Author Topic: fight  (Read 4745 times)

Offline myth77

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Well today my usto be friend pushed me the whole day. They just moved me infront of him to sit in high school. So today he was fckin with me today by squeezing my chest, i told him if he did i would punch him and he did it. So i didnt do anything at that moment cuz there was a teacher. We continued through the day and he continued fckin with me and i said to myself im gonna punch this male thingy. So at the end of school most kids left the class but i was still there and i went to him because he was talkin to my friend and he continued so i punched him, it wasnt my best punch but it did damage (he has braces). I had one of my other friends prepared so he hurry went and grapped him and pushed him away and i went to get my bag and left class. I got a couple big guys to be with me cuz where i live this is how things role (the caribbean). So i was waiting for my parents to pick me up and he came with his friends (my friends aswell, but he hangs out with them more) So they didnt do me anything cuz i had guys and they know me but they would have probably fcked with me and the guy i punch would be punchin me while they grabbed me but that didnt happen. So now im gonna wait and see what people say and tomorrow should be and interesting day =/

Offline fluffy_tits

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sound like you're in jr. high or somethin.

good luck tom.  put on your running shoes (just jokin)!! 

You should have knocked his ass out!!!  Pinching your chest isn't koo....good thing it wasn't infront of chicks though or you would have been embarrassed!
My before and after surgery pics: Leave a comment if you look!! (HAD THE WRONG LINK UP! THIS IS THE ONE WITH ALL THE PICS)

Offline Wayne1985

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Sorry to hear that dude.  We've all had annoying stuff happen to us because of this condition.

All the more reason to get the surgery at your young age.  I'm in my mid 20s now, and I'm still trying to work it out.  I wish I'd had it done when I was 14.

Offline fluffy_tits

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Sorry to hear that dude.  We've all had annoying stuff happen to us because of this condition.

All the more reason to get the surgery at your young age.  I'm in my mid 20s now, and I'm still trying to work it out.  I wish I'd had it done when I was 14.

Same here I wish i'd had it done when i was 15!  I got my surgery done 5 days after my 23rd bday!  it was my present to myself and the best one of my life!!

Offline Wayne1985

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I didn't realize until about age 18 or so that it wasn't just fat.  I always thought exercise would make it go away.  Damn, was I wrong.

Fluffy, did you play division one ball?  I saw in another post of yours that you played football.

Offline fluffy_tits

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yea i did but im not puttin my name on here...already put too much info on here already...

Offline headheldhigh01

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the other guys need to know he was being a d**k and that's why it happened.  they're less likely to stand up for him if they know he brought it on himself. 
* a man is more than a body will ever tell
* if it screws up your life the same, is there really any such thing as "mild" gyne?

Offline Paa_Paw

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The word should get out that you do not make a good victim.

Hopefully this one event will be sufficient and you will have no need to repeat the performance.
Grandpa Dan

Offline Wayne1985

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yea i did but im not puttin my name on here...already put too much info on here already...

Yep.  No worries.  I wasn't going to ask you what school you played for or anything, either.  If you think you've posted too much just go back and erase some stuff.  No harm in that.

Offline fluffy_tits

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oh ok lol.  and yes I might have to do that.

Offline myth77

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Well guys its been 2 days and no fighting has happened. Him and i havent talked at all since then. All he has been doing is telling people shiz and trying to make a joke of me and everyone laugh, but hes smart cuz if he fought instead i would have knocked that mofo off his feet.

Offline Paa_Paw

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I think the proper perspective is that he assaulted you and you merely defended yourself.

The one who allows the issue to drop is the ultimate winner. The person who tries to keep something like this going will look like a fool.

It is a waste of energy to whip a dead horse.

Offline Trycer6

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I wish that were true. But sadly, in most social conflicts, the dude with boobs is going to lose.

Offline fluffy_tits

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True you just have to have comebacks!!  Cause if he says somethin about your breasts infront of everyone and they laugh you gon look/feel like ah idiot!! if you give me a pic of him or put one up i'll tell you some shit to say about em!! I'm good at that!  Me and my friends use to talk about each other all the time and shit and still do!! most had man boobs to.  we all played football together.  but we all had thick skin and could take as well as dish if you wanna do that i'll help you out!

Offline Paa_Paw

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If you start out thinking that you are going to lose it becomes a self fulfilling prophesy.

I've had mine since about 1949 but I refused to be a victim.

Winning starts with a winning attitude.

Often we prove to be our own worst enemies.


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