Author Topic: Endocrinologist results.... help?  (Read 2242 times)

Offline cruelnature

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Hi folks,

These are the results from my endocrinologist..... I'd really appreciate any help anyone can offer interpreting these.

You may notice that they are in German, so please use your imagination to work out the words, they're pretty much the same anyway.

The accompanying text said that hormonal imbalances were not evident and that the only way to eliminate the gyne would be via surgery.

But isn't the oestrogen pretty high ?!?

Many thanks in advance....


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Most of the results are in the "normal" range.

The oestron is a new term to me.  The only references in English, that I could find, were about studies of fish & chemicals in the German rivers.  It may be a weak conversion from testosterone naturally & from chemicals in the rivers.

There were many studies & results in German.

It seems that the oestron/oestradiol ratio is not defined yet on your test results.

Offline cruelnature

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Thanks Gine2D.

Oestron is actually the German translation of estrogen (British English spells estrogen as oestrogen).  So the figure is my estrogen value.

As for the ratio, I think it's 1.87 - the bracketed numbers on all the other measurements are for the normal ranges.  The first set of numbers are the actual measurements.

Does the estrogen look a bit high to you?  It has a + next to it like the MCV value...!


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The estrogen estradiol or E2 is the main breast enhancer.  It is in the "normal" range.

There are 3 main estrogens.  

E1 - Estrone, this is the one that is in the German water & fish reports. I do not know the effect of excess.  Maybe male to female changes in fish.  This is happening in some American rivers that have chicken processing plant runoffs into the water.

E2 - Estradiol is the most powerful of the estrogens.

E3 - Estriol , never looked up the effects

You might ask the doctor about the ratios.
« Last Edit: August 22, 2005, 10:33:04 AM by Gine2D »

Offline cruelnature

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Left this a bit late, but... thanks for the help.  Am now looking for a consultation.


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