Author Topic: Getting LIPO w/ Gyne Surgery ???'s  (Read 2544 times)

Offline booty_frijoles

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Hey everyone, I haven't posted here in awhile...and I still haven't gotten rid of my gyne. But I recently got a new job so I'm hoping to finance it in the near future. I have a question though:

I lost a lot of weight about 6 months or so ago, at my highest I weighed about 210-215 at 6'...I am now 175-180...pretty lean and muscular. But I still have slight love handles and some fat on my stomach. I know there isnt much, but because of the weight loss there is alot of loose skin in my abdominal area which is probably why the area seems fatter than I'd like. I've been working out my abs, but they wont really show until I shed off some of this fat. And for those who say "just run and eat right"...I have been for over a year. I think I've hit my plateau.

I've heard the there is a certain type of lipo that makes the skin tighter. So I was wondering if that would be right for me. I would like to get it done along with my gyno surgery to save some money, but I'm not sure if I would be a candidate or if this would be the right thing to do. Any advice would be great.

I'm located in Atlanta...but I've heard so many great things about Dr. Weiner in Houston I may plan to fly out there to have it done. I'd be going alone so if anyone in the area reads this...let me know if you'd be willing to help out with getting me from the hospital to a motel. Or just general help with the area.

Here's some pics to see how much fat there is:

Offline mrpower33

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Since you are in Atlanta, I would consider Bermant, who is in Virginia.  It is a lot closer.  He will definitely lipo your chest, which will help immensely, because it looks like it will be very difficult to get rid of that fat.  As for your abs, I actually don't think you should go for lipo on your abs, although you should ask a PS about that.  You don't look like you were so fat that your skin won't be able to tighten up and take care of it.  The reality is, you probably need to just go hard core for that last bit.  It sucks because its so much easier to turn into a blob than to reverse it, but I think you still have a shot.  In any event, lipo should be that last resort.  I can tell you from personal experience that lipo really f's up your body.  The gland excision is a piece of cake.  It's the lipo that causes hemotoma, bruising and swelling.  You should avoid it if at all possible. 


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If you're in Atlanta I highly suggest Dr. Jeffords. My surgery is wed so I'll be able to post results then, but he has done several hundred with great success. At my consultation he sat me down and showed me 10 that he had done with similar builds as mine and showed me before and after. He is a nice guy and I fully trust him to change my life for the better. Surgery cost for everything is 4600.

Offline mrpower33

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The lipo wasn't bad per se, but I think it's generally what causes you to take a longer time to heal.  The excision is pretty basic, especially if the gland is not too large.  The lipo, as I understand it, causes a lot of internal trauma.  You are extracting fat cells from your body.  That's where the bruising and the bleeding comes from.  I had a little bruising which I think is probably primarily from the lipo. 

All I am saying is that is that it's not a cake walk.  If you think you need, of course you should do it at the same time. 

Offline FreeinVegas

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I had my procedure last Friday with no excision - just lipo and ultrasonic assisted lipo.  I can verify that they definitely cause a lot of swelling and bruising.  I didn't expect anything different.  Afterall, someone jabbed metal rods around under my skin for almost 2 hours.  However, this bruising is already starting to clear away and will be long gone before I ever lose this compression vest.  So it's no biggy.  I also took my last pain meds on Saturday night (1 day after the procedure).  I guess my point is that yes, lipo does a number on you, but I don't think you're gonna be doing anything really physically demanding for a few days after an excision either.

I was also dreading wearing this vest for the next 3 weeks because it was so tight and kept riding up and irritating my neck and underarms.  I didn't realize though that I was "100% swollen" (according to my PS at my followup appt on Tuesday) and now that it's began to go down, the vest is much more comfortable.

My PS suggested not doing an excision simply for the scar it leaves.  Everyone is different though.  To me, I was more interested in going lipo only because cutting on the areola can be every bit as risky - ie losing sensation or getting nerve damage.  I was also kinda freaked out about having drains sticking out of my chest.  But that's my point, everyone has different variables that go into it.  If I'm not happy w/ my results, I still have the excision option.  I guess I felt it better to see what the lipo could do first and then it'll paint a better picture for the PS if I want excision later. 

I feel like I could ramble on all day about this, so I'll shut up now.

Offline booty_frijoles

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Anonymous - I have definitely been looking into jeffords but I didn't know how skilled he was at this surgery. It would also be alot more convenient, but I'm also trying to look at the price. I may have to visit him for a consult. Also, just a old are you? I'm 18, finishing up my first year in college. I plan to probably take out a small student loan, payoff part of it, then finance the rest since I am doing this without my parents knowing. Unfortunately since I am young I don't really have any credit, so idk if I'd get financed. Any ideas anyone?


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