Author Topic: Is it gynecomastia, please help.  (Read 2277 times)

Offline JAKE77

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HI, thanks for reading this, for the past 4 years now I believe i have been suffering with Gynecomastia, I remember it first happening when one morning i put a t-shirt on and my left and right chest was swollen and my nipples really stuck out, just thinking it was some extra weight i had gained I put up with it for 2 months before going to see my doctor.
I showed him my chest and explained that it appeared swollen and my nipples looked puffy, he checked it over like they do and assured me it wasn't, he asked if i lifted weights, and i answered yes and he said well its just muscle.
I can tell it isn't just muscle as it looks flabby or puffy around the nipple area and sticks out. The left is worse than right and i began to believe the doctor and thought ok its not Gyne so why is my left chest so swollen, I made another appointment with a different doctor telling them my left pec was swollen, they said there was nothing wrong.

To cut along story short I have been back and forth to the doctor's about 8 times over the past 4 years with this problem and anxiety that i believe this condition has caused, it is really getting me down and depressed, I haven't worn just a t-shirt in over 3 years as i worry people will notice and not a day goes by i don't think about it.

When i feel around the nipple areas it feels abit fatty and sometimes if my nipples are semi hard i can feel half a disk like a c shape around the top of my nipple and abit less on the right nipple.
I am convinced i have this condition, though i try to convince myself i haven't and i believe the doctors know i have it but because its mild they wont aknowledge it.

I also got a ultrasound scan done this year in january for the swelling in my left chest and the doctor said there was nothing out of the usual, they were not searchng for Gynecomastia but any muscle damage, but surely it would pic it up wouldn't it, he ran the scanner over my nipple area about four times and said he couldnt see any problems.

Im not sure what could have caused this, I was suffering with deppression and anxiety 2 years before this problem and was given anti anxiety medication, this may of caused it. I also used whey protein powder and creatine(only used a small amount of this).

I am really getting down about it and dont know what to do, im going to book another doctors appointment and get them to check again if its Gynecomastia as i just cant live with this anymore it's driving me nuts, im 30 and got this problem at 26 and i just keep telling myself its just fat and i can burn it off but i dont think its going anywhere.
Why would the doctors not tell me it's Gynecomastia if i do have this, would it be to save money, would they do that.

Please can someone tell me what they think, does it sound like Gynecomastia, im 11 1/2 stone i keep myself in shape and exercise, over the past 3 years ive watched what i eat, but no results.

I did bulk up to gain weight before this problem using whey powder and eating anything i could, so i did get abit out of shape, ive often wondered if its just stubborn fat from that and some running could burn it off, i dont know though very confused, what does Gynecomastia feel like to have and touch.

I would really appreciate some help, thanks for taking the time to read this.

Offline Paa_Paw

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You've had the condition for over 4 years and seen the Doctors many times, but this is your first post here and you come on as desperate.

My first suggestion is that you sit down, inhale deeply and simply get control of yourself.

I would usually tell someone who had seen one Doctor and been told there was nothing wrong would be to get another opinion.  You have already done that and you have had other diagnostic tests as well. Everything has come out normal.

Either you have the condition and a legion of health care professionals have missed it for four years; Or you have something totally different which could be actually much worse. My bet is on the latter.

Make another appointment, this time with a Psychologist skilled in the treatment of BDD or Body Dysmorphic Disorder.

Please don't think I am trying to make light of your situation, I would not do that. The Psychologist can help you with BDD or get you apropriate help if your problem is Gynecomastia. Either way, you will be better off.
Grandpa Dan

Offline headheldhigh01

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if you have half a disk, it's not bdd, it's gyne.  once you know that, you just decide if you can live with it or not.  if not, start looking into an op. 

most docs really don't know much about gyne unless it's the "it'll probably go away on its own line," which is no use to those for whom it doesn't.
* a man is more than a body will ever tell
* if it screws up your life the same, is there really any such thing as "mild" gyne?

Offline JAKE77

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Thanks for replies, sorry for the ranting it's just been bothering me for 4 years and I guess I'm confused as to what it could be and I keep coming back to this condition.
I have got a second oppinion from a freind and it isn't in my head it's definatly there so something isn't right. I just feel I'm running out of options and don't know what to do about it.

As there's people on here with the same problems I was just looking for advice on the steps to take.

Thanks again.

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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Post a few pics dude...  Front, LHS and RHS...

Surgery: February 16, 2005. - Toronto, Ontario Canada.
Surgeon: Dr. John Craig Fielding   M.D.   F.R.C.S. (C) (416.766.8890)
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