Author Topic: FACT: Gynecomastia Surgery does NOT = a girlfriend  (Read 6805 times)

Offline Allan7865

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Yes its true for all those considering surgery. Oh well another task for me to tackle now  ::)  At least I feel like I have more confidence now.

Offline phantom

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As I said to my surgeon Allan "[Male] chest reduction will not make me happier, just a little less sad."

Offline dav242

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As I said to my surgeon Allan "[Male] chest reduction will not make me happier, just a little less sad."

great way of putting it - i totally felt the same way.

Offline Sir_Puffs-a-lot

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From a guy who knows, TRUST ME, women are WAY less concerned with looks than men, a lil' advantage we have being the dominant ones  ;)  As long as you're OK with it, they'll be OK with it, that simple. Just depends on what it takes for you to be OK with yourself. - J.

Offline Paa_Paw

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What a great day!

The original post and the responses above are all absolutely correct.
Grandpa Dan

Offline brownman

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F that

April 15 i am hitting on every lady i see ! (3 weeks post op)

Probly myself too since i see those pecks finally: D

no more stare and walkway or awkwardness in flexing during a hug
« Last Edit: March 21, 2006, 06:25:57 AM by brownman »

Offline Allan7865

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F that

April 15 i am hitting on every lady i see ! (3 weeks post op)

Probly myself too since i see those pecks finally: D

no more stare and walkway or awkwardness in flexing during a hug

Bah! How the hell do I hit on women? I really have no way to approach strangers.

Offline brownman

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walk up start smiling, if they glance once stay cool and do your own thing, second glance with eye contact head over and work it.. i worked in sales so i am a champ at approaching people in general and just selling it. The goal is to make her laugh but dont seem wussy/sensitive.. show those traits later after  a date or two so you stand out from the pack, as opposed to standing out for Gyne which is our downfall atm once things get moving ,or the firs thug etc always ruins our confidence or at least mine.

Keep conversation flowing, take charge of the conversation too and lead it in your direction theyll ask shit like when was the last time you had a girlfriend that means shes interested.

IF she introduces u to her friends its another test, say they ar ebeautiful or something if she asks but dont say they are hot or compliment them more then her.

umm avoid words like Hot, Sexy, nice or shit like that use breathtaking, vivid, attractive, graceful etc and such :P.

As for the approach a simple, hey how you doing, or what are you drinking etc... umm other approaches,

Say, "i could have sworn i saw you checking me out, and a woman as beautiful as you doesn't come by to often, so i figured i'd come over and make a new friend".
shell blush now and you just take charge of the conversation etc, do you come here often, etc, and work towards the, "well i think i am gonna head back over to babysit my friends (if your twentyish) and say well hear's my card if you ever feel you need someone to talk too, im a wicked listener"  

First approach maximum time is 10-15 mins tops even 10 is strecthing, it short and sweet she is shopping too remember and you don't wanna talk too much it ruins it. If she comes over to you then you can talk as much as you want but try to work towards a group if you feel your dry on material. .  the only excuse to leaving off th einitial approach is if it appears like you may be heading toward the bedroom then by all means STAY AND FINISH ~


ask for more if you want it, im a damn E-casanova as well as wicked at helping my friends get ladies.. i got the body now under the gyne and i hope my pecks are spectacular lol for the beach.. the beer gut doesnt really bother women too much i found from girlfriends (sadly just friends who are girls :( ) I just need the physical approach and experience their, kissing, etc sex lol.

Ask any q's u got!~ just say weather u looking for hoodrats (one nights) or ladies (relationship) ?

So how'd i do :D ?
Thats one of my favourite approaches i got more too ...
« Last Edit: March 21, 2006, 01:30:45 PM by brownman »

Offline carguy

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Hey i want more advice Dr Phil ;D
Im gonna start approaching women cause being alone is getting tired. I have no problem in the club or at a party but anywhere else i freeze up.

