Author Topic: foods, supplements, etc..., that may help reverse gyno  (Read 2720 times)

Offline zoidberg

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i've been looking online for any ways to possibly reverse any breast growth and other feminine traits (given that it is reversible to some/any degree), like extra belly fat for instance.  i've found alot of info, but as usual much of it seems bogus and while one site says 'do this', another says 'don't'.  anyone know of any foods to eat or avoid?  supplements to take or avoid?  anything at all that may help?
« Last Edit: February 01, 2015, 04:22:00 PM by zoidberg »

Offline Paa_Paw

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As you have observed, There are a lot of things on the market but none of them have actually proven to reduce anything except your wallet. 

Always be wary when the supposed proof is a lot of testimonials.  Testimonials are not clinical proof.  You really know the testimonials are bogus when you start reading through them and realize they all say the same things and they all make the same mistakes of spelling and grammar.

When something seems too good to be true, it is not true.
Grandpa Dan

Offline zoidberg

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thank you for the reply, i should've been more specific :-), i'm looking for foods and maybe vitamins that may help increase testosterone and/or reduce estrogen with the hope of reducing some recent growth that happened within the past 6 months. i've seen, for instance, where turmeric and other spices/foods may help boost testosterone levels. just looking for stuff i can find at a grocery store or vitamin shop - i've seen some ads for cures and they all look like scams.  thanks

Offline Bobby - LAgyne

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I think, once the glands are formed and you have them for a couple of years, the only way to get rid of them is surgery and no food or magic pills can 'melt' them away.

Good luck!

Offline MammaryMan

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Soy is apparently estrogenic. I'm wondering whether avoiding all soy products is useful in helping prevent gynecomastia. Of course, having one's estradiol checked is, presumably, an important step.

Offline zoidberg

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i've read of cases where soy can cause feminization when ingested in large quantities and i'm reducing the soy in my diet (i wasn't getting a lot as far as i can tell from checking nutritional labels). i'm looking into foods that may raise testosterone levels and/or reduce estrogen even if it is only a slight difference. and since my chest growth is within the past 6 months, i'm willing to try this - i'm not looking for a magic pill, just a chance to improve my hormone balance - especially since its not close to a 2 year mark. also, when i mention supplements, i mean things like an increase in a b vitamin, turmeric in capsule form, etc..., (those are only examples, i do not know if they work for this, i'm still learning what i can). 
so, i'm not looking to erase gyno i've had for over 20 years, or completely erase my current growth... only reduce what happened within the past 6 months, even if it's only a slight difference.  and to do so with a healthy change in diet focused on foods that may help restore any hormone imbalance i may have. if anyone knows of any foods and the such that may be beneficial in this effort i'd be very grateful for any help :-)

Offline Paa_Paw

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There are herbs that are reputed to increase Testosterone levels.  I would steer clear of them as I would avoid the plague. Whenever the body has an excess of Testosterone the surplus is converted into estrogen. At the same time, the body reacts by reducing the output of Testosterone.  The ultimate effect is just exactly opposite of what you want. This is the curse of body builders who take steroids to increase muscle mass. 

If you suspect that you might have low Testosterone, ask you doctor for a battery of hormone tests.   Checking the testosterone alone will not really tell you very much, you need the whole battery of tests.  Generally speaking, most doctors might be able to tell if there was a major problem but only an endocrinologist knows enough about how the hormones interact to be able to evaluate the results and treat a minor problem.

I notice the ambulance chasers are running ads about men who have been taking Testosterone supplements and suffered dire results.  Adjusting your hormone levels is very definitely not a Do It Yourself job.

Offline zoidberg

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thanks for the help, i've so far only cut back on foods that might have contributed some. i cant afford to see a doctor at this time, but i look forward to a visit when i can.


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