Author Topic: Gyne completely goes away when nipples erect  (Read 11772 times)

Offline gyneco-nasty-uh

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I have a mild case of gynecomastia; noticably large, puffy nipples, but no real "breast" development aside from that. I have a mild case of hypogonadism as well (I appear mostly normal but am slightly underdeveloped), and believe this is what the gyne comes from.

However, whenever my nipples are erect, either from strenuous exercise/working out, or just from cold weather, they look *perfect*-- you'd never have any idea I have gyne at all. In fact, if there was some way for my nipples to stay that way all the time, I wouldn't even know it myself. The proportions, shape, profile, etc., all look exactly as I think they should. It's only when they're no longer erect that gyne is visible.

Is this just a normal part of gyne? Does everyone with the puffy nipple thing notice this? Obviously if your gyne has given you actual breasts this wouldn't really apply, but fort hose of you that just have the puffy nipples, I wonder if this is common.

Offline bedders

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Yes mate I have the same as you. Unfortunately there is no way to just stimulate the nipples to stay small and hard full time. And unfortunatly it costs as much to get rid  of puffy nipples as it does full on breasts :( (isn't stopping me doing it though).

Offline strikerzebra

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Yep i got that to :( , had it since I was about 12, I'm nearly 17 now. . the doctors said wait till I'm 18 till I think about surgery

Offline Javier

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Yeah, I had the same problem too. I'd pinch my nipples every few minutes when I was on my school trip and spent a week on the beach. Had the surgery yesterday and the surgeon took out the gland and a little bit of fat as well, and even though I have a bandages on it looks way better, almost perfect. Now all I have to do is lose some 15 lbs (I'm at 160 now)

Offline IlluminaZero

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Yes, I'm like that too.. Still irritates the hell out of me though. I've become a master of taking into consideration weather's effects on my breasts as well.   ;)

Actually, it was because of this that many people dismissed the idea that I had Gynecomastia... Told me that people with Gynecomastia have full blown breasts, and that all I needed to do was do more push ups to get rid of the excess fat.  >:( I had a mammorgram though, so i'm pretty positive NOW at least.

Surgery still costs the same for dudes like us? I was somewhat hoping that it would be somewhat cheaper... I just want the damn gland removed.

I believe the most irritating thing is being able to flex the pectoral muscles and see the mass just hang out there.

I was surprised to find this on Dr. Bermant's site.
« Last Edit: September 03, 2005, 10:13:52 AM by IlluminaZero »

Offline oleoze

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Yes! My left nipple is like that, i also have a minor gyne but when its cold and i look at my left one ITS PERFECT! But my right one, oh dear, and thats the problem with me, to have one perfect and one whos not, it can tear you apart.

On another forum i heard a guy who came up with an idea, he was 15years old tho, but he was so happy because he used Glue on the nipples then they would stayt like that :P.

Offline b

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same problem here guys :(

No clue how it comes and if it will leave...

Offline manic91m9

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yeah me too. i wonder if having a particularly low body fat level makes surgery easier, im 5'11" and 155lbs and more of a solid build if that makes sense.

Offline teddow

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hey javier how much was it to take out the gland???  are you in pain?

Offline nothingworse

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Gyne doesn't completely go away when nipples are erect. When my nipples are erect I have all gland though they still appear as small breasts and thats because even though they are stimulated and relaxed the gland still has the breast pushed out a little making it not appear totally flat. So there still is a little gyne. The only thing that will correct that is getting rid of the gland and fat. One of my friends has a mild case of gyne and he came to school and his nipples were erect you could see it through his shirt and it still looked like he had minor gyne. Not much though and not something most people would glance twice at. Gyne is completely gone when it is removed.


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