Author Topic: gyne/scar tissue post op! read  (Read 8138 times)

Offline that1guy

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So here is my story. I am an athletic guy, played sports since I was a kid. Very confident about my looks and body. About two years ago I got gynecomastia at the age of 18/19 years old. Got the surgery for it done in early march of 2012, got the lipo as well as the excision. It looks better, but i got scar tissue as i was told by my surgeon when I went in for my post op interview. He told me to message and wear my vest (which i have done and continue to do)to decrease or break up the tissue. I read up on all this on the internet and saw that Kenalog was a way to get rid of my problem (scar tissue). But my surgeon said that does not work for this kind of scar tissue? bummed me out.. cause I've read that doctors use this injection for it quite commonly like Dr. Jacobs or Dr."removed doctor". When my nipples are hard it does not bother me but when they are not it bugs! definitely a confidence killer... just want to get back to the confidence person I was! So my questions are will kenalog work for me? or do i just got to wait and hope for the best.. Or is there another option? its like i have gyne still..

Offline xelnaga13

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I learned about kenalog from Dr. jacobs on this site. I have had 2 gyno surgeries, both with good immediate results. However, I am a prime example of post gyno surgery scar tissue build up.

My second surgeon gave me about 5-6 kenalog injections over as many months. It made a world of difference. It reduced my scar tissue to 5-10% of it's original size.

If I were you I would find another surgeon who is comfortable with kenalog. There's no reason why you should drop 5k to get gland removed only to live with having scars the same size.

Offline that1guy

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thanks for the reply! hearing that from another person is encouraging.I am going to find another doctor who is familiar with kenalog injections and get this done asap. Did you have any side effects? how long did you wait to get them done? @xelnaga13

Offline xelnaga13

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I waited about 3-4 months. Typically the surgeon wants you to wait 6+ months. Aside from a bit of pain I had no sides. The surgeon only does a very small amount each visit in order to prevent going to far and causing a divot.

Also,  Scar tissue is dense and the kenalog will not travel through it, so the surgeon has to use the needle to disperse it.  Basically this means he/she will have to inject while moving the needle in and out and side to side. The pain is minimal because you're dealing with scar tissue.

Offline that1guy

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yea i am just over 4 months.. that great news. glad you got your problem fixed! so im guessing you are very happy with the results then? how many months after the first injection did it  take to get the final results you wanted?

Offline xelnaga13

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Im 100 percent satisfied. I never thought it was possible. If I had the surgery and was left with the scar tissue build up/puffy nipples I would have been about 40%. The kenalog left my chest looking like a 10yr boy.

Offline that1guy

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that's exciting to hear man! that is exactly how i feel right now with the scar tissue and puffy nips.. I am very hopeful/convinced now that kenalog is that answer to my problem! im just ready to get my chest back to what is was.
i appreciate your replies i was getting pretty down on myself because of this whole dilemma. seeing success stories like yours is awesome

Offline xelnaga13

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I should also caution you that in some cases puffy nipples are caused by remaining glandular tissue rather than scars.

If your immediate results were flat, then weeks/months later they became puffy it's most likely scar tissue.

Offline wezzer

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Can I ask, is scar tissue permanent once it forms? I thought that after gyno surgery, as long as you continue wearing your vest and massage your chest every day that the scar tissue would go away. And other people have said that after 6 months, it just goes away on its own anyway. So can scar tissue actually be permanent? Surely this would make it a waste of time getting the surgery if it was


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