similar experience commenting on his newer videos. I commented on the one that discussed the new price and simply asked why did it go up so much in less then a year. The comment was never posted to the video let alone answered. I think he has to approve the comment before it posts.

Offline George Pope, M.D.

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One more thing:
If a surgeon boasts that he can perform an operation under local anesthesia and he actually puts down general anesthesia, there is a good chance that he does not have local hospital privileges to perform that operation. And because of that, anesthesiologists would not work with him.  I have seen that in my community.
Dr. Pope, MD


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