Author Topic: Finasteride gynecomastia  (Read 1274 times)

Offline lore9767

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Hi, I'm lore, 30 years old.
After 5 years of finasteride 1 mg/die without no sides I developed bilateral painful gynecomastia (1,5 cm diameter at ultrasound, no noticeable at eye).
I don't want stop Fina, so I reduced to 0.5 MG eod. On the basis of medical literature I 
start raloxifene 120 mg/die (I'm a medical doctor) from a week without no benefit on pain (it hurts). 
I want to ask to every one had this side from finasteride if he can keep the medication long term reducing the dose. If the growth of breast tissue on finasteride stabilize to a plateau or progress indefinitely. And if the pain resolve at certain moment or stabilize itself.
Thank's to all. 


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