Offline Sir_Puffs-a-lot

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Just don't put so much faith in one girl!...yeah, some of 'em are gonna shut you down when you try to talk to 'em no matter what, but it's no big deal; Just move on to the next one  ;)  

Offline brownman

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Just don't put so much faith in one girl!...yeah, some of 'em are gonna shut you down when you try to talk to 'em no matter what, but it's no big deal; Just move on to the next one  ;)  

always happens to me i get attached to soon

what did u want advice on poster above puff


Offline Allan7865

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Wow Brownman you are quite the pro at this stuff. Your going to get a girl right after your surgery I think. Your probably going to end up going home with the nurse.

Can I maybe give you a scenario you can help me out with. Ok so the building that I work in theres a cafeteria, it just opended and for the past weekend I have been going to the same cute cashier(who looks about my age) to pay for my food. Anyways I'm just wondering how you would approach someone like this in a more social way, you know other talk besides the standard custemor-cashier talk. This is just an example of my possible ways of meeting women, its just so hard to start even a conversation I find. I'm not quite old enough to go to bars or clubs yet, so my only way to meet people would be at school or work and by god I'm trying. Anyways thanks for the help Brownman.

Offline brownman

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Ok so the building that I work in theres a cafeteria, it just opended and for the past weekend I have been going to the same cute cashier(who looks about my age) to pay for my food. Anyways I'm just wondering how you would approach someone like this in a more social way, you know other talk besides the standard custemor-cashier talk. This is just an example of my possible ways of meeting women, its just so hard to start even a conversation I find. I'm not quite old enough to go to bars or clubs yet, so my only way to meet people would be at school or work and by god I'm trying. Anyways thanks for the help Brownman.

haha the best way ?

when your chatting, make sure theirs no line up etc and your the only one buying that time, like maybe a late lunch etc.. go up and say what you are thinking, "It's so hard to meet women in this city i swear, dont you think?" This will also establish if shes single/married etc or just not interested.. if she says "yeah i know" then you can go with
A= that's so true i never saw it like that
B= What do you think is the best way to meet women

" do A or B and then "i agree would you like to go for a coffee sometime so we can discuss this a bit further? i'd love a woman perspective?" If she gives good signals add

" maybe its me, i must be doing something wrong?"

She will agree and dish you out a compliment and then you've already established she is doing some of the chasing..

Dont cut your losses and run with a saddy puppy dog face, say "well here is my phone number incase you ever wanna talk or change your mind"

and bam drop it quickly infront of her and move on saying "see yah tomorrow"  or something that shows alot of confidence if you walk off all happy and crap (poker face!)
That establishes your interested, your asking her out, you have shown an interest but are not too pushy/lonely or desperate and if she declines its no biggie.

that is your opener.. i need more info though to give you an A game.

Whats your age?
Do you talk to her each time?
Name basis?

Are you in school or recent graduatE?
And i take it your american adn the age of alcohol is 21 ?
Does she ever give eye contact, or smile when shes serving you?
Would you say your a unique customer as  in the others are alot older or does she deal with alot of young adults ur age?
(establishes if she gets hit on alot etc and the "luck" factor in you hitting on her)
How long have you worked their and she has served you?
(time is a big thing with women, they wonder why u just came around?)

Update me a bit and i'll get you your lady less shes taken either way you will learn something..

and i wish my mom is coming along though i will grab a # though haha!~

« Last Edit: March 22, 2006, 10:06:07 AM by brownman »

Offline brownman

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Also men's attraction is 80% physical give or take 20 for some...  10% timing (lonely) 10% Emotional.. this changes when you get attached but for the vast majority is our way of mind.

Women think deferently thus 20% or so Max appearance, 20% how you treat them 20% timing, 20% your personality, 20% attitude NEVER hit on a woman within the first 5 mins of meeting her unless in a club and she looks desperate....... never call them hot or sexy never stare at their attributes.. facial contact alone  = major points.. Dont TOUCH a woman within the first 10 mins of the conversation thats a turn off, theyll feel like an object. I have 4-5 girlfriends whoa re my best friends so i have a knack fro this. Each of them i kiss on the forehead/walk with my arm around them and they each take me away from women im flirting with.. one even said seh loves em bu  i was too much of a good friend to her (she doesnt have many girlfriends so i fill the void) she dotn wanna risk loosing me(shes also damaged goods).. shes the reason i getting surjury to sway her over........

Offline markashleigh1979

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Who wants a girl friend?!!!! I want several dirty slappers a week  8)


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