Author Topic: Gynecomastia surgery in Bangalore  (Read 2685 times)


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Hello guys,
            I am 28 years old now and live in Bangalore India. I've had gynecomastia since puberty.  when I was in high school doctor told me that there is chance that it might go away naturally as I grow up and hormones are balanced. But it still remains.
            I could never take off my shirt or go swimming because of this and I always felt like a mutant. In fact I still haven't learnt to swim.
            I found out about surgical options a couple of years ago, but was too scared to go ahead with it. But after reading several stories and seeing hundreds of  pre and post op pictures I was  encouraged and decided to see a surgeon.

            I searched for surgeaons in bangalore and found a few names that were talked about on various forums.

1. Anatheshwar (MANIPAL hospital)
2. Naveen Rao (APPOLO hospital)
3. Mysore Venkatesh (has his own cosmetic clinic)

After a lot of research I decided to go with doctor Dr. Naveen Rao as he hasimpressive credentials and background in breast reduction and gynecamastia surgeries.

FIRST consultation
        On my first visit Dr Naveen Rao explained to me the various category of gynecomastia (which is based on severity of the condition)
- He then explained the causes of this condition and the various types of surgical treatments (excision ,liposuction, lipo + excision etc)
- He also explained that gynecomastia is not detrimental to physical health but rather could cause sociopsychological issues due to shyness, inhibition or sometimes depression.
_ he clearly outlined the risks involved and possible side effects of surgery if not done correctly
   1. scarring
   2. crater deformity
   3. uneven chest

I was diagnosed with type 2 B gynecomastia requiring lipo+excision.

He has asked me to think over it and get back to him if I decide to go ahead (provided I pass medical tests)

Dr. Naveen had deep insights into gynecomastia surgery who has undergone trainings in Germany, and also a registered surgeon with SAPS[USA]membership.

I am convinced to go ahead with him as he seems to understand what the final outcome should look like. I feel he understands what can go wrong in the surgery and will take appropriate measures to avoid those side effects. He also explained to me about Dr. Bermant technique of surgery which he practices.  So I have decided to go with Dr. Naveen.

In the coming weeks I will post follow-up details and also pics later when I go for surgery.

** Please note that all the comments above are my personal opinions and not intended to promote or malign any doctor or surgeon in any way.

Offline hyper

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hi MUTANT_CHEST... did u do the surgery? i'm very keen on knowing because i was considering approaching him.. so i want to know your feedback if u went through with it

Offline SR01

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Hi Guys ,

Please share ut email ID's
I am also doing research now...on gyno
i also met Naveen Rao ....i also know one friend who already gone through sergery and he is happy.
Naveen Rao is knowledge as my freinds words and result says
Still we can help each other.,,,'
if all of you already gone sergery then please advice me

Please mail me ...i will contact u

Offline Frustrated Patient

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I am glad you did not decide to go with Dr Mysore Venkatesh. I did a surgery through him 5 months back and  a horrible experience   My feedback is below

« Last Edit: November 16, 2015, 03:42:39 PM by Frustrated Patient »


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