Author Topic: Help me choose a surgeon for Gyno surgery in Tijuana please!!  (Read 5460 times)

Offline Mpholguin

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I am traveling to Tijuana to get rid of my gyno once and for all! Tijuana is definitely in my price range too! I'm looking at Dr. Jaime Caloca or Dr. Jose Luis Salas? There's more reviews on Dr.Caloca so I feeling like I trust him more but Dr.Salas is price is incredibly cheaper! Half the price! But that also worries me...why is it so cheap?! Please let me know if you've had any experience with either of the two! Also is it procedure for Dr.Caloca to collect a $1000 reservation fee?


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When it comes to surgery, you are a fool when you put cost before quality and experiance! With surgery, ANY SURGERY, you are putting your life into someone else's hands, are you sure you want to put cost as the forefront on the decision here?

Now I know that this is not heart or brain surgery, but when ever you are put under there are risks!

It is your life, you have been put on notice! I have been through at least 6 major surgeries and have heard all the risk, never had this surgery, but I would never let cost be the determining factor of who I trust my life with.

I pray that all goes well for you!


Offline Cpnh78

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Honestly, I don't know your story,but I have to agree it seems very risky. Can I ask, what would the octal cost be or each of th doctors?

Offline Paa_Paw

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I live in Southern California and TJ has a reputation for a lot of things. None of them are good.
Grandpa Dan

Offline Mpholguin

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Why is everyone against getting the surgery in Mexico? And the cost for Dr.Caloca is $3000 and Dr. salas is $1500


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Because we care about are brothers here on the forum! We don't want to read about what went wrong with your surgery after it is done or worse yet never here from you because you are no long with us!

Offline Paa_Paw

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If you were to say you had heard about a highly respected Doctor in a major city in Mexico and by the way his rates are great too; I'd be happy for you.

What you said is that you're going to a filthy border town for cheap surgery. I fear for your welfare as a result.

Offline Cpnh78

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Obviously it your life and your decision, but I would seriously consider staying in the US. I hated my Gyno, but if I thought there was a real chance of something going wrong in surgery, I wouldn't have had my surgery. My life is worth more Than saving a couple grand.  Best of luck whatever you decide

Offline Herbert

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I wonder what type of facilities are used?  Are the sanitation standards the same or better than the U.S.?  What are infection rates for the facilities? Is health insurance still good in another county if something else goes wrong? If the end results is negative, what recourse do you have to available to resolve the issue(s).

Just a few thoughts. Wish you the best.

Offline Paa_Paw

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It is a mix. There were thriving civilixations in Mexico and the lands to the south when Europe was in the dark ages. The Spaiards did their best to wipe out those civilizations but elements of the past remain with some modern things as well. In the mix is a collection of the garbage and poverty you would expect to find in a border town almost anywhere. There are a few excellent places to eat and a lot of places where eating is a hazard. I would not drink anything not given me in a sealed bottle.

Drugs requiring a prescription in the US are available over the counter at low cost in most Mexican border towns. Pharmacies dot every street with several in a block sometimes. Some drugs are of dubious content.

While there may be good clinics to be found, I don't know of any.  The locals who can afford it cross into the US for medical care.

Several years ago, my Doctor in San Bernardino, CA remodeled his office. The old fixtures were worthless here in the US, but of value south of the border. That, in itself, tells you a lot.

Offline Mpholguin

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I have been thinking a lot about what has been said and it has made me think twice but I feel desperate to solve my issue. I just find it hard to believe you can't find quality care in Mexico...I've seen members on here who do go to Mexico and that's where I got the idea from. To me it seems like a very minor procedure. And it's almost like I'd rather risk it then have gyno.


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As Paa_Paw said, in Mexico City you would probably do fine with a good well known doctor, but in the duty border town of Tijuana, NO!

I was in the Navy, and while in the Navy we were always given list of where it was good to go and were not to go! Tijuana was always and still is a no go!

Offline Herbert

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Base on what I have observed from reading most of the comments listed on this site, It is best to obtain the services of a board certified plastic surgeon that specializes in gynecomastia.  Also, the chances of getting the best results are the first surgery.  Revision surgeries just add additional emotional and financial cost.   

Personally, I do not plan to have surgery to correct my moderate gynecomastia issue.  If I did, I would want to find the best doctor and facilities to get the job done right the first time around.

It appears the older members (over 50) are responding and have chosen not to have surgery for one reason or another.  We have a lot of experiences from our different walks (struggles) through life. We are not against surgery and desire the best for those that choose to do so.

Best wishes on what direction you decide to go. Patience is a virtue.  Do your homework before taking the next step.

Offline Cpnh78

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I am 35 and just had the surgery 2.5 weeks ago. Best thing I ever did, with I had one it years ago! 

Offline Herbert

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Sorry to include you in the older group.  I am glad you are please with your surgery results and hope you continue a quick recovery. 


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