Author Topic: First time poster: Wondering if I might have gyne  (Read 1816 times)

Offline williebuyoff

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I am 28, 197lbs @ 14 % BF.

I've always noticed my nipples sticking out from the rest of my chest. I always thought it was sort of weird but didnt think too much of it til now.

I've had this condition since my teen years. The reason I remember is I used 2 get picked at by my peers trying to squeeze milk out my nipples. LOL. Never thought it was any sort of medical condition.

The strange thing about it is, anytime the weather is cold, or I start fiddling with them it completely goes away and my nipples look normal.

I dont' know if my case is mild or not. I've heard ppl say once they got their BF % down the nipples went down. Others said as they grew in chest it made it worst, which would not be good for me since I'm into bodybuilding.

This little prob is really starting to get to me. I don't even know if I have it, or if I do, how severe. Not sure if I get the BF% down if it would help.

Does anyone have the same things happening to them?

Offline profjeff

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The puffy nipples are probably from enlarged glands.  I had the same problem.  You can get glandular excision and that might help.

Offline williebuyoff

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I am trying to avoid any type of surgery. As mentioned before, it is not a big know life or death, but I can tell the difference and with me being a bodybuilder and all normal sized nipples would enhance my chest b/c it looks so much better w/o the slight puffiness.


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