Author Topic: Getting checked  (Read 1660 times)

Offline meekeey

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Seems like the right place to do this, so here goes!

I noticed since a few years ago that my nipples became quite "puffy". They're most noticable in the morning and when in hot conditions, I don't have any pictures at the moment so I will try to describe it to you.

When I wake up I will notice theyre poking out quite a bit, one more than the other, the pointy part of the nipple (sorry don't know the name) isn't as point anymore and its wider and blends with the rest of the nipple kind of when then sometimes it wont be like this, even if its quite hot, but not always. The other nipple will still have the pokey bit but will still be "puffy". If that makes sense? ;)

It's obviously quite embarresing because I don't like to take my shirt off, but lately I don't really care so much and just do it anyway, but if i'm at a local swimming pool or public place where it's hot and want to take my shirt off, I won't do it, I feel to embaressed.

I have tried running and exercise, I weight 10 stone (140 lbs) and I am around 5'10/5'11. I looked on the internet and that said I am in good weight for my age and height. I've never been fat, i'm usually quite active.

I have notice some a lumpy kind of thing behind each nipple, i've had that for about 3-4 years, I read somewhere that was normal but i'm starting to doubt that, also I have much smaller (like very smaller) "lumps or glands" in some parts of my pecs.

Now my case isn't actually so bad, i've looked at some of the pics and some people have it a lot worse, I think it's just a mild, mild case but it's embarresing, i'm sure you can understand and I am starting to think that it's maybe a hormonal thing.

I spoke to my doctor before, he said it's normal and they should go down in 6 months, well...they havent, if anything they're getting a little bigger. I have been doing pushups and that's caused my chest muscle to develop a bit more and ive noticed a larger space between my nipples (just thought i'd throw that in there ;)).

So I was wondering, what possibilities could it be? Such as hormonal, mild gynecomastia (which i'm not sure it is, but im not the professional); and how I would go about getting it checked or bringing it up in a discussion with my doctor.

Everyone else in my family has quite small nipples, as I did, and do when they're in a cool environment but even then they poke a bit as it seems theres something behind the nipple poking it out.

Many thanks for reading, I know it's a long post!



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