Author Topic: Endocrinologist -edit: Bring my own blood results?  (Read 4784 times)

Offline nukem2k5

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Ok, having read that I could be spending upwards of $800 for this (if my insurance doesn't cover it), I'm skeptical about if I should even bother.

I'm 18, have had gyne since puberty.  I haven't taken any medication or steroids or anything that would lead to a hormone imbalance.  

If I see my endo tomorrow afternoon, and my results say I have a hormone defficiency, what can be done?  I have to take prescribed drugs for several months / years to correct the problem?  I just don't want to waste my time and money for merely a confirmation that there's a problem without a safe, sure way to fix it afterwards.

I'm going to speak with my mother in the morning about the cost and if she thinks that my insurance will cover it and probably call sometime later to ask the office.  If they don't cover it, I'm going to cancel my appointment to research further.

Hypo, I know you're a firm believer in seeing an endo, but I'm still worried about wasting my money.  Btw, I'm seeing Dr. Rekha Kumari in New Orleans, who is AACE recommended and specializes in Metabolism and Reproductive Endocrinology, as well as one or two more.

I feel like I sort of rushed into this without giving it too much thought because I was expecting to pay like $200.  I'm pretty sure my insurance deductable is $3500, but I'm not positive how  that affects this situation.
« Last Edit: April 16, 2005, 11:27:30 PM by nukem2k5 »
Reborn on May 24, 2005
Surgery Cost: $4,040
Dr. David Metzner - New Orleans, LA
My Photos
Two Years Post-Op Photos

Offline nukem2k5

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I just spoke to my mom, good thing I did.  One of her close friends owns a company that does blood work for local doctors, so she's going to have him set up a really cheap blood work screening.

Hypo, could you do me a big favor and list all the things I should have screened so I can get the results and post them here or even discuss with an endo (to save their really expensive lab tests).  I know I need testosterone, estrogen, estradiol, but I can't remember the rest.  I'd really appreciate it.

Offline Paa_Paw

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You would not be wasting time by seeing an Endocrinologist,  but you could greatly improve the odds of a good surgical outcome and minimize the chance of regrowth.  Which makes the Endo-- a bargain.

If there is a bit of a delay while your hormones are normalized. (probably not needed) your outcome will be much better for the wait.

You might try sending Hypo a personal message.

Grandpa Dan

Offline nukem2k5

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As long as I can get all the blood results that Hypo suggested, I'll probably make an appt. with an endo to interpret them.  Hopefully I'll at least save some cash getting my own blood results.

Offline Ste

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Most people don't go to see an Endo - I didn't. Just went to my GP for a hormone test, nothing was glaringly obviously wrong with me so I had the op.

Not saying this is right or wrong but it is what most people do, as the overwhelming majority of cases of Gyne (except in our more senior citizens) are just brought on by the raging furnace of hormones that is puberty. Gyne's not an indication of a defect per se, all men have breast tissue - just to varying degrees.

Offline jc71

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An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.  I know it's debatable, but I believe most guys are happy with their results.  

I feel bad for all those poor guys who had regrowth after surgery that could have been avoided if they would have seen an endocrinologist prior to surgery.  

If you are one of the guys who didn't have regrowth after surgery, it's easy to say the endo is not necessary.  But if you do end up with regrowth, you'll be kicking yourself in the ass for not seeing an endo prior to surgery.  
« Last Edit: April 16, 2005, 10:47:26 AM by jc71 »

Offline nukem2k5

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Well my surgery isn't until May 24, so I'm going to try and get the blood work done some time next week at the earliest (he's with my parents in Hawaii right now).  

Anyone here think that if I were to bring my own blood work results to an endo that they would still try to have me give blood so they could get their own results?  Hypo gave me a very extensive list of what to have tested, so I'm hoping that I can just bring whatever tests I can get done to an endo and they can tell me if there's a problem.

Offline Paa_Paw

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What you save by getting the tests done in advance is time, moreso than money.

The whole business is expensive; but what is peace of mind worth?

Good luck!

Offline hypo

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Just to clarify, I did state that the best option was to see an endocrinologist and detailed the possible ramifications of not doing so.

The route of getting your own bloods done prior to seeing an endocrinologist is not my idea, I just recommended what would be the best range of tests in order to take to an endocrinologist at a later date should that be the decision that Nukem decides to take.

If that is something you have to do, a good endo should accept the tests as long as the quality of the lab or the tests is not in question.

Quest for instance is one of the top labs that many endocrinologists use- I would expect results from Quest to be acceptable.

If you are in doubt about the acceptability of results phone ahead and ask.  

The endocrinologist might think you are cheeky but you will know one way or the other whether or not you are wasting you time and money.

Offline nukem2k5

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Well I've heard talk of the whole thing costing upwards of $800, so I'm assuming that's a few hundred for the appointment, and a few hundred at least for the tests.  My mom tells me I can basically get the tests at cost, or maybe a little over.  I don't want to speak too soon, as I haven't spoken with him yet about it, but I'll let you guys know how it goes.


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