Author Topic: Gyne and Finasteride  (Read 4876 times)

Offline badnews

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Hello all, new to these boards and I have identified that I indeed have gyne.  I believe that the reason for my gyne is the result of finasteride use for hair loss.  The finasteride has worked very well on my hair, very grateful for that, however what it did to my chest...I'm not so pleased with.  
As a newb, I've searched the posts and have come up with no answers yet.  I plan on having the sugery soon.  But, post op am I still able to take finasteride without the chance of my gyne returning?  My logic being if the gland is removed, what can be stimulated to bring back the gyne?
Also what is the difference between glandular tissue and fat tissue?
In my pecs I feel small oblong, bean shaped masses behing my nips, is that glandular?  Any input would be awesome! ;)

Offline nope1

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Keep searching the other threads, there is a lot on this topic.

I got gyne from finasteride as well, already had the surgery.  Basically, yes the gyne can technically come back after surgery.  The surgeon is supposed to take enough of the gland out so that its basically ALL gone, but the problem is, they have to leave a tiny bit so the nipple doesn't die.  So although the chances of gyne coming back aren't great, it completely can happen, but I don't know how common or uncommon that would be.  

I suggest you just switch to rogaine like I did.  It works even better than finasteride and it works even on the front hairline, although they say it doesn't, trust me, it does.  

Glandular tissue is the hard masses behind your nips that you describe, fat tissue is just simply fat, like any fat on your body, its soft.  Gyne from drugs usually is mainly gland and not much fat, although I had a bit of both, but mainly hard gland.

Basically, get the op, take rogaine, because the gyne does have a chance of returning.

Offline badnews

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hmmm, understood.  thankyou for your non-flaming reply  :D  Also, what about using nolvadex intermitently to prevent gyne from returning while using finasteride  ???  ( I realized that there are some who lose hair while on nolvadex, I'm not one of them though)

Offline orrible

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  • Previously stonecold... 9.11.05 Surgery Levick
Nope1:- who did your surgery and are you now back to how you were pre fin? thanks

badnews id lose the fin and any other dht internals. Being bald sucks, but having gyno is much worse.

Offline hypo

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Stonecold this is a paste of a post I made some time ago regarding Propecia.

All you need to know about propecia.  You should not touch this drug with a barge pole!!!  
Many men are suffering from the side effects of propecia and Proscar.  

The problems caused by propecia are much higher than the statistics quoted by the pharmaceutical manufacturers.  
The principle ingredient in propecia is finasteride and finasteride was first used in the treatment of prostate cancer to chemically castrate men.  
This is why one of the labeled side effects is lowered libido.  
Finasteride lowers the potent male androgen dihydrotestosterone.    
In doing this it can cause;  
gynecomastia, loss of musculature, fatigue/lethargy, lowered libido, erection difficulties.  
In some men these problems are permanent and the drug causes a form of hypogonadism that is very difficult to treat as explained by one of the worlds leading endocrinologists below  
Below is what Eugene Shippen, one of the worlds leading experts on hypogonadism has to say about propecia and Proscar.  
Finisteride (propecia-Proscar)  
From: Eugene Shippen, M. D.  
Date: 5/15/01  
Time: 3:42:23 PM  
Remote Name:  
I have become aware of a growing number of young men who started to take propecia for male pattern baldness. After relatively short intervals these men develop full symptoms of hypogonadism: decreased libido, sexual dysfunction, ED, fatigue, gynecomastia and depression. Testing shows low T and DHT, high E2, low or normal FSH/LH and normal prolactin. What is really troubling is the lack of response to T replacement, clomiphene stimulation, HCG injections. There may be significant increase in T after various methods of increasing it, but the response in all areas seems to be lacking entirely! If anyone has patients with these complaints after finisteride, please let me know as I am collecting case histories of this serious, though uncommon problem. Also, anyone who has had success with treatment, let me know at:  

The condition is male pattern balding isn't it.  It doesn’t occur in children or women because they are not men.  In using finasteride you are chemically lowering one of the chemicals that makes you male- not a good idea!!!    

Stonecold it would be a very good idea to see an endocrinologist having discontinued the drug, that way you can find out how your hormones are.

It would not make sense to have a surgical procedure if your hormones are not ok without getting them sorted out via medication of some sort or another otherwise it may re-develop.

If you tell me where you live I'll try and get you the details of qualified endocrinologists who can help.

Offline nope1

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hmmm, understood.  thankyou for your non-flaming reply  :D  Also, what about using nolvadex intermitently to prevent gyne from returning while using finasteride  ???  ( I realized that there are some who lose hair while on nolvadex, I'm not one of them though)

Bad idea.  Don't screw with your hormones.  Follow that general rule and you will be fine.

Offline nope1

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Nope1:- who did your surgery and are you now back to how you were pre fin? thanks

badnews id lose the fin and any other dht internals. Being bald sucks, but having gyno is much worse.

Surgery done by Dr. Assad in Ontario, (excision only) 8 months ago.  I just had the lipo done 1 week ago by Dr. Fielding in Toronto.  I was not back to pre-fin yet and I still am not with all the swelling from the op and such.  But I should be fine in a couple weeks   ;D


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