Author Topic: Gynecomastia 4 weeks post op scar tissue, lumps behind nipples?  (Read 1298 times)

Offline Valchase93

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Dear gyno brothers i have recently had gyno surgery 4 weeks ago. I had alot of swelling the first two weeks especially on the right hand side a hematoma which has been squeezed out. Both sides have healed down rather quickly now, Except now i have these hard discs underneath my nipples which seem to be getting larger. My surgeon is very helpful & i get along with him, he states they are blood clots & will dissapear within 8 weeks. However i would like a second opinion & a third if needed, I am worried that this is left over gland progressing again but he removed the size of a golf ball out & i was completley flat after my drains were removed! The other thing is im worried it could just be scar tissue that will take along time to go away & i would be happy to receive kenalong injections but my surgeon claims its not needed. Any advice would be greatly appreciated i know its only early days but i am not content with waiting a full year for the results as i have invested alot of money into this, I want fast results & i compete as an amature mma fighter i dont want to take to much time off. I perharps may have underestimated the recovery process. I would also like to note all my hormones are in check & my liver & thyroid are functioning well. 

Thankyou & kind regards Val

Offline Valchase93

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Hey bro happy you got the surgery done! Interesting to see how many people get the scar tissue mine is hard down the bottom too but soft up the top where i had the drains, Not too worried about gland anymore as i have so many scripts for aromasin & raloxifene that i can stop any growth dead in its tracks im running im running each just untill im fully healed now! guess i just gotta wait it out. good luck with the rest of your recovery! 

Offline Valchase93

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My surgeon gave me a script for aromatase inhibitors & serms because mine was from prior drug use. I would get scripts for an aromatase inhibitor & a serm if I was you just incase it ever flairs up you can prevent it straight away. If you dont take anything you should be fine but better to be on the safe side & never have to fork out the money for a second op! By the way raloxifene is the strongest at binding at the receptors apparently with the least side effects.

Offline Valchase93

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Yeah bro yours should be stable have you had blood work done? its is rare to come back! but guys that get it are always prone even excess alcohol & too much caffeine or certain medications can cause it. i wouldnt worry but if i was in your shoes i would get ahold of some Tamoxifen for any sensitivity like itchiness, pulsating or lumps forming again Take that straight away it will bind to the receptors in the nipples & stop it from growing. remember these are preventative drugs they can not fully reverse gyno simply prevent it. Now i am not a doc but i do know about these drugs & i doubt your plastic surgeon will prescribe em to you, you will need a GP who understands concerns.


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