hiya guys,
Been scanning over this site for a while and its about time i joined! I'll give you some background and hopefully you can help me out with a few things:
I was healthy, active and perfectly normal guy untill about 12months ago when i developed mumps. At the time i was around 165lbs with a bodyfat of around 8-10% (was considered to be in good shape)at 5ft 9 and 25yrs old. Then i got a case of mumps which lead to severe ballache to put it bluntly (orchitis i think is the posh term) and since then i developed gyno and generally feel like crap. I went to the doc after a few months, at this point i just had a penny sized lump above one nipple. They werent concerned until if continued to grow over the next month and spread to another lump under the nipple as (led to puffy nipple a well) and i got sent to an endo. They did tests and got the following results (did around 3 but all came back very similar)
Testosterone - 19 (9-35) av for 25yr old = 23
estrogen - 54 (14-45) should be around 20-30 i believe
shbg - 68 (6-50) av for 25yr old = 33
free testoserone - 4.9
Slightly suprised test was actually ok as thought this was the problem but with SHBG being that high its using it all up. To put in perspective the free test levels of an 85-100yr old is 5.4 and for my age optimal is 9.3-26.5 with the average of 13.5. Combined with high estrogen clearly my ratio isn't too favourable. To combat the gyno i went on a 6month trial of tamoxifen (10mg for 2months and 20mg for 3months) which initially dulled the pain slightly but over the last few months it has now spread to the other breast and all lumps have grown and puffy nipples are getting like worse and now i have cones for a chest during the day.
I havent told anyone at all, no family/friends as i hate it so much - i cant bare to talk about it and the only person in the last 9months to see me topless is my endo. I broke up with a gf over it as i just couldnt face it. i have so little confidence now, its massively effecting my quality of life but NHS dont care and say its purely a cosmetic issue. Over the last 12months i have also lost a lot of muscle mass/strength on a gradual basis(benching gone from 140 to 80, squat 140 to 90) and have gained a lot of fat on love handles and chest. I've become 'rounder' and softer and i think this is down to high estrogen and non existant free testosterone - still around 165lbs but lost muslce and swapped it for fat it seems. I have poor memory/concentration at work, and tbh with a complete lack of libido i just dont feel too masculine anymore. Endo says estrogen doesnt matter in men and says she only has concerns about free test levels if they dip below 2.5 which seems a little abusrd!
Apologies for the length but a lot to get down. I welcome any advice and fire away with any questions