Author Topic: Help needed  (Read 3109 times)

Offline Johnmay

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Dear friends im 25 y old and i suffer from gynecomastia 10 y now. I have a gyn only on my left chest which is much much bigger. I went for consultation for both smart lipo and liposuction. When i went home i was very sad :-\ because firstly i didnt knew what is the best solution for me and second they didny gave me confidence and expectation that my left chest will be like my right one. On smartlipo consultation the doctor told me that he cannot tell me what to expect and that depends on each person reaction ( true ??? ???). Anyway he told me an expectaton of improvement of 25 - 75%. On the other hand in consultation with the nurse from a cosmetic firm we didnt discuss a lot about expectations since she didnt know well to tell me but she wasnt very "warm" to tell me for example yes dont worry you will be fine. I dont know what to do. I have read some posts of the usefull website (congrats for the maker) that the surgeon makes the results. Dunno my i am very doubtfull and worried that the problem will remain  i dont know what is the best move. Any suggestions please.
Do you know prices for unilaterall gynecomastia ( on one chest)  since is cheaper that the bilateral.

Thanks in advance


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Dear friends im 25 y old and i suffer from gynecomastia 10 y now. I have a gyn only on my left chest which is much much bigger. I went for consultation for both smart lipo and liposuction. When i went home i was very sad :-\ because firstly i didnt knew what is the best solution for me and second they didny gave me confidence and expectation that my left chest will be like my right one. On smartlipo consultation the doctor told me that he cannot tell me what to expect and that depends on each person reaction ( true ??? ???). Anyway he told me an expectaton of improvement of 25 - 75%. On the other hand in consultation with the nurse from a cosmetic firm we didnt discuss a lot about expectations since she didnt know well to tell me but she wasnt very "warm" to tell me for example yes dont worry you will be fine. I dont know what to do. I have read some posts of the usefull website (congrats for the maker) that the surgeon makes the results. Dunno my i am very doubtfull and worried that the problem will remain  i dont know what is the best move. Any suggestions please.
Do you know prices for unilaterall gynecomastia ( on one chest)  since is cheaper that the bilateral.
Thanks in advance
Liposuction does not manage the gland component of gynecomastia.  I have seen so many other doctors' patients unhappy after failure of liposuction alone treatment of gynecomastia

One sided or Unilateral) surgery is the ultimate in trying to make perfection since it can be very demanding to make a surgical site look like no surgery has been performed. You can see typical swelling after my unilateral one sided surgery here. And here is another example of my one sided sculpture.

I see many patients with asymmetrical gynecomastia. Actually it is quite common for the two sides to be different in size.  It is less common for one side to be large and the other have no problem at all.  Price of surgery depends on the problem to be treated.  Jane is my office manager and can better explain costs.  She can normally be reached at our office by phone Monday - Friday 9-5 Eastern Time at (804) 748-7737.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Gynecomastia and Chest Sculpture

Offline NIN0808

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Where are you located ?

Offline Johnmay

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from UK ...

Offline NIN0808

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Bottom line: If you have REAL gyno you will have a hard tissue on your chest. Lipo ONLy CANNOT remove this.
Your chest will look smaller but it will still have gyno .

Offline headheldhigh01

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the price might be a little less, but only partly since you still have to pay the anesthesia costs etc.  have you looked into any of the surgeons discussed on the uk/local section of these boards?   people have had successful unilateral ops, they might not be flawless, but in most cases if the ps knows what he's doing it'll still be a considerable improvement and maybe more.  they're not going to want to promise you 100% because then you'd be unhappy even if it was only 90%. 
* a man is more than a body will ever tell
* if it screws up your life the same, is there really any such thing as "mild" gyne?

Offline DrCALOCA

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Dr.Dr.Jaime Caloca Jr.
Board Certified Plastic Surgeon
(619) 734-2290


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