Author Topic: First time poster.....  (Read 2952 times)

Offline Captain_Sam

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Hi, I've just found this site today.  I have all the same sad stories most of you have so I won't go into that.  I will say that after looking at many of the pictures that are posted, I would consider giving my left nut to look like many of the before pictures if that tells you anything.  Anyways, I live in Greenville NC, which has a major hospital and is also just a little over an hour east of Raleigh.  Are there any surgeons in this area? What are some general prices?  Are there other alternatives (namely cheaper ones)?

Thanks for any feedback.

Offline c3ntralp3rk

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you mean alternative cures to gynecomastia other than surgery??

well first of all, how old are you? if you are in your early teens then it might just go away on its on. in fact there is a very high chance that if you just got it - it'll go away in the next 1-2 years.. if however, youv'e had it for a while (which i might guess as you said you had a sad story) then chances are that it will most likely stay.

i have read of a lot of products that 'claim' to cure gyne. however all the medical websites that i have been to (as in websites not belonging to the people who are hosting them for the purpose of the sale of pharmaseutical related products) have said that surgery is the only known treatment for gyne. unless ofcourse there is an underlying disease (liver function impairment, hormone imbalance) so you could go for a couple of tests and get that cleared out.

if you are overweight, then losing some poundage would help in altering the appearance of your gyne. then again, don't get too stick thin - that'll just make the gland stick out even more (as it did for me).  but once i started working out, (i guess since i probably have a minor case) it really helped conceal the gyne. its basically located around the nipple area, and since my upper chest was pretty well developed - wearing small/medium sized t-shirts never let anybody (and to a certain point me) realize that i had gyne.

i would personally opt for surgery. it seems the most senseble option in the long term. however if

Offline Captain_Sam

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I'm 26 years old and this has been a part of my life since I was in middle school.  Growing up in the heart of ACC country in Raleigh, we played basketball it seems every single day while I was growing up.  I've always had a gut because I love to eat but I was in good shape growing up too, as far as being able to run and play sports.  In high school I played football, lifted weights and continued to play basketball very frequently.  I'm 6'2" and since I was 15 my weight has fluctuated between 215 and 250 lbs.  Currently, I'm arround 225.  I'm sure the extra pounds don't help but I am very doubtful they are the cause.

Offline c3ntralp3rk

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ahh, yeah. i'm 19, and i've had gyne since middle school too. heh, i lost all the poundage, gained a lot of muscle mass, was ripped everywhere else, and i used to look at my chest and be like "damn, gotta do a little more cardio.." until i realized that i had gyne..

well, your case sounds like pubertal gynecomastia. try feeling under the nipple for gland.. if you feel just soft/tender tissue - then its probably just fat.. but since you've mentioned that you've had it since middle school (typical time for gyne to hit).

you might want to set up a consultation with a PS in your location, find out if your medical insurance would cover your gyne surgery..

another thing you could do is  fly to southeast asia (thailand/indonesia) or even tijuana, mexico and get your gyne surgery done there (both excision + lipo + airfare charge) for cheaper than in the states.

Offline clrd2lnd

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I am in Raleigh.  How ya doin' neighbor.  

Read my post from earlier today - that tells the story.  The subject is "15-Month Postop Report".

You really need to contact the guy who did my surgery in Raleigh for TWO reasons:  First, he is a terrific human being and one of my best friends and Secondly, he is an exceedingly talented plastic surgeon and he practices in a very reputable group.

Their website is:

His name is Dr. Glen Lyle and their phone number is 919-872-2616.

If you call him and speak with him, be sure to tell him that his 'good friend' from Raleigh referred him.

I'll see him tonight and tell him I suggested you call him, so he'll know that if he gets a call from someone in Greenville, he'll make the assocation from this site.

If you'd like to email me and get his cell phone number, I don't think he'd mind if you called him after hours, if you are serious about persuing this.  He very well understands the sensitive nature of persuing this from our perspective.

My email is:

This guy is amazing, and he's right in your back yard!  Check him out.

Good luck!

Offline Captain_Sam

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Thanks alot, I may shoot you an email.  


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