Author Topic: fat distribution  (Read 2510 times)

Offline iwannabefree

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dear all,

no progress/success since my last post and here is my pathetic excuse: cuz i've been busy...

but i got a question about fat distribution...i got alot of fat on my hips like women and my moobs r a lil more "curvy" than most of the guys who have posted pix on the web. therefore, when i do go to the gym, a part of me is always thinkin that i will slim down into a womanly shape (as in the fat portion from my chest wouldnt melt and that deters me from putting forth a true effort during my workouts.

now once i get the surgery (not anytime soon), i think this concern will go away cuz i'll just go crazy on the cardio and i'm pretty sure that it will help me burn the hip fat away (and i dont think id care too much if i'm a tiny bit ilshaped as long as i have a normal chest).
unfortunately due to a number of reasons, surgery is not an option atm...

would love to get some feedback from yall about fat distribution and if you could suggest some excercises for the love handles that will be much appreciated too.

Offline skyhawk

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Diet is important. And while there are differing opinions on what makes up a healthy weight loss diet, everyone agrees that eliminating excess sugar from the diet is the right thing to do.

An excellent exercise program has aerobic, resistence training and stretching. Incorporate all three.

80% of the effort will be diet, and 20% of the effort will be exercise. Exercise with a junk food diet will fail.

Medical: Make sure you are not battling low thyroid function. If so, it is easily and affordably corrected. Make sure your Testosterone levels are correct for your age and ask your doctor to check your Estradiol levels and the ratio of the two. If this is not right, it could cause feminization. Thats what Estadiol does. It gives a woman her boobs and distributes the fat on her hips and gives her a feminine shape. It can also cause gynecomastia in men.

Surgery is pointless if you have a hormonal imbalance. Best to correct the imbalance, then do surgery. That way you help prevent the gyne from coming back. 


Offline theblues

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I have the same problem. I can lose the weight on the hips, but only if I lose a loooot of weight and exercise like crazy. Otherwise, I have excess fat on the ass and hips even when I'm in okay shape.  :(

Is that common in general with guys with gyne?

Don't tell me I have a hormonal imbalance that I will have to address IN ADDITION to getting surgery. :(

If I gain some weight, I usually get fat in this order:

Not very manly...

Offline iwannabefree

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many thanks to skyhawk...i'll try to work up the nerve to talk to a doc and perhaps consolidate with my family. i'm quite manly otherwise as in i have good amount of body hair, facial hair, and i'm quite pleased with what i see under the belt, just the fat distribution was a source of concern. so i'm not sure how bad the hormonal imbalance can be...but i should get it checked out.

blues, buddy dont worry we'll figure shit out.


